It's a "Dean and Sam burn the wrong corpse causing the Ghost to kill more people" episode

>It's a "Dean and Sam burn the wrong corpse causing the Ghost to kill more people" episode.
When will they fucking learn?

I love this show. Can we have a thread about it with a lot of replies?


>it's an Allastair Episode

Let's not.

>It's an "Angels have a plan for the greater good but Sam and Dean won't sacrifice even 1 life" episode.

>its a "one of the brothers makes a deal to save the other brother and the brother who is saved is mad at the brother who made the deal for a few episodes" episode

>it's a 47 years old jensen ackles plays a 28 years old guy episode

>It's an angel episode

That's literally every ghost episode

Actually, Dean's age is canonically only 8 months younger than Jensen's. The most recent season showed a file that said he was 39.

>It's a Cas saying/watching sexual stuff and Dean shooting him disbelieving stares.

>It's a Castiel has lost his epic powers that resolve situations easily episode.

I unironically like this show.
It always bounces back and forth between kino and shit, never seen a show get so shit and so good season to season. (Usually once a show goes shit it stays shit)

Oh alright.

I stopped watching when they killed god what other dumb shit have they done since then?

This post gave me PTSD

>It's a "Charlie is a lesbian, do you see it? See how lesbians she is?!" episode

Even when it's shit it's still kino somehow. The chemistry between the actors is just too good

>It's a Sam kills Deans daughter in front of him and the literally never bring it up afterwards episode

>it's a crowley gets too cocky and gets btfo by lucifer yet again episode

He's alive though he just disappeared with his sister

>the we released a new apocalyptic event stoping the other apocalyptic event season

when will it stop

Jessica Chastain and second best Emma

>It's a "failed pilot for a spin-off series" episode
I laugh errytime

>It's a "We just lost half our crew to the writer's strike, better recast half the characters" episode.

>it's an episode past season 5

ayy lmao

is this like the vampire diaries but without the hot girls

What's the power creep like in this show? Last I heard both of the brothers had been to both heaven and hell and back like 5 times each

Have they just killed God at this point?

I don't know how people can watch past the fifth season. I'm sure there's the odd monster of the week episode that's good, but it can't be worth dealing with the increasingly shit overarching plot or the by the numbers filler episodes.

It makes no fucking sense mate there is no consistent logic
God is fine he just disappeared with his sister which was stupid because that made an entire season so easily solved and pointless
But God is generally used as a cheat code for power boost usually something he left behind, but also magic spells are used a lot

I loved this during s01-s05. Up there with X-Files and Buffy in the holy trinity of top comfyness and rewatchability.

I remember dropping it at the season after the leviathan plot, a finale with some meteor shower or some shit. Is it even worth continuing?

The Musical Episode
The one where Dean fights Cain
And the one from the perspective of the Impala are pretty great

Leviathan was a definite low point but its not nearly as good

I clapped when Charlie died
>Dean I couldve fucked an elf or something made me boil with rage

>Castiel is shown to be not damaged by being hit
>Gets beaten by a human with brass knuckles seasons later despite being an angel
Fucking idiot writers

>it's another it's low budget and we always see everyone in their human form and more towns and forests episode
This show needs to end. It seems too low budget for its popularity.

>It's a "The next season's boss is a nephilim, which is somehow stronger than God's sister" episode

This bothered me a lot and even worse is the way they try to explain it