Hey Sup Forums my friend wants to debate me tomorrow. He says I'd be better off picking Johnson over Trump. What are some arguments I can use against him?
Hey Sup Forums my friend wants to debate me tomorrow. He says I'd be better off picking Johnson over Trump...
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Johnson is the Koch Brothers Kuck that's up this election since they didn't get to control the Republican nominee.
"Grow up"
Alternatively, am I better off picking Johnson? Why or why not?
The only semi-credible thing any Johnson supporter can say is that it is showing the establishment that they are losing voters and that, MAYBE, in about a century they will no longer be in power.
Well who gives a shit about a century when Hillary will have fucked us into Civil War 2.0 by then?
You mean besides the fact that Johnson will lose?
The US "Libertarian" party, and Gary Johnson in particular, are fucking insane:
I'm looking for points against policy, particularly immigration
Third party candidates cannot win a general election. Voting for Johnson is like adding a single grain of pepper to a swimming pool full of sand.
doesnt get much better than this
Gary is a shill.
Gary threw away the antique gun Petersen gave him as a gift when he endorsed him.
Gary is a phoney libertarian.
Gary wants to force businesses to provide services, the exact opposite of libertarianism.
The Libertarian Party is officially an establishment party and most likely controlled opposition.
Gary is a butthurt faggot and a gun-grabbing, open borders, pro-Hillary, liberal shill. Anyone seriously considering voting for him should kill themselves immediately.
Here you go my friend. Explains it all
Believe it or not, Gary Johnson is probably worse on immigration than even Hillary
calling my opponent a cuck always worked for me.
Sup Forums is better off under anyone but Trump.
Call him a cuck.
And then tell him to stop being such a faggot.
Eat shit and die Canada, fucking leaf
Johnson supports the TPP
>implying porn isn't a deterrent to personal development
Posting porn shit and thinks that's helps with Sup Forums.
Fuck off degenerate.
It is "literally" impossible for someone other than Hillary or Trump to get elected this election cycle.
America is a two party system for a reason, the majority of institutions in the USA, which have amassed a combination of money, infrastructure, media outlets, will only give these resources towards Democratic or Republican candidates to obtain political office.
Name the last election that was won by someone who wasn't one of the two major political parties. Exactly.
Literally the only reason to vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stein is to signal to your suburban friends that you are an enlightened individual, who is so much smarter than the average cattle-stock of Americans who simply do what the media tells them.
The mass majority of Americans gladly vote for their president, strictly on what letter is beside their name, R or D. Tell your friend to stop being such a LARPing faggot and pick a side, or fuck off. The TV personality or the corrupt politician. That's all you get.
Sup Forums may not exist if Trump cracks down on this. Being able to post images without registration means some porn gets through.
Gary's for subsidized international trade, invalidating him as a libertarian. Splitting the vote for a non-libertarian candidate is handing the election to Clinton. Ask him why he liberals should vote for Jill Stein
How about letting people decide that for themselves?
Sorry, no argumetnts exists. Trump and Hillary are so bad that almost anyone makes sense.
Stay mad americuck
Call him a faggot. If that doesn't work call him a cuck. If that doesn't work, just shit your pants and wait for him to leave.
Johnson supports verifiably non libertarian programs is a cuck on the boarders and has no chance of changing what's wrong with this country, namely the rising brown tide of people who are incompatible with classic liberalism
Anyone who will open the boarders BEFORE disposing of the welfare state is pure evil, hands down.
Give me a simple explanation as to why top is bad exactly
Sweden giving up, nothing new here
Gary "Open the Borders and Throw Away the Guns, but at Least There Is Weed lol" Johnson?
Fuck that Poz cuck faggot with an M1 Abrams
Johnson has publicly supported the TPP
Weld is a Council of Foreign Relations member, which is an illuminati system (there are lots of systems, Bilderberg, CFR, Council of 13, etc). I do not trust a CFR member manipulating our president
Johnson has no chance of winning. His only purpose is to pull votes from the Republicans and make the democrats win