This is a Raven matrices IQ test, while these are not the full picture into your IQ (as full IQ tests have verbal, and aural sections) it can be a snapshot into the range of your IQ.
Post yours.
This is a Raven matrices IQ test, while these are not the full picture into your IQ (as full IQ tests have verbal, and aural sections) it can be a snapshot into the range of your IQ.
Post yours.
Internet IQ tests are 20 higher than real IQ tests. It a marketing ploy that makes people of average intelligence more likely to share the link and pull in more potential ad clickers.
You do realize this is part of the Danish Mensa Website right?
There are no adds, there are no links for you to buy a real IQ test.
Nothing about this is one of ad baity shit,
You didn't even bother fucking clicking the link.
142 on an actual IQ test. Not sure how they compare.
I don't think they have ads. Its actually a genuinely hard test so if they just wanted to make you click shit they would probably make it easier.
well like I said these are snapchat since they are just Raven matrices
I said snapchat ayy lmoa
I meant snapshot
Found the low IQ retard
I'm voting for Hillary.
Also, why are there so many buttholes in the background?
By the way my test was the one I posted on OP.
If you think spelling errors have much to do with intelligence, I'm afraid yours is pretty low.
Found the offended redditor.
Are you one of those dudes who rages hard on Sup Forums when threads don't go his way? I fucking love those type of guys!
Your emotional IQ is in the shitter too.
rate me pol.
>Your emotional IQ
wait you think emotional IQ is a thing?
At least I am honest
hey that's higher than average.
actually no, 7 points higher than 100 is decent on IQ terms.
I'm not very good at these. I scored a lot lower, two SDs, than I did on a full IQ test or on various standardized tests known to correlate with IQ. I guess this type of pattern recognition just isn't my thing.
get on my level ho
Is this considered spatial math or what?
I scored 107. For comparison, my IQ was 141 as a kid and I recently scored 750 on the GMAT. This was actually very hard for me. I finished with ten minutes to spare, but I basically had no idea what was going on the last half of the test.
I scored 83 (SD15) in a real life test back in the day so I'm not sure if I can exactly rely on these results, it's just pattern recognition after all.
I call b.s. on this test (I got 112). All of you Peggy Hill's enjoy your false scores.
107, I feel retarded. Regardless I answered one question differently and scored 134 on my second attempt; not sure if accurate.
Same here, perhaps we excel in verbal IQ.
This Raven matrices test for logical fluid intelligence, which in modern psycho metrics is the G factor, which inter-connected to other types of intelligences.
Full IQ tests also test for verbal intelligence.
you're lying.
mine is high enough not to trust an online IQ test
These are Raven matrices, they are accurate regardless of medium.
Also this is made my the Danish Mensa team, which means their methods are accurate.
You're ignorant and you think you know so much.
Also as I said, these are not a full IQ test, just a snapshot of them.
BTW real IQ tests use raven matrices.
>tfw massive fucking retard
these tests always make me feel like shit. fuck you, OP
Subhuman nigger detected
>IQ below 79
>Voting for Hillary
>Seeing butt(holes)
Nigger detected.
I'm white.
Thanks for Correcting That Record™
Oh fuck I just realized I'm mensa. What happened? I thought the barrier of entry was like 150+?
They lower the bar based on... everything happening in the world today?
This is like when Goku could only reach God mode when 5 other Saiyans put their faith in him. Feels like I didn't earn it.
How did they norm it?
Nah, it's always been top 98% m8.
Does anyone know where I can get a legit one?
I don't know any psychologists nor do I want to pay for the mensa one because they don't give you a number, but just whether you qualified for mensa or not.
When I did an IQ test it was a couple hours one-on-one with a psychologist.
>verbal IQ.
When I went to get evaluated for ADHD I'm pretty sure they had me do an IQ test. I scored really high for the verbal aspect (and one other thing) but pretty shit for the 'math' type questions.
110 is what I came out at. I think.
Where did you find out about the psychologist?
I got a free IQ test after I set a floor filled with spiders on fire after dousing them on gasoline first. If you can't find any spiders, try doing something that draws interest from mental healthcare professionals.
You can also have one made at a psychiatrist if you request one, but that might cost currency.
sounds about right desu
I know this is higher than a lot of you in this thread, but I still feel like I fucked up. I guessed on like 7 or 8 of them cause time was running out. I'd like to do them again with unlimited time though, the puzzles were actually challenging unlike most of these IQ test things.
My school noticed I was a weirdo. I was like 12.
118 with a 10 minute break half way through.
>tfw retarded
The answers are available online, you pathetic faggots.
Well, I got tested at elementary school too and I got placed into a gifted program.
The thing is, they didn't give me the number.
Do they keep these things on file somewhere?
And as far as the psychiatrist goes, where do people go to meet them?
I feel like googling the nearest psych people isn't the best method.
Had to be mentally evaluated by a psych for this job I applied for. Free IQ test.
Those fucking diagrams are fucking shit. I've never seen actual intelligence reflected by them, and there are totally fucking useless in real life
I'd look for one that specializes in cognitive testing. IQ testing would be a small part of that.
I don't think they are useless, but I doubt they are the best estimate of G. Sounds like Mensa fudlore.
Depends, you can either meet them up yourself or you'll get assigned one if people think you need treatment. And googling them and meeting them is a great idea, considering you can choose the person you confide in after meeting several.
so why do real IQ tests use them?
Are you not able to critically think about the fact that the same type of thinking these test for ( fluid intelligence) is the same as many IRL tasks require?
>mexican intellectuals
thanks for the tips.
And I don't think I need treatment. Not yet anyway kek
110 but I just rushed through it. Didn't have the patience for the later ones and finished with like 15 minutes left. But I had no fucking clue what the later patterns were and now I feel stupid.
nice, 110 is good , and your range could be up to 10 higher than that since these are just a part of actual IQ testing.
If this reflects intelligence at all, it is pretty tangential
I took the test and got 105, but I know that I generally do much higher in other parts of IQ tests. I just don't see the point of them, and when the shapes get more complex I just see fog. Also I do not see any Earthly point in them. My brain only responds to things that could have possible use or possible relationship with the real world. These effeminately drawn random arrangements of shit mean very little to me I'm afraid. Still I've done extremely well in STAT tests, 99% in one and 98% in the other (they had few of these shit diagrams, more general knowledge, maths and logic questions)
but these diagrams are shit. I finished with 10 minutes left, couldn't be bothered with screenshotting because 105 sounds so fucking lame
Bullshit, I've done IQ tests and been always in the 130-145 range
Psychologists and people who make these sort of tests should be randomly killed
Yea same here, I got tired of doing it and rushed through the final 12 or so and finished with about 17 mins to go.
Got 110.
I did the test in 10 minutes and got 100. Should I have taken my time?
Those are neurons you fuckstain. Maybe the test is accurate.
I can't take the test. If I go to the website it just tells me to download something. I would take it if I could.
I took this into account when I scored 140. I really dont think I'm genius level, 120 at best, but it still gives a good idea of how well you react to new problems. (if you aren't gaming the system and retaking it to get higher scores).
Is the thing it's telling you to download "Flash"?
Let's remove the possibility that this test is b.s. to begin with. If the algorithm they use for computing each IQ varies considerably with how well other test-takers have done, this test is highly susceptible to giving skewed results to people who legitimately took it. I mean, the answers are online.
for that purpose
this types of tests are useless unless you are doctor or studying chemistry
I was always good at pattern recognition as a kid, but I just wasn't the mood to solve all this shit. I'm not sure if I could have if I wanted to though. That shit was pretty hard.
110's not that good, I'm certain I'm more intelligent than that. I would make up for it in the other areas, surely.
Yeah exactly. I just didn't really care what the answers were.
If this was the case, the score would be skewed down, not up.
I don't think so, faggot.
105 is higher than average.
ALso you dont need to have a higher IQ than 105 to score highly on STAT tests, as those test are mostly based on knowledge not intelligence.
You have a bias because you don't like your score. BTW real IQ tests Use Raven matrices in them, and about 1/3 of the entire IQ test are raven matrices.
There is massive difference between having the memory to remember knowledge and Intelligence.
so an authority on IQ testing like mensa (this raven matrices test was made by Danish Mensa) have no merit?
It seems like you're lacking the ability to critically think about this and its pissing you off you scored lower than you think you were.
105 is fine and your real IQ is probably up to 10-15 points higher when tested fully, as I mentioned these are a snapshot into your fluid intelligence.
if you read the intructions, time isn't factored in this one.
Nothing wrong with your scores, and you should feel insecure about having anythign close to average intelligence.
Average intelligence is still pretty fucking intelligent, what people lack is the ability to critically think, which is learned not innate (regardless of intelligence.)
If you put an intelligent person in a communist regime and never teach them anything but communist ideals they will be an efficient communist.
I never said which way it would be skewed, but yeah.
you shouldn't feel insecure, I meant.
Are we still doing these threads? Good lord what happened to the poor Autist that started this shit.
IQ tests test cognition. Not intelligence. There are plenty of stupid "smart" people and hugging your trivial IQ test close at night won't be a substitute for having a life.
I thought time factored in so I rushed....I'm gonna redo it brb
Fuck everyone smarter than me. How can I trust you?
if you looked into Raven matrices (which is what this test is) you'll fine out they are used in every modern IQ test.
>false scores
Not only retarded but narcissistic too, nice
Except I don't have average intelligence. I was always top 3 in my classes in test scores. I only got through high school because I'd get 95% on tests without doing assignments. I know that 110 is not right.
Clicked random for everything and got 103. This "test" is bullshit.
This was on the Raven IQ app for Android. I took it once about 2 months ago. Honestly a little surprised it's that high. I usually feel like the dumbest engineer in the room.
Well, you know what they say about retarded narcissists user?
once again, knowledge and your ability to remember said knowledge isn't intelligence.
110 is pretty high compared to average.
His point was (among the butthurt), is that IQ alone won't do anything for you.
There are plenty of high IQ autistic failures.
I'm still not looking into it because most modern educators agree that IQ tests 1) are still biased as fuck and 2) dont give a complete picture of intelligence or, and this is key, ability
My cousin is a 45 year old toothless meth addict that spends more time in programs for the autistic/schizophrenic than he does out of them. He reads and speaks at a 4th grade level. He is however a savant at mathematics, generally, even though I doubt he could use a calculator today. My grandmother always insisted he was some secret genius because one time he scored very high on an IQ test.
They're not a good measure of intelligence. They never have been and never will. I get why you and others cling to them, but the rest of us just kind of roll our eyes
ID: l22S60wG : what do they say user?
ID: 2TlmlOzO : your mom's a whore.
I was being facetious but go on..
>click randomly
>get pretty much bang on average
Why would this be evidence of the test being bullshit?
>alan detected
I'll take it.