Was he right about normies and women?


To some degree, yes, but there's no point in getting as angry as he did. If he would have accepted a few things as being beyond his control he might have found some ways around them.


he wasn't wrong

>alt right racists' worldview aligned with misogynistic mass killer


Being right about something and doing what he did is very different. Being even more edgy and saying people only live to die and life is worthless is technically true, the same way he felt women were worthless because they liked men he felt to be obnoxious, technically he is right they were obnoxious to him and women didn't like him but his actions were wrong. People can truly say life is meaningless without killing others.

Oh yes, unfortunately he was a meglomania crazy person


He wasn't wrong, but in the end he just killed some fellow loser robots who never wronged him and then died like a bitch.

100% correct. It's gotten even worse since then. White girls chasing nigger dick now. We need more of him.

>worldview aligned with misogynistic mass killer

i did not say he was right

Is this the aids pill guy?


He took shit way over the top and was generally a complete spastic. Women are like children, that's all you really need to know, as much as they will die before they would admit it they cannot function without an outside influence (a man, media, other women, etc.) making all of their decisions and forming all of their opinions for them.

test desu

yes. that's why he remains our god and savoir


Absolutely. Many are in denial, but eventually all will acknowledge the gentlemanly sagacity of his sage pronouncements. He was right about normies and women, but especially normie women, and spiny norman.

No, he was a creepy little shit who refused to improve himself, because in the end it's easier to blame all your problems on women.

Fuckin Brandon, man

No. Little cunt was totally out of line. Stop being little beta bitches. Stand up tall; speak and act with confidence and deliberation; be interesting and interested in other people. Show some spine and strength instead of being a pushover every time you have a conflict with a lady.. A woman will want to fuck you eventually.