Houthis are advancing into Najran and Saudis can do nothing about it. Saudis are suffering heavy casualties and leave their gear to Houthis
Can Saudi Arabia ever recover from this?
Saudi Arabia is getting cucked by Houthis again
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This is the map by the way
This is really embarassing kek
I don't know why but I support these brave underdog fighters.
same here. we must support these brave men. not the saudi dogs.
Thanks for the good news from your neck of the woods user.
Do you think the new Turkish/Russian friendship is real?
a civil war in saudi arabia is no laughing matter, its going to affect the whole world
theres a fuckton of unused brand new high tech american weapons, fuckton of fuel and oil, and the 2 holiest sites in islam, and its the birthplace of wahabism
>My face when Kaaba will be stolen in your lifetime
>Can Saudi Arabia ever recover from this?
Hire more Pakistani mercenaries.
Insallah. An all out war in Saudi Arabia would be the happening of our lifetime.
Is it happening?
Why are Arabs so shitty at fighting wars?
>mfw when Brent hits $200 a barrel
Wtf are Houthis?
*Why are Arab governments so shit at fighting wars
How we come we never here anything about Yemen in America??
Yemen deunification when??
> Be Saudi military
> Have 1000x the resources of goat fucking rebels
> Run from fights leaving them guns
> Get refineries bombed by makeshift rockets
> Clinton bribe money isn't bringing in guns fast enough
> Iran sends the rebels like tree-fiddy every other month
> The used condom it buys forces your troops out of critical strongholds
Arabs are terrible at war
>Muslims getting cucked
This is a bad thing?
Arab governments consist of Arabs, do they not?
Saudis are hiding their casualties and everything about the war except their successful airstrikes against Houthis.
Oh and they also bribe the media and threaten them not to talk about the war. Not even mentioning how their internet trolls constantly report Houthi channels on Youtube.
>internet trolls
correct the record more turk.
I imagine many people here have already read this but it's interesting enough to repost
We /ww3/ yet?
Are the Houthini's the savior to stop Islam
Please this is making me moist.
internet troll also means "shill"
It's funny. They started barefoot and got gear on the way. ATGM and shoes.
Mountain men! Anyone who kills Saudis is OK in my book.
Good. Fuck the Saudis. Hopefully their shitty country falls to these shitty rebels.
they're completely different bro. One does it for "bantz" other does it for state govt money
Etnicka manjina u Jemenu. Oni su Shia muslimani i bore se za svoju drzavu. Njih podrzava Iran dok opoziciju(suni) podrzava zapad i Saudijska Arabija.
Americans helping bomb Doctors without borders.
USA is doing naval blockade, which inevitably leads to starvation.
Saudis would get mad if MSM went all out with it.
Happening time.
Gonna be interesting to watch a bunch of crazy arabs with high power American ordinance.
Isis accomplished quite a bit.
They're rich and have American weapons and tech, how are they getting cucked?
Guys you must watch this
Meant for
Oni su Zaidi, koja je jedna od sekti Shijizma.
Veruju u 12 imama i imamat ali im je pravo slicno hanafi (kao turcima)
YES kill all saudis these disgusting salafis
DWB is a state funded useful idioti org anyway.
Your country wouldn't allow them in either.
>cant even kill a couple sand shitters
>think they orchestrated 9/11
Florida man did it again
What? No? They are Shia.
I knew arabs sucked at wars but this is just funny
Why not just let the Turks blitz the whole area, and we can all be happy? Would Arabs be able to live under Turk rule again? Im sick of all these damn Arabs and their radical bullshit.
Why is he wearing Marine Corps BDU's
Been supporting the Houthis since last summer these dudes are hardcore and fuck those Saudi mercenaries up hardcore.
Majority of videos you are seeing are the Republican Guard. Also something like 80% of the military join in on the side of the Houthis when the civil war broke out. So they had pretty good sized stores of weapons, many ATGMs and a fuck load of Scuds and Tochkas but the Saudi's did a good job of blowing up a good amount of them. These were the videos people thought were tactical nukes going off but actually just tactical missile stockpiles going up in one huge explosion.
Some recent videos of Republican Guard fucking up Saudis for you guys.
Spoils of war from the Saudis.
Anyone want to explain who these guys are and what they Are about? Seems like they are constantly new groups formed destroyed and absorbed by one another.
Khat really does wonders
Is Iran their only benefactor?
US media is heavily owned by rich Gulf owners
also why we dont hear about Bahrain literally teargassing their people to death
Saudi Arabia has bombing civilians and hospitals deliberately
And unlike Syria these are actual long-standing public hospitals and Saudi Arabia has all of Americas fancy precision bombs unlike Syrias dumb bombs
>Saudi military tries to invade a failed state and ends up getting invaded by tweaked out farmers with guns
Arabs are really bad at war
News at 11
I thought they paid foreign fighters to use the good shot cause they did not have the experience.
Also I would love if all the muds got called back to kill eachother.
Do most Turks hate the Saudis, OP?
we name our black dogs "arab" here.
>Losing that much advanced gear to a bunch of hillbilly rebels
Jesus fuck, looks like all of daddy's oil money can't save you when shit hits the fan.
We have had a secret base in Yemen for like 10 years. There was a entire branch of alameda we decimated while they we're relevant.
Only time i hear about it is some newscaster going huh why is no one talking about it.
Hint it's because the its American public is done giving a shit. Yemen is basically a war no o e wants to aknowledge for last decade.
Huh, I thought they had competent special forces. Here's a picture of them training to combat these new threats.
Who exactly should we root 4 here?
Getting a bit out of hand for the Saudis here. How long until Blackwater and CIA arrive in their black masks?
Why arabs love toyota so much?
From what I know which is only what I learn from Sup Forums and /k/ is that Iran is a benefactor other then that I know of no other outside actors helping the Houthis. And I really don't know how much Iran is actually helping them.
-All Hail Ansarullah's Ingenuity: New Zelzal-3 Ballistic Missile Is Crushing Saudi Forces
Real talk no idea if this is a joke or not.
Because Toyotas only flaw is that they rust to shit. Otherwise they would run forever.
In the desert they don't rust.
It's like superman under our yellow sun.
Under normal conditions he is nothing special, but in that one environment he is flawless.
>mercenaries from Latin America
As much as I hate the Saudis, I cant agree with you. I shit I heard about them doing in Yemen when they were big was when I was deployed. They were fucking animals killing people and they were surrounding the Embassy's C-130 on the runway trying to peacefully evacuate. They surrounded it like Hyenas before they got away.
I want them all to die horribly, I just want it be a war down to the last man
I don't think arabs have ever had a competent anything
they're running around wiht 80 iq points and you get a slot in anything so long as you have a connection, which basically makes it impossible for them to staff anything with remotely intelligent people. that doesn't go for special forces any more so than it goes for learning math.
Aye. The afghani fighting man as weapons platform is right up there in the tier just under Ghorkas and them like.
It's their equipment, training, mindset (hope I die), and other factors that make them so shit at warfare.
Why arabs so shitty?
There is naval blockade going on, which is USA job. Doubt they get any supplies.
Zelzal is impossible to aim.
That shit is like scuds from 1960. Joint developed with North Korea afaik.
Erik Prince, the Blackwater guy, has brought in mercs from Central and South America.
the saudis deserve to die though. none of htem are innocent
we shuold exterminate their entire genotype though. the houthis aren't better but the saudis should come first
Toyotas suck you nip shill
This little bastard caused the fire .
>Toyotas suck
Never been to Iraq or Afghanistan have you?
No. Turkish coup was a fake which was obvious by Biden going in and supporting Turkey, and Russia is kind of sitting back and watching to see how far Turkey is going to go in Syria till there may be a response (response may be a western Syria state) and Turkey is a country not worth trusting at all.
US government officals are forbidden from meeting with the local chiefs because everyone chews Khat at the meetings and Muh Just Say No means that America can't into meetings there
we also sent a Clinton look alike out in a pant suit to tell them to stop growing their #1 crop
7 kids per family and they've run out of water because they used it all on Khat
its a total disaster of a country even without being filled with muslim pedo shitskins
Based Houthis
Gotta love that rock'n'roll Houthi Coup
>Not working as a mercenary
I mean, come on, it's the CURRENT YEAR
Oh shit, winter springs. Nice to see us getting into the global arena
It's because the House of Saud does far more harm to the world than any other group.
This was posted in another thread
TL:DR Arabs are fucking retarded when it comes to war. Imagine all the horrible russian army stereotypes cranked up to 11, with shittier equipment and mono-task soldiers.
Once Yemen was Arabia Felix.
Yemenites are known to be the purest arabs.
" Many ethnologists contend that the purest "Arab" stock is to be found in Yemen. Classified as Joktanic Semites, the Yemenis claim descent from Himyar, great-grandson of Joktan, who, according to the book of Genesis, was descended from Shem, the son of Noah. Yemenis were prominent in the early armies of Islam and thus helped to Arabize much of the Middle East."
>that casio "terrorist edition"
>164 Yemeni soldiers killed by enemy action
>134 killed by friendly fire
>mfw the Saudis have killed almost as many of their allies as the rebels have
Bryan Suits is that you?
low genetic quality. I think that's all there is to it