There is literally nothing wrong with this.
There is literally nothing wrong with this
>After one year, a child loses melanin
Being covered in dirt probably makes it look like that.
Here's a pic from a gofundme page for a woman who needs 5k because her black boyfriend shattered both her ankles.
Not even kidding.
she saved a low iq mouthbreathing cretin who will likely go on to do stupid shit, good for her, she can brag about it now
Africa is a human petting zoo
>stolen generation
Those hand and leg tatts
I'd have zero problem with this sort of charity if we weren't existentially threatened by a population explosion of mud people who we're expected to feed, clothe, and care for.
If we had our own white nations (with strong, solid borders), then helping impoverished nations would feel much less cuckish than it currently does.
One of the reasons we need white nationalism is so these simple acts of kindness aren't marred by an underlying suicidal altruism.
You are right, people go there to feel good about themselves. If they left them alone they would not have such a population problem.
Smart to be honest. She knows once she gets old no bbc will be chasing her, but if she catches a wild nig and raises it, in 20-30 years it's an infinite source of coal to burn.
Why didnt she just adopt a healthy niglet?
>muh aryan goddesses
this and also, black people dont realize that whitey fed and helped africans/blacks more than any other race - by far
Altruism is a curse for whites
True. She has tattoos thus is useless to our race anyway. Such women shouldn't be around White children.
she should've gone to bahamas, also are there healthy niglets in africa?
>There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Yes there is he survived
They don't realize that they're dooming their children and civilization.
Being financially stable and adopting a starving child is much better than getting knocked up by Tyrone before he goes off to prison and then resenting the half-nigger that you half to raise for the next 18 years
Aside from her virtue signaling trophy, look at her legs. I would rather she and her trophy move back to Africa permanently.
adopting a starving child and then putting him thru the hell of multiple step parents because women literally cannot hand life without a "helper" to do everything for them, but also get sick of that person and need to replace them 4 yearly
>She has 4 boys, which she supports by herself.
oh man, you just can't make this shit up.
Even retarded whites aren't as bad as people of color and zipperheads.
this. plus you can't help but feel there is some trendiness factor involved. surely you can be charitable in your own country? surely you can change the life of someone your own race? but no, you have to go and adopt a niglet so you can post it on fbook
Why are you assuming this? I mean she has tattoos but you probably shouldn't just assume that she's a brainless coal burning cunt. Being adopted is probably the best thing that could have possibly happened to that kid
It's like monkeys with a mirror.
the blonde is the eternal coalburner
>Niglets worshipping white master who brings them food and gifts.
I'm human, this images make me happy, not angry.
They are just kids who were born in the wrong place, in the wrong time.
There really isn't tbqh.
I'm a racist, i'm pretty sure of that, but i still want to adopt a niglet from africa and make a respectable healthy black man out of him.
awww c:
>They are just kids who were born in the wrong race
Fixed that for you senpai
But remember they are given birth by some fucking irresponsible parents. Why should we take care of other people's own mess when we can't even take care of our own mess first? If she really wanted to adopt someone, she could've atleast adopt someone from her own country first.
I bet she is or was on heroine.
why don't mudsharks get abortions and instead shit out these abominations?
>There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Hopefully he doesn't beat her to death in an impulsive outburst of violence.
What are you talking about? Those kids are from Africa, going to school. They probably have parents, it just that they're poor Africans
what the fuck kind of pants are those on the left
>all those tattoos
They probably think her hair is made of gold or something. In all likeliness they've never seen blond hair before.
pants? those are her tattoos
you sure it wasn't her body mass that shattered her ankles
if they were 10 years older they would be beating and raping her while feeling her hair
Yes there is. Niggers will never evolve kf natural selection isn't allowed to take place. She saved a weak and stupid individual, one who couldn't feed himself (or who's parents were too dumb/incapable/unemphatic to feed him) and now his genes will spread creating more people who are incapable of taking care of themselves. More people end up suffering and starving in those overpopulated areas because of acts like these. It's almost torture, and quite a sick form. It's like they hate niggers so much they want to torture future generations of them just by making them exist. A niggers life is suffering, the best course of action would be to chemically induce infertility so this suffering won't continue. New souls would be born into superiorly evolved white bodies and the land and its resources could be properly utilized.
doubt that infrastructure can support a medical school much less a higher learning institutional structure
To be honest family, black kids raised by white people are often respectable citizens.
Don't forget that this African kid has an IQ of 75 and will never contribute to society. Probably become a criminal and knock some hoes up
>I fixed the one problem
>90 billion more starving nigger kids to go.
Someone have that comic from the Japanese artist that shows Japan giving aid to a starving african child, the same child as a man fucking a woman on the next panel, and then a swarm of african children in the last panel?
Because I feel that's really apt right now.
What if we just bleached blacks en made for a couple generations? Within 100 years, they would be around 3 percent black.
Says the race that started multiple world wars and genocides.
Last time I checked Africa still had genocide.
They would also start a world war if they had the resources.
Second kid on the left already has an old-man face.
That, or he's cognizant of how fucked the situation is.
> There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Yeah, no one thinks owning a pet is shit, you mongrel
That poster is jewish? Interesting, what makes you think so?
You're right. There is nothing wrong with this.
>because her black boyfriend shattered both her ankles.
that nigga had a mean ass crossover if he broke both her ankles and she dumped him
Niggers everywhere have this same hive-mind mentality. I lived in an apartment years ago where groups of niglets would hang around. Every time I pulled my motorcycle out of the garage, they'd fucking swarm my bike trying to touch it, and generally just being niggers. I had to fucking shoo them away every day
is anyone else seeing this? am i taking crazy pills? looks as if bb's first PS and she grabbed eberyones heads threw them on 115% and pasted them ontop of themselves wtf bigheads are qt but this isnt fooling anyone. pay the toll.
I wish my cat was like this with the brush. He's like that at the start but he gets tired of it really quickly and starts biting the brush and then making these horrible wails that would make my neighbours think I'm hurting him or something before he starts hissing and swiping at me.
He's fine with everything else and is a good tempered cat but for some reason he hates the brush. No idea why. I would've thought it would feel nice.
He needs it to because he's got a thick coat and it fucking sheds everywhere inside if he doesn't get groomed.
It's white people.
>started genocides
>never ended them
>started genocides
>ended them
Pick one faggot.
rare atlantis poolboy
Blacks people actually nice and kind, hard working if they can assimilated to western culture.
>covered in tattoos
On the left is some random waste of oxygen being kept alive. The right is her son she had with some fine specimen of a simian from sub sahara that is her husband.
This woman encapsulates what is modern Scandinavia.
I looked into this bitch before, downright sickening to throw her genes away in such a disgusting land and people.
There was a picture of her toddler son playing with some skin and bones toddler too.
Link tO the gofunme
>Taking a child away from his people where he will grow up knowing he's a normal kid
>Putting him in a country where he's the only "black kid" and is treated like "the black friend" rather than just "friend".
Multiracial societies are abuse on children in these cases. I just want peace and harmony. No more war, no more racism, no more violence. Plz stop this madness.
Does your cat look like this?
>given practice nigglet
>later receive actual nigglet
That's just really great.
I personally don't give a flying fuck about negroids.
>She has 4 boys, which she supports by herself.
Need to start a gofundme for my sides.
>nothing wrong
>keeping worthless niggers alive
pic one
he grew up malnourished
count this kids birthdays in dog years cause he's done
Yeah the kid will rape and kill her or get shot
Yes, they are cute like they are young, just like baby alligators or hyenas.
There isn't. Compassion is good. It's policy that is bad.
Is that Maru?
I don't speak Arrogant Faggot.
Yes there is a nigger's life was saved.