So what's going to happen to her career now after the nude le@ks

so what's going to happen to her career now after the nude le@ks

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*blocks her path*

fake news

there are no leaks

nothing has happened to anyones career because of any nude leaks. jlaw has leaks where she is literally caked in cum and she still has a job. yeah shes sort of fallen out of public favor these days but thats more because shes an idiot and doesnt know when to keep her mouth shut than the leaks

how come her eyebrows are dark and her hair is blonde? is it fake blonde?

she's a dirty blonde

why is she such a fucking whore?

Daily reminder that Joss Weaton fucked her in the butt.

she's never worked with Joss Whedon

How can I get a 10/10 gril like Abbey to love me? How do I keep her?

what's your favorite Elle kino?
for me it's 20th Century Women

this doesnt even make sense, the roots are brown but if hair grows out, how can the upper parts not eventually be brown

Never saw any leaks where she was caked in cum. Did those come after the first batch?

does she have moles all over her puss too

my girlfriend told me she was a virgin and I believed her. years later I found out she was a professional porn star


what was her stage name?


Venus Lux


I want Dakota nudes, she packs more meat than this skellington bitch

by everything going right in your life from day 1 besides a few meme problems

win the genetic lottery, be brought up by people who help you when you are in trouble but don't pander you, learn all your social lessons about how to make friends, play social games and deal with dickheads early, get into sports and socializing early, maybe learn a musical instrument early, learn how to talk to girls and make them laugh earlier than normal at about age 11 or so, don't have some mental illness that fucks everything up along the way, by 14 you are basically as socially competent and likable as most here will be when they are 21, then you can start focussing on adult success early, your education goes well, you get invited to those parties where they invite every girl and invite only a few boys, by the time you are 18 it is all 2nd nature, you know exactly what to say, however now you need status, you have to go through years of uni or work on a career, assuming you are successful here by about age 23 you then spend years looking for a woman like this who is into you, still you will fail most of the time and usually have mediocre gfs, though there is a small chance you might get into a long term relationship with someone like abbey lee

>literally a skeleton roastie

>that article about guys not buying her drinks

what giant is filming her from above?

Pure blonde is rare these days.


Has anyone xrayed her roastie?
I like to think she has an innie

she's getting into character for her new movie

yeah she is

Anyone gonna help us dummies out with a sauce?


Blonde hair is semi translucent. When there's a lot of it together it looks darker

>he took the bait

You really don't know that people can naturally have this hair colour?

t. have it

it was just a random slut lookalike that was spammed during the fappening and people think it's her because their half blind or something.

Is that her? omg

>Is that her? omg

Fucking r*ddit tourist

tell me more

Abigail Spencer had the best leak by a long shot, even if this is fake.


>going to casting w/o underwear
a fuckin hoe

you would too if a mill was on the line

easier to get to business.

of course i'd suck cock too
It would be ridiculous to see anons claiming that I'm "pure" tho

enjoy your aids

She doesnt have disgusting cow tits so she has no need for a bra

Also, any straight casting agent would be more interested in other parts of her than tits or ass/vag

keep worshiping your humongous hoe, waifufag

I don't know how she could still have a career after that video leak of her taking such a huge black cock. She'll have to retire or do porn.

>have a shitload of money
>don't laser off your armpits
literally why

she grew out her armpit hair to play a ftm tranny

giv neck gf

still they could've just glued it on like they do with beards

She looks like fucking Robbie Rotten.


>tfw dirty blonde
Got lucky though since both my parents are brown hair subhumans.

From shaving.

If you have to ask, its already too late

Get rich.

Boil (you)rself in piss

>you get invited to those parties where they invite every girl and invite only a few boys

shit, man, that's a thing?

>google image search


giv poster

You want the neck?
>I want the neck.

oh my....

Can we Sup Forums just call her GiraFanning?

W-what leaks?

elle is so innocent looking that when she does stuff that should be slutty it still comes out adorable and qt

i love when pretty white girls act like that.It comes off as degrading and desperate and pathetic and makes me DIAMOND. What are some IG with stuff like this?

Long neck bitch.

oh my god that is a lewd neck

>win the genetic lottery
welp fuck you. my sisters are literal goddesses while i'm a fucking inbred hick. its like all the bad genes went to me and all the good genes went to them. fuck this shit

What is up with all these stupid fucking threads today posting fake shit that isn't happening.

Disinformation is the last thing that needs to be spread around Sup Forums. You could accidentally crash the entire US news market by doing this as most journalist get their opinion idea pieces.

post sister
does she bully you

nope. sisters practically disowns me. can't blame them i'll disown myself if i had the chance


There this quite unassuming white girl i work with that taught horse riding as a side gig. Went out with here and others down town. Curses, smokes weed til retarded, drinks like a fish, and listens to rap music, yet hates niggers. Young milliennials are wild.

so we can sniffy-sniffy and licky-licky while wearing a plastic bag

I really really want to see her getting BLACKED™. I'd pay good money to see her pale cunny getting destroyed a huge black cock and seeing some cum ooze out of that.

>Listens to rap
>Yet hates niggers
No she doesn't. She just hasn't found a black Chad to ruin her yet.

based blacked poster

What's your story? What happened?

Is it true that Kristen and Stella's nudes leaked? Saw something about it on TMZ

>Top 10 Hollywood Celebrities Most In Need of a Nosejob

>lily rader


I listen to rap music. Does that mean I want Black Chad too?

Kstew leaks were nothing and Miley leaks were piss.

true and she still has a career too. at least as much of a career an actress of her caliber can get without resorting to kids book or franchises

black people aren't named chad
you mean tyrone

Thought the building her was getting bombed from the thumbnail.

Oh I can handle it

Stop it please it hurts

You're male so you're just a subhuman nigger lover. Day of the rope comes.

Looks like London. So that was a definite possibility

Dakota is superior

Boats n hoes

Have many babies

>black people aren't named chad
Chad Johnson disagrees