White Male + Asian Female was a mistake Sup Forums. White women deserve Asian dick, it's the only way to breed good Hapa children, not supreme gentlemen.
White Male + Asian Female was a mistake Sup Forums. White women deserve Asian dick...
Idk Bruce Lee jr and Elliott Roger are both dead. Markeplyer and Keanu are still alive and worth millions. Law of average folks.
>white male x asian female threads
>white female x asian male threads
>nigger cuck threads
hang yourselves autists
Hapas of all stripes are pretty sad creatures. This anecdotal evidence means nothing.
White men and white women, hear ye... If you don't want your son to be a homicidal kissless omega, then resist the urge to pursue your yellow fever. Strong European stock blending with robotic ant people creates a heartbreaking hybrid creature unable to thrive in any environment.
The hapa is perhaps eclipsed only by the mulatto in the abomination department.
>I don't understand chromosomes
Asian female meme wew
Missing out on the lightskin latina qt t b h with you
Reeves doesn't have an asian father though?
But I agree with that image. I'm a WMAF hapa and I'm definitely mentally ill although I'm probably just preaching to the choir here.
Do you feel with Elliot Rodgers? Was he right?
>Reeves doesn't have an asian father though?
Keanu Reeves dad was Hawaiian/Chinese
Do hapas with asian dads suffer the same fate as elliot?
Race mixers should be sterilized
Why sterilized, they did nothing wrong
>not Asian
>Burger reading comprehension.
What cartoon is that?
>Innocent girls
Kek, those girls were far from innocent.
>tfw someone made a rodge thread
/r/hapas is even more pathetic than /r9k/
iron giant
Keanu has a Japanese mother you idiot.
>Keanu Reeves is 3/4 white
>Bruce Lee trained massively
Nice samples.
>supreme gentleman gets mad
it's not like I'm stopping other people from doing the same.
Only the best Asians have any chance of getting a white girl so naturally their children will turn out fine. Any white guy can get an Asian slut which is why the majority of half-asian children with white fathers are less than human since all the betas reject by woman from their own race settle for Asians and then have fucked up children.
Rule of thumb is asian side needs to be same gender as child, girls are generally only hot when the mother is the asian one
His father's mother is Chinese and his father's father is white
Bruce Lee had two Chinese parents. His son was half.
Try /r/asianmasculinity if you want some cringe on top of that.
That's because OP has too many to keep track of as it is
Pretty much. Majority of the white men who marrt Asians are the beta cucks who don't have the confidence to talk to women normally. So they go for the third worlders.
Where do you guys get your information? Do you even bother to fact check?
It's ok if the white male is alpha. But in most cases he is not which is why Sup Forums got this misconception