Free market bitch.
Well people usually stop watching women when they go past the age of 40.
>salary negotiations = "demands!"
Smart. (((Netflix))) will pay her it as a PR move, so she'd be dumb not to ask.
Is it werid I want to fuck Amy a little
Why would Netflix pay Amy Schumer at all? I've never even heard of anybody who likes her.
pretty everyone i know dislikes amy schumer and likes dave chappelle. why would she expect to be paid as much as him?
How did jlaw get more money than the bros? She can barely act
>"lmao we're the part of society that pushes for equality and feminism!"
>can't even get equal pay in her own professional life
Who gives a shit whether multimillionnaires make a few million more than other multimillionnaires
At this point, it literally doesn't matter, they can afford everything they would ever desire
Not at all, but nobody expects you to be proud of it afterwards.
theres plenty of things that cost over a billion dollars
Delusions of grandeur. Seems to happen to a lot of mediocre/bad female actresses.
more like 30
who here members olivia wilde. she was some hot babe then quickly became some average mother
Equal pay requires equal output.
Because she anchored profitable films and won "prestigious" awards, ya dummy. Actors don't get paid more because they "can act".
Stop arguing with these sows and heifers. Seriously, most women do not understand fairness. It's a foreign concept to them. All they understand is themselves and they hate other women.
of course she's wealthy enough to feed entire states in africa but shit like that doesnt matter when the evil privileged white man pays you a few bucks less than some of your male associates
i dont even notice women over 20
to me theyre more of a sentient furniture than object of interest
Because something good (better) is happening to a man and this automatically means it's just because he's a man.
She's standing up against "sexism" but is prejudging people because of their sex.
>She's standing up against "sexism" but is prejudging people because of their sex.
SJW's in a nutshell
How do you device how much work an actor does?
If a female actress and a male actor pull in the same money and are doing the same amount of work, I'm sure they get equally paid.
>using feminism PR as a contract negations tactic
not sure who is worse. The ones who do it or the rubes who buy the faux feminist stance.
They don't know or care what any of the things they profess mean.
They operate totally on instinct and their instinct is "something bad is happening to women and I'm a woman so I don't like this". They want to be profound thinkers but they can't be bothered to use Google or employ basic critical thinking skills to make sure what they're saying adds up.
They'll hear that a woman is being "slut shamed" (someone put a girl down for flagrantly throwing around and devaluing her sexuality) and their rebuttal to this is "virgin neckbeard fedora canned insult regarding your masculinity" as if this nullifies their point.
They're the same morons that have always existed and probably always will. In the 50s it was "stop gays from attending public school because they might molest my kids", in the 80s it was "kill pot smokers because think of the children or something" and in 2017 it's "anyone less than ideal happening to women is just happening to them because their women and I want to be treated equally unless it requires any kind of work or inconvenience"
And Sup Forums says that Shummer isn't funny.
I'm surprised she hasn't used that as the reason she couldn't move out of the country after Trump won like she promised dozens of times.
they're the same type of idiots who don't understand why soccer players are paid hundreds of millions. it's because everyone in the world watches the sport, and wants to see those players. that means theres hundreds of millions of potential viewers for advertisements and merchandise. that makes the player incredibly valuable hence they're paid an absolute shitload of money.
true. also u ever seen a feminist bitching about that theyre not "allowed" to do jobs like garbageman or shit like that? or that theyre getting less than some roadman working minimum wage? of course not because theyre wealthy enough to not care about the actual "oppressed" lower class.
she should put her money where her mouth is and forfeit a salary for a percentage of the profit made
most of that big money comes from sandnigger sheikhs tho
Something like 92% of workplace fatalities in the US happen to men. Women hold far fewer positions in the most dangerous occupations
Yeah, I bet your country isnt one of them
I still crank it to Olivia.
Disgusting thread, but the funny thing is....
None of you have given a single valid reason why shes worth less thatn those 2 men.
>None of you have given a single valid reason why shes worth less thatn those 2 men.
the reason is she doesn't make as much money for netflix as either of them
and she's not as good of a comedian and entertainer and actor
so 2 valid reasons why she's not worth as much as them
>taking the b8
Also when women do work in these fields they are almost always given comfy easy positions because companies need those diversity hires.
t. worked in union construction and warehousing
>worked at murreys waste disposal
>girl comes in about 3 months after i do
>literally the only girl among over 50 men
>she tells hr she is going to quit because she cant really do the job on the old school dumpster rigs
>they put her in a driving position that typically takes 3-5 years to get to
>quit the company asap
as someone who has worked for over 10 years in blue collar industries i can vouch when people say women get extremely preferential treatment from most companies as long as they arent totally worthless employees.
This shit it's exactly why we need feminism
no they're the same idiots who don't understand why woman basketball players who play in front of a couple hundred people and aren't televised don't make the same amount of money as male basketball players who play infront of 10000 people and on national tv
>implying all of you wouldn't do the same
yeah thats a better comparison desu
I dont have a problem with people protesting for more money in their job. the thing with those sjws bitching about shit like this is that they basically have more than enough money to make a living and then go on and cry about it like its a big ass warcrime if theres a man anywhere getting more $$$
im only slightly retarded not fully retarded so i know that if i wasn't bringing in huge audiences I wouldn't be getting paid more
very racist, black people have been oppressed for far longer and she had to use her white privilege to attack the black man. disgusting.
on a serious note, this is the next trend. women are going to demand more and more, no one will stand up to them lest be called out and ruined. it'll be a slow one, you won't even realize it. then the next demand. next. next.
fuckin weird man
i'm convinced they know its bullshit but know they can get away with it and go along with it anyway. i can't stand that people have to be so dishonest and no honor. but honor is a dead concept i'm not talking like paladin larp tier just decency. everyone is just looking to fuck others over.
Did it work? If so I'd say she made a good business move.
People like to say one of the reasons men get paid more on average is because men are more likely to negotiate for higher pay. Can't shit on her for doing the same just because she disgusts me.
i think everyone deep down knows how it really is but they know its stupid to admit it out loud, even if its the truth. Why else would men still be held accountable for everything women do.
Drunk sex? Man should know better even though he was equally drunk.
Divorce? oh poor woman needs your house and alimony! (shes a strong woman for taking care of the kids and never letting you see them though)
I just think everyone "gets it", and you just have to live accordingly. just stick it in your head no matter what, men are always responsible for the women whether we like it or not. So base things on that, you may dodge some bullets with women. "woah shes a train wreck, i'd be on the hook for anything she does" for example.
It's called basic economics you unfunny cow.
You simply do not have the demand as your male counterparts because people's stomachs don't turn when they appear on the screen.
>implying she demanded this
Why do celebrities pretend that they don't hire agents to negotiate for them?