Todd Phillips And Martin Scorsese To Direct DCEU Joker Origin Film
>Joker origin story
Tfw when it's real
>Todd Philips
Finally we get to find out how he got those scars.
Even with Scorsese, if it has Leto as Joker it's going to be utter shit.
This is too good to be true
DC needs to get their shit together. Joker shouldn't have an origin. Not knowing is one of his main attractions. Origin stories always fuck up the mystique of characters like his.
Marvel is so dead lmao, this is the first Academy Award best picture comic book film winner.
Scorsese lol. Im a huge fan of his but I dont whether this will work out for him or not.
Did you read the deadline article? It said that it will have a different actor as joker
The article says it's not part of the DCEU?
>This will be the first film under a new banner that has yet to be named in which WB can expand the canon of DC properties and create unique storylines with different actors playing the iconic characters.
This is going to confuse the fuck out of everyone.
Makes it sound like it's not canon to DCEU
Second try adapting this?
It should just be told in flashbacks while joker opens up to Harley in arkham.
I want this so much!
>Not knowing is one of his main attractions.
Not really. Everyone gladly see Killing Joke as canon.
That only became a thing because of the dark knight
You can't adapt the Killing Joke because one of the things that makes it so good is the art. You can't translate that to live action.
Isn't that kind of how the comics are, though? Batman seems to change between writers/artists.
please no
>Jared Leto will reprise in the Suicide Squad sequel and the Harley Quinn spinoff, but this new film will launch the character with a different actor, possibly younger.
Is WB trying to be the next Sony?
>Todd Phillips And Martin Scorsese To Direct DCEU Joker Origin Film
I was thinking Todd Haynes for a minute and I was ready for some Douglas Sirk lighting and Gimme Shelter batman
national tragedy
Everybody who isn't excited about this is a redditor pleb
>The intention is to make a gritty and grounded hard-boiled crime film set in early-’80s Gotham City that isn’t meant to feel like a DC movie as much as one of Scorsese’s films from that era, like Taxi Driver, Raging Bull or The King Of Comedy
that's the dopest shit
>Joker Origin
This shit is as redundant as a Superman Origin story
>Origin story for the Joker
WB can't be that retarded, can they?
Can someone tell why the fuck does DC or Warner wants big hollywood film makers to direct their films while Marvel gets indie non hollywood guys to direct their films
But the gist of Joker's origin is enough.
He's may or may not have been a comedian
He became the red hood
fell into a vat of acid
and he was the Joker.
You would be surprised how few people actually know the Jokers origin.
When the killing joke animation came out multiple of my friends didn't know Jokers origin. One of them even told me they thought it was supposed to be secret or nobody really knew for sure.
Joaquin Phoenix as Joker fucking when?
t. picture related
Fucking cancerous popnerd
>goodfellas/Casino with the joker
that's a fair point, but we've had less than 2 hours of combined Batman and Joker screentime so far and they're already rushing to shit like this, what is going on over at WB?
>implying Leto Joker isn't Robin
Joaquin is better than that, he doesn't give a shit about fame or big capeshit money, he sticks to actual films
We already know how Joker got his scars he was shaving while posting on Reddit
i don't care about any gay ass comic "oh the joker should be mysterious" bullshit, i just want to see a Scorsese produced, Scorsese-esque crime movie with the joker
spare me your autistic pleb bullshit
because it isn't, it flat out says it isn't, these spin offs are WB hedging their bets under the assumption that the DCEU is fucked
The Joker's identity is better as a secret.
Having some random gangster/criminal turning into the Joker is one of the worst things ever.
Martin fucking Scorsese? He's supposed to be making The Irishman and then he's got a couple other interesting projects.
All you fuckers who didn't see Silence drove him to this.
His fucking masterpiece was met with general apathy. Not even critical disdain, just a "meh".
Worked his fingers to the bone on that film. Now you've killed him.
Oh yeah I remember how Harry Potter obsessed Pinterest users all love Scorsese and 80s crime thrillers. I'm familiar with that stereotype.
but that's missing the point
so the move is guaranteed to end with Joker transformation and he massacres whatever poor fucks were harassing him into the Chemical warehouse heist right?
Yes you can jafndjwocifnrkFUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
he should have focused on a project that didn't involve Catholics getting tortured to death by asians
he literally alienated every demographic
D*sney will NEVER EVER get someone as good as the Scorz to produce their capeshit
Realistically, they want to beat Marvel/Disney but have absolutely no idea how to do it, so they throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.
they already got Kenneth Branagh, it's just a shame he revealed only too late that fantasy films are his one weakness
This is exactly the type of weird auteur shit WB should be doing
except normies are fucking retarded and assume every Batman movie ever made is linked too each other
they will assume this is part of the DCEU and be confused why everyone is played by different actors
>joker appears on screen
>70s music starts playing while jared leto narrates a montage
That picture cured my cancer and gave me Aids
Joker is the only character I care about in the DCEU
has Scorz ever expressed interest or knowledge in comics before?
You could, but you'd have to alter the plot to a degree.
But those scene with Gordon would look sick on film. With a competent casting, visuals and director. Rated R ofc
And here I thought it was going to be directed by him
you fucking cunts
>movies get bad reviews
>still makes a ton of cash
yeah, WB is really scared you fucking Mouseketeer faggot.
Did you even see the killing joke? His origin is amazing. He's just some dude that got roped into the wrong shit because he was trying to protect his family.
>still makes tons of cash
>against a stupidly huge budget and advertising campaign that ultimately isn't paying out what they want
they make money, but not enough to make WB happy or warrant the time and money it costs to make them
> still giving the literal shittiest Batman villain screentime
as opposed to giving a movie to...
What if WB/DC make Elseworlds a franchise? Not just a cinematic universe... a cinematic MULTIVERSE?
Turns out David 8 created xenomorphs and the Joker
Mister Mxyzptlk
[citation needed]
That would be fine with me as long as they don't throw Cavill, Batfleck, and Let under the bus to do it. I was under the impression that WB wants to do cookie cut shit moving forward. Elseworlds will trigger audiences.
no one wants to see a movie about a Gilbert Godfrey voiced midget...although saying that out loud does make it sound kind of interesting
*Gimme Shelter starts playing*
fucking christ this just made me realize
this is the perfect opportunity to have Joker do shit while All Along the Watch Tower plays in the background
I love the DCEU but what the fuck is this?
I mean, they could easily make this work and let the movie be a literal troll-fest with a "I was just fucking with you retards" twist where joker reveals that the whole movie was a lie. no studio would be that brave though
my main concern is the "new banner" shit that is going on. this could be a huge continuity issue in the eye of mass audiences
I don't want a "Joker origin". I want a Joker's Gang movie where he's already deeply seeded in Gotham's lore.
likeWB isn't putting all of its DC eggs in one basket and is broadening their options with this new spinoff banner
honestly if it means we get interesting stuff that isn't bound to DCEU continuity I'm all for it
this is basically like all the non-canon shit Marvel's been putting out, except it's a movie that'll actually turn a profit with a character people actually give a shit about lmao
So one-off movies?
>this is basically like all the non-canon shit Marvel's been putting out
this meme really needs to stop. people either need to understand what the term "canon" means or just not use it if it's untrue
One-shot I mean
If its a gangster movie where the first half follows gangster joker before seguing into a gritty r-rated joker tale after he gets turned then I'd watch it.
They just accepted they can't do a cinematic universe right.
killing joke is overrated Adams wrote best Joker comics
It's funny that Scorsese's producing because if anyone saw the fan feature-length film Joker Rising, that's a TDK Joker origin story told as a not-very-subtle-ripoff of Goodfellas
I expect this won't be that though
lol, easy capeshitters. He will only produce it.
>Can someone tell why the fuck does DC or Warner wants big hollywood film makers to direct their films while Marvel gets indie non hollywood guys to direct their films
Warner has no real plan and wanted to hire big name directors to make decisions.
But then once the director hired ended up with decisions Warner don't like, Warner get mad.
Marvel already have a plan, and hire directors only when they are on the same page. Since the plan already exists it is better to hire people who are team players, who aren't prima donnas.
The stuff that happens on the tv shows and Netflix shows likely stopped being considered canonical in accordance to the universe of the movies and instead became supplemental sometime at some point before Marvel Studios became seperated from the general Marvel, but they definitely became non-canonical after that point. They won't even let the Marvel shows show the complete unobscured logo for Stark Enterprises on one of the shows recently. Additionally, they've contradicted the tie-in comics in the movies in the past.
>I'm the Joker baby
WB generally goes for B-list directors who are or at least appear to be on the verge of breaking into the A-list. Robert Zemeckis is the only real exception and actually getting him on boar seems to be ice-skating uphill.
man that french chick really fucked him up
fucking savage
The ambiguous origin story is a modern invention. He had a completely canon origin story published ten years after his original creations, in the fifties.
I want a batman movie told from the perspective of some mook working for the joker or some other rogue. They're just guarding a warehouse somewhere and batman is prowling around and taking them out one by one. Give it the tone of a slasher or a monster movie.
The shows are canon since a lot of stuff was referenced in the show. Now what you mean is the producers and writers being unfaithful to the universe and fucking up referencing and remembering the movie stuff. That doesn't mean the shows are non-canon, it just means that consistency is shit at Marvel headquarters
Yeah I'd watch that given how mad of a serial killer Batman is.
No one cares about what you want, nigger.