Just returned from my trip to USA. I finally get it you guys are a bunch of white losers who can't find a job because you have been outclassed by Indians in every STEM field.
Every hospital I visited had atleast 40% Indian based Doctors and every top coproration in silicon valley is also being controlled by us.
Face it pol you just can't compete. When have always been the better race and will always be.
>Cheating in tests
Hello losers
Number two
Cheating in tests
Also colossal incompetence in general
>Implying the majority of indians aren't cheap labor who shit on the floor
Your country is a giant shit hole and all your best and brightest will do literally anything to work in America. You all stink up every college you go to and travel in massive packs and don't have any semblance manners. Indians and any East Asian students (excluding Japanese) are the worst students on any college campus, they never help on projects and are known to be cheaters.
>Boycott Google
>Switch from mastercard to visa
>Only use pirated Moneysoft products
>No pepsi ever (it's gay af anyway)
Get them pajeets fired ameribros
>ask pajeet on offshore to write code
>comes back wrong, he says fd is unclear
>i use very simple words in fd
>pajeet screws up again
>give pajeet half the fd
>its still wrong
>tell pajeet thanks and ask one of my few American workers to do it
Literally hired and promoted to the top for muh duhversity
Every Indian I've known be it professor, TA, or friend, are good at Math and that's about it. The only thing they do decently related to computers is tech support or managing fucking databases.
You are correct unfortunately Pajeet. Indians who have made it to the US are very intelligent. In one generation, they become NASA engineers, doctors, and win spelling bees. You have proven your Aryan lineage by succeeding when given the opportunity.
But don't be too high on your high horse, you need to fix your homeland's problems too. Y'all need to pick up the trash, fix your unchecked population, and put in sanitary toilets for fucks sake.
I'll screenshot this post and look at it the next time my Punjabi wife is deepthroating my cock because she loves me.
>Cant even shit in a toilet
Yeah, your best and brightest GTFO, move here, make us money, while it literally rains feces in your country.
LMAO boycott google. Google is basically skynet now. They own 3/4 of the smartphone market
So lemme get this straight. Accomplished Indians who leave your street-shitted country to make the US wealthier is something you like? Um. OK. Thanks I guess. Good luck with your caste system.
this, bro, you're like a billion people and only the top qualified get visas to come here.
of course every Indian you see here is killing it.
Indians are just the wetbacks of the tech world. They're willing to do the job at half the price and half the quality. Every project or company Indians touch turns to shit.
OP, you answer our phones for us. You are at the bottom.
>Walking in poo infested street
>Sees cow block car traffic
>all of the pajeets bow to is
>Pajeet bows to it too
>Bowing in shit
>Pajeets are happy
Literally india
>Pajeet (OP)
>No one successful in India
>Has to point out successful Indians living in other countries to brag about indians
>Shits on floor
I'd like to think this is the post that made you stop shitposting
>Best and brightest
Nope. Those who could not make it to the top colleges in India move to the west. There is a saying In my village"anyone who can buy a one way airline ticket to America can emigrate there your tests are like candy even the dumbest people who understand basic English can clear it. And a lot of Indians fake disabilities like ADHD , aspergers and dyslexia to get benefits and you guys are so dumb that you accept everything without running any sort of background check.
Be nice to us Whitey we are the new overlords
I'll give you one thing
Yah Lardki Hai Allah is a fucking awesome song
Oh man where do I even start with this bullshit
Are you retarded? reply to the correct burger dumbass
Why are all the top mathematicians alive right now all white with a few chinks sprinkled in then?
inb4 muh ceos
If ultrasounds weren't illegal in your country (all the female feticide kek) your parents would have realized you were retarded and gotten rid of you
How's that working out for you Pajert? If the one wifi antenna next to the outdoor shithouse so you can get inspiration for your posts?
Aur bhai kya hal hai
Pajeets detected
Good for you man. I don't resent people for being more successful than me. However, I'm pretty sure you're not a CEO.
>background check
Just wait until January 20, 2017 and things are gonna be a lot different Pajert
Pajeet please I know truth hurts
Yeah but guess whose dicking ur women? Yeah that right poo boy Indian bitches bow down to the BWC
I can't read that shit because I was raised in Western civilization sorry
Is it the day of the R
the final frontier
Indians working for American companies w/ majority American stakeholders?
What's the big deal? India doesn't have any big important global companies to work for?
What I love most is that all the Pajerts I saw at university were the most beta male cucks I've ever encountered
Pathetic really
Maybe that's why my wife hates Indian guys and never wants to go back to the shitty country
>Lol u use a toilet bro? Are you an old woman? Just shit on the street.
Hello my name is Fake Padeep. I'm actually a white nerd and use a VPN to make it look like I'm from India and then make inflammatory posts on Sup Forums to encourage racist hate.
Has nobody done it yet? I guess I'll start.
Are you forgetting the Tata Nano???
You see them everywhere is western countries....oh wait
We had nuclear weapons but muh British empire backstabbed us
if poo in loo so smart how come so many poo and not so many loos?
It's why shitposts from India have a different meaning
This. Theres a fuckload at my uni and they are all the most awful people to be around. shit personalities, unfriendly, no attempt to articulate their words and they all stink!!!!
Hello Real Pradeep Kumar Singh Grover.
If that's the case why do white women love us?
> best and brightest go to the US
India will always stay a shithole
In undergrad I worked in a dining hall and they were without fail the worst workers there. Always have their head up their ass and no common sense, regardless of language barrier
Gooks were bad but always did a better job and actually tried
India is literally quantity over quality: the country.
Basically opposite of Jews.
Out of billions of people there are still very few who have great achievements.
I'm in STEM and all Indians and Asians are low level grunts.
Of course you can't find a job as an entry level programmer with just college and no work experience because there's 800 fucking Pajeets fighting for that position who've been code monkeys since C++ was invented.
They also do it for way less money and outsourcing to India and China is killing every industry in the US.
delete this
Oh man confirmed troll good job man you actually had me worked up, good night sweet prince thanks for the fun
>white women love us
Please tell me you'r just India-posting in this thread !!!
>Every hospital I visited had atleast 40% Indian based Doctors
You guys must treat a lot of people with cholera.
smells like burning shit
Cherry picking and stats pulled out of your ass the post
Hello winners
>White women love us
sure they do, Pajeet
I thought whites are cucks because their women want BBC? Shit I've seen a few white women with Pajeets lately. must be golddiggers
I don't even think niggers are this stupid. Even when I went to africa they would at least bury the shit.
That is only because Steve Ballmer was murdered by Bill Gates for not taking the PS4 threat seriously enough.
Panjeet pls. Nepotism, cheating and low wages are the reason you see indians in hospitals. Most own shitty stores or gas stations. The only ones barely making a living are the few who get into ths jewelry business, and even then they get run out by the jews.
What makes me an authority? I'm Gujarati. I've seen it. Desi people are only a step above other minorities in the US because we have at least on average a decent IQ.
But hell, what do I know? I fell for the military meme
11 bang bang bby
>good night sweetPrince
That's what white women call me before going to bed
When I was in college the Indians i worked with Fucking reeked. They don't wear deodorant and waft their disgusting BO all over the place. At least Pakis have the decency to at least try to smell good even though they wear too much cologne.
Nope they want the best future for their kids as we are the best in everything
Ehhh as an American Pajeet, I've dated a few white women. Now that I'm a little older I see they're nothing special unless they are hot and college educated
They age like milk
>new overlords
>can't even into hole technology
>literally shit in a street, worse than a fucking animal
i wonder if indians working abroad send their poo they make back to India.
But their hair smell Nice. (I've dated 3 German and 2 Dutch women they are so naive and kind something Indian women will never be)
Oh my god no kidding bro. thank the Lord im only 23 becasue 20-35 is their golden age
>you just can't compete
>the better race
Tell me more of your race competing, Mr. Loo
>legislation which incentivizes to promote/hire any non-whites if possible
the average indian goes to work in the West to get money and return in India living like kings
Yeah right, we pay a dozen Indians for piles of monkey-ass shit code that needs to be spelled out for them then pay one white guy 18 times as much as all of you combined to proof read and fix the garbage. It's retarded.
Hole tech?? We bought back AMD Radeon to the top with the RX 480 and 470. And Zen will bankrupt Intel
You have like a billion people. Of course you produce about 3 times as many people in any career as a country of 300 million.
And the best part is, your citizens pay us to become citizens and open their practices here. We essentially get fully trained doctors without the cost of raising and educating them
>Living in India
>Calling anyone losers
Even ghetto niggers in the US live better than you.
>and still a simple hole eludes you dirty fuckers
congrats you became the new jews