college/university thread
talk about the upcoming school year
college/university thread
talk about the upcoming school year
Who else here /flunkedout/?
Have to buy a new "clicker" because the old ones were no longer fit to answer 4 choice MC questions with.
>the last time I had to buy a new one was Spring 2016
>the time before that was Fall 2015
kek literally how college is easy as fuck
How have you needed them for multiple years? The only classes big enough to make use of them should be the gigantic first year lectures
just ordered my new one today, about to start at a much bigger school, transferred there from a smaller one, first time I'm needing it.
I did until my insurance company said they'll drop me. Thanks to Obama I have to take 12 credit hours while being unable to walk and unable to undergo surgery since I have to take class instead of taking surgery right away. Thanks Obama!
Bigger schools have lectures for courses far into majors.
I go for literature, I have one for my 500 person lecture on Medieval literature.
>tfw [spoiler]art major[/spoiler]
If only I wasn't so retarded as to not be able to learn anything else
haha dumbasses, let me know when you graduate college and make a pretty deece six figgies
Learn a trade, famalam
Well congrats on starting your second year, but I've needed them for classes with fewer than 100 people in them, this year I need them for both Endocrinology and a horse shit data analysis class with a 5 hour lab
I never needed one until I downgraded to an enormous state school to finish without debt, it's basically a way for professors to maintain their fragile egos, so be prepared for many days with clicker questions to the tune of "are you here today"
I probably will if I don't get a job after graduating, which is likely. At least I don't have much debt.
>falling for the educational jew.
dw senpai i failed my GED xd
please tell me you hate modern art.
Art majors are very respectable, I know pol is autistic as fuck and only thinks stem is useful and 'red-piled' but the arts have literally played on of the biggest roles in human existence, and the health of them in culture and society.
As long as you don't go for graphic design, comic book drawing, or modern art trash then I would be your friend.
Art schools teach you to hate modern art, even in "practical" art majors like the ones you listed.
I'm going into my sixth year actually (second year of master's)
The only time I've ever used one was for a first year physics class
I guess I just expect classes to get more personal than huge lectures halls after most major's first years, but I guess that's not applicable to all degrees
Didn't doubt it, I'm in my third year, college has been revealed to me as sort of a joke.
One time I went to my professor and asked him a question about a book I was reading, it was Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida", when I told him what it was he asked why I was reading it, then I told him just to read it because I wanted to and he acted shocked and really taken aback.
None of the lit majors read, they know fucking nothing, a lot of people are fucking retarded.
Is college actually worth it? I didn't want to go after high school, so learned to weld instead, but lately I feel like I've been missing out on learning lots of neat stuff
>please tell me you hate modern art.
You have no idea man. But it's difficult nowadays to make traditional art and be successful so I have to force myself to make shitty 2deep4u post-modern pieces sometimes.
I really wish there were more Sup Forumsacks in the arts/humanities. We have enough autistic fucks doing STEM; we need more people working on the propaganda front. I'm probably the only fucking conservatve in my entire art school and it's suffering.
when do your classes start Sup Forumsacks?
for me it's next week
really? What do they teach you, both schools I have gone to promote modern art and especially post-modernism and abstract impressionism.
If they are teaching you against these styles why does no one fucking work in a different and better style?
University of Virginia
There are repeated takedown attempts against this university.
>Fake Rolling Stone rape article
>Separate allegations forcing every frat to be suspended
>Gov't investigating university finances
Is it because they didn't play the SJW game and give in to every liberal activist group like so many other colleges?
Any fellow Vols here?
I'm a Chemistry major. I'm trying to decide between a computer science or literature. I have a natural talent for writing, but I feel like computer science will be way more useful.
You'd hope so, but no.
The school I go to doesn't even do written exams for my chem major classes. It's all multiple choice. Do you know how easy it is to study for Bchem 1 & 2 when you can pick from da pictures?
CompSci major here. Took the most challenging courses last year like discrete mathematics and data structs and algorithms. Also taking online courses at a different college so I can transfer over EZ credits and graduate by next year. Gonna take a semester off after that, look for work in Japan, and go for my Master's 2018. Need to get to Japan by 2019 the latest so I can help out with the greatest Olympics of all time. Hopefully my waifus will perform.
I'm in literature man, I know how you feel, we have to read the worst shit, and are told that Shakespeare was a gay guy/feminist, who wanted Socialist equal rights and hated the monarchy. And then read for penis references and talk about how his works show a nervous shock to the male patriarchy, I am not kidding, I want to claw my eyes out.
I just want to read Faust and have an intelligible conversation about it with a professor who knows something, but I have to do that all on my own.
Do you like Raphael?
who else /cutfromfinancialaid/ here? makes me feel like a nigger.
>park university
>private Christian College in Missouri
>attend online classes from California
>bachelor of Science in Criminal justice with specialty in enforcement
>4.0 GPA
>all redpilled Milfags
>discussion board is great, most students are 15-20 year police and corrections vets who are going back to school to qualify for promotions
All in all pretty based, the University accepted ALL my transfer credits from a community college here in California so I started as a junior and banged out 2 classes every 8 weeks while working two jobs. Gonna get my BA pretty soon at this rate
Shoulda kept that GPA up bro
how badly do you need to fuck up for that to happen?
Kinda weird that Park University is fucking advertising on Sup Forums
My older bro who is getting back into college just bought one for $40. My thought is what kind of retarded shit is this, making each year's students buy a clicker? Why not just use a damn web client and not have to waste your students money? My college never did that shit.
Literature is great, but classes can be horrid.
I just love it so much so there is no other option for me.
2.63 but my school required 2.66.
3 years or 9 terms. dad paid for the last term. failed a few classes, dropped out of a few. didnt have a clear education path, so i took underwater basketweaving because it sounded like fun. i do have almost 90 credits though.
Bro I'm a milfag they have a sattelite campus here on base lol
Are u from Missouri?
I dropped out in 2010 with an associates because I couldn't afford to go to a UC/Cal state
The only thing you missed out on are college parties and the various sluts with daddy issues.
Some classes will use clicker software, like iClicker, unfortunately I've had a mix of classes that required actual "clickers" and classes that had smartphone based clicker software.
At least I get paid to go here.
What branch? and no, unfortunately I am not. I've been and love it.
I know a few of you are on here. NewREC is fucking sexy. Also how do these fucking normies party so much? My three roommates have gone out every goddamn night so far. I see the appeal for going to a party every once in a while, but every night? Doesn't it get old?
Personally studying Geographic Science with a concentration in AGIS.
literally every friend of mine who goes here is a libcuck
my favorite undergrad class was ornithology. my campus was small and the house i was renting at the time was just a few blocks away in a neighborhood next to the science hall. i remember on the first day we all had our binoculars and set out to birdwatch on campus. an hour later we're all standing in my front lawn watching a red headed woodpecker nest just above the spot that i piss at when i'm drunk. i didn't say anything to the class, but we were birdwatching on my lawn. that turned out to be a great course, and we even got to hear a lone black rail up in the midwest which is apparently incredibly rare
>and are told that Shakespeare was a gay guy/feminist
I've heard the same about Da Vinci and some other artists in art history classes.
Most of the struggle in visual arts comes from the idea that everyone wants to be a hotshot concept artist. So you see a TON of work dedicated to feminism, white on black crime, muh injustice, muh Drumpf, etc.
One of these days I should just post all the stuff in our gallery because it looks like satire.
And yeah, Raphael is great.
College is a scam. Think creatively and have passion and a will to see something through and it will happen. Only losers blame their circumstances for not succeeding. It's the information age for Kek's sake.
His is the same brand. He's also paying out the ass. Such is the life of a goy
So it's not worth it go learn about physics, art, and classical history?
The college parties I've been to kind of suck desu
I go to a super liberal uni, so I'm hesitant. I think what really makes the classes is the choice of literature. Do you notice any trends that are moving away from the classics?
Is there anyone here going to IU? I've been having a hard time developing a social circle here. I'm more then happy to meet up or whatever with anyone.
Marines, there's a joint education center here that has Park and a few other out of state school classrooms and guidance counselors. My Tuition assistance is paying 4500 a year for college (6 classes a year) and FAFSA awarded me 2500$ as well.
So basically I'm getting 8 classes a year absolutely Scott free at a regionally accredited 4 year school WITHOUT even touching my GI Bill. I'm gonna use the GI for an auto tech course as a backup job plus I like working on my muscle car
Please fucking do.
It is critical theory and cultural marxism (critical theory's propagator) that seeped into the university and arts, it is also that now anyone can be a fine arts major with absolutely no talent whatsoever.
Artistry has become a fucking meme, and that is the worst part, it is just another job title to fill, and the worst part about that is it isn't even that.
No one cares about art anymore, and that is the sign of a dead civilization.
I'll match your Carravag with my second fav
If he goes to a state flagship school (at least what huge public schools are called here) then I wouldn't be surprised if his school has a deal with whoever owns iClicker. It's ubiquitous here in the strangest classes and is never utilized as intended, though always composes at least 15% of your grade.
neat. that reminds me of a course I took in urban geography. it was during the summer term, very small class of about 10 people, and we would go for walks around campus and town just looking at buildings and parks and the landscape. sometimes while we were out we would go eat at a restaurant as a class. easy coursework too. it was really cozy.
I'm in a CC working on transferring to a cal state school for a bachelors in nursing.
Originally was doing chem engineering, but then I joined the Army Reserves and became a nurse through that. Figured I might as well get paid more to do the same thing.
Anxious about how i'm going to pay for tuition.
any studying and work ethic tips for a new college student m8s?
/physics/ here.
Dude yes, some of my courses offered are titled #BLACKLIVESMATTER at my school.
When the classes are about the classics too they appropriate them to be about marxism and feminism. Shakespeare was torn about in front of my eyes for four months straight, I did fight the professor as much as I could though, and he couldn't rebuttal me most of the time.
I decided to go back and get a non-shit degree. I a thirty and in class with a bunch of 19 year olds. Any tips?
if u have weed ill meet up with u
what about digital art?
Nursing is a field where taking out loans might actually be an okay investment. Home health agencies often have incentive programs to encourage RNs to relocate.
Beat up the nerds and give them swirlies
Nice, my friend is in the Navy he will probably be doing something similar.
That is definitely a perk, I have thought about joining the Navy after graduating if my debt is too high and my job options too limited. I would like to do PR because it pertains to my major.
Just go to class, don't be a fucking gunner/tryhard and don't get too disappointed if you're branded as the weird old guy.
hate it
I went into a City University in NY somewhat liberal
I came out conservative.
I thought it was supposed to have the opposite effect?
don't be "that" mature student who constantly says stuff like this:
Not good enough for Stony Brook or NYU?
Hburg townie here. I always just assumed they party every night due to being upper middle class kids from the DC suburbs. They get bored as fuck with the lack of stimulation in Harrisonburg.
Yeah if you are a retard who can't think for themselves, why do you think so many people are admitted to college.
Every single girl I went to high-school with is now at a four year university, they were so fucking stupid, but now they study bio-chemistry? Yeah fucking right.
It's pretty nice the only downside is u have to be at your 2 year mark in order to qualify for educational benefits. I have a 5 year enlistment tbough so I'm still getting 3 free years of part time student out of the deal. Plus the intangible education I've had like time management and personal organizational skills as well as technical stuff like wrench turning and troubleshooting complicated systems.
pretty nervous, honestly. consequences are more immediate now and the amount of pressure i'm under is pretty unnatural.
>It is critical theory and cultural marxism
Yup. I took a 'visual culture' class and two art theory classes over the years, and I can't even begin to tell you how many Marxist authors I read for weeks on end. Luckily I'm really good at LARPing as a hardcore liberal so hiding my power level hasn't been a problem.
What kind of literature do you do by the way?
Trade schools are better.
Less expensive.
Less time.
Less progressive propaganda.
Better chance to land a relevant job.
Honestly just jumping into the job market straight out of high school might be a better bet.
Especially if you'll need to take loans.
Sure you might have to start out mopping floors or stocking shelves, but there's room for advancement even there.
Two decent no-degree jobs off the top of my head: Cop and firefighter.
I had codeine from wisdom teeth surgery but I actually used up the last of it just right now. Still high though so I should be decent company.
I'm a freshman here so I don't know where to get the weed. Back home I just bought it from my friend. I'm from out of state though and had to fly so I didn't want to risk bringing some over that.
never bothered. too expensive. just went to the local one
>pic related
>modern art
Nice proxy, leaf.
Gonna be my last year.
After its either.
1.Do my military service and get masters degree either in Germany or UK.
2.Get a mastets degree in Greece and then do my military service.
English major. It's alright. The worst thing is there are so many feminists in classes who plan on becoming teachers.
>Trade schools are better.
they are, but they barely exist anymore. High Shcools also used to have some life skills in them that were cut out ages ago
Biochemistry is a fucking joke, especially at the state college level, and most of my course work is history lessons and memory work, requiring little ability and lots of time. (read: busy work masquerading as critical thinking work)
Protip: people still complain and fail at an alarming clip
t. Biochem major in his last year
lol dude im from cali and i brought a ton with me. how do u not know where to find weed its the 2nd week
Has anyone used or worked for essay writing services? What was your experience?
I am considering working for one. They seemed enthusastic about my writing and even paid me $25 for my sample piece. Somehow this just seems sketchy. Can the writers ever get in shit for helping students cheat?
You learned faster than I did, man.
Fell for them throwing half my tuition at me, took too long to realize that the other half is still quite the burden.
At least I don't have debt.
what dorm?
isn't there some legendarily hard course in biochem? organic chem IIRC
Organic chemistry is a history class, not a chemistry class.
>dat corpulence
God I love Bernini.
Well it varies, I can take historical classes based on certain time periods.
For example, I am taking a class on the art of Medieval Romances this up coming semester (think Tristan and Isolde). Two semesters ago I did British Lit: Romantic-Modern.
Or I can take theory class, just like your art theory class, and I have, though against my will, fucking required core.
We will study the classics, took a Shakespeare class for example, or in Brit Lit read Coleridge, Byron, Tennyson, Joyce, Elliot (those last two not really classics but whatever) and then butcher them to death.
Or we will read post-colonial literature about a black guy in Africa who picked up a stick and that is symbolic of the plight of the noble african gentleman, who after suffering at the hand of the evil oppressive white man, is able to pick up nature, and rebuild with its gifts.
We don't get too in-depth til graduate school really, everyone is fucking stupid though it sucks, no one reads.... no one.
It's up to us to make our lives work in this broken society, I'm afraid. No easy solutions here.
Too many Marxist rent-seekers embedded in the university system to bother with it IMO.
Some can make it work for them.
I couldn't.
I'm kind of anti social so I haven't been to any parties yet. I barely know anyone outside my dorm.
I guess really I just miss my friends from back home desu. I haven't found anyone here who I can actually really chill with.
>Biochemistry is a joke
Nah m8 you're school is a joke. Organic chemistry is history?
What about you?
....when did I say pic related?
no wonder lol ur in teter, NW is where its at, its lit 24/7 up here
masters in CS isn't worth it a year in the industry is better
>comp sci
I'll be contacting you shortly
I've been spending most of my time playing cs;go with one of them desu
Such a waste of time. I graduated with a garbage GPA.... was asked only once about it in work life. When I apply for jobs now they don't even bother asking for the diploma.
im sorry dude but if u cnt find a party at this school its on you, ive heard of at least 4 parties per night from fools on my floor. first 2 weeks of school, everyone will let throw down with them