Why aren't you a Marxist yet Sup Forums?
Why aren't you a Marxist yet Sup Forums?
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I have a brain stem.
Not an argument.
not a weak faggot
Because you have to be a special kind of stupid to trust people that much.
Same reason I'm not an alchemist. Outdated shit is outdated.
Because only lazy losers and cucks are marxists
Because I'm a Luxemburgist.
Because I pay rent and have a job.
Rosa was a Marxist though
Left = maturity and intellectualism
Right = immaturity and banality.
Is that you Xexizy?
if you only had a brain stem you probably would b a Marxist desu
Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.
The Freikorps triggers the Jew.
Who? Luxemburg followed Marxist teachings, idk what else I can say
Rather, Sabbateanism.
t. commie
But I already am, comrade.
Because I don't want to live in Venezuela.
What kind?
>cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer
A monarchy where the people have libertarian rights is the only real way to rule a country
Cause natural selection should strongly be applied on humans again otherwise we'll succumb to an overpopulated planet full of weaklings. Introducing global Marxism equals ignoring the nature of evolution and would be the Doom of Humanity.
Is fascism leftwing?
Ah, "third positionism", that old fascist obfuscation
Thats cancer
Fascism is neither left nor right.
It uses ideas from both sides but ultimately is a rejection of both. Strasserism and the original NatSoc party of Rohm were far left though without a doubt.
No. Fascism is about hierarchy, nationalism, imperialism and defends private property. Leftists seek horizontality, internationalism, anti-imperialism and public property.
But I'm older than 16?
Well I am. Anyone without Marxist tendencies is an ultimate pleb
I've read Marxism:Philosophy and Economics by Thomas Sowell. It's not going to happen.
The only good contributions to philosophical discussion by Marx were his development of Hegel's work. The Labour Theory of Value was utter trash, and his theory of History is better for narrative building than establishing of fact or cause.
Because I'm not a fan of starving.
Right now it is.
Nice meme.
>If everyone owns the means of production there can be no trade in the means of production
>Trade generates prices and of course requires two parties
>Thus, no efficient/rational economic calculation can be made
Why don't I also jump off a bridge?
Because it's a stupid thing to do, faggot. I bet you think what Stalin and Mao practiced wasn't true communism either, queer.
No thanks, I'll pass.
Fascism is both private and public property, you dip. Also attempts to get rid of hierarchy were made through such things as Kraft Durch Freude.
Marxism is obsolote. Might as well bring back absolute monarchies while we're at it too.
Marxism is for those who are mentally, physically and emotionally weak.
Now that I know there are actually people who thought stalin was a good guy, I'm starting wonder if there is anyone who actually thinks pol pot had good ideas.
I would also have to see some really good ideas come out of the societies based on Marxist thought, they simply aren't there. It's the same rotating list of philosophers ego-stroking over derivative literature while people starve in the streets. Marxism has produced the most absurd dialectical conflict in history: rich westerners who theorize about Marxism while living in capitalist luxury, and the dictators they proselytize for vs. those who are actually forced to live under it. It is the worst form of denial when the suffering stares you right in the face.
I guess since Communism is the theorized "end of History" you would expect very little invention or innovation would come of it, and the people it produces would be dull and uninteresting.
Burden of proof is on the OP to prove why someone should become a Marxist, as opposed to replies memeing at the fact that the OP is a blatant shitpost.
Hence, the person you're replying to doesn't need an argument. As it is impossible to reply to a shitpost with an argument.
There are people on this planet, right now, living in the west, that think North Korea has the right idea, having never actually been there of course.
Because I don't like paying weak girly men to sit around mincing when there is work to be done. America needs fixing and it's not getting done by a bunch of whinny little bitches trying to control my labor while doing no labor of their own.
The joke's on you: I already am.
because im not a kike.
If it has private property it's capitalist. Fascism arose as the bourgeoisie became threatened by socialism and working class consciousness spreading after WW1.
Not a tankie but Kek
Is that supposed to be the maid he raped?
More of an Emma Goldman guy.
Not bad
>Fascism arose as the bourgeoisie became threatened by socialism and working class consciousness spreading after WW1.
This is a common thing people say but how true is it? I ask because of this quote
>De Felice's leading interest was in fascism. In his view, there were two types of fascism, "Fascism as a movement" and "Fascism as a regime". De Felice saw fascism, especially in the "movement" stage, as a revolutionary middle-class ideology that had deep roots in the Age of Enlightenment. Moreover, De Felice insisted that it was not caused by fear of a proletarian revolution on the part of the lower middle classes, as leftist historiography maintained; it was rather an assertive movement, originated by an emerging middle class in search for its proper role.
>Fascism, as a regime, was seen by De Felice as nothing more than Mussolini's policy, which tended to make of fascist ideology just the superstructure of Mussolini's dictatorship and personal power. De Felice felt that fascism should be seen as valid political ideology, not just something to be demonized and dismissed in simplistic terms. He argued that studies on fascism should get out from the political debate and become a historiographical issue based on scientific assertions.
Also I am asking if Fascism is leftwing because wasn't Mussolini left-wing when he was younger?
>Fascism began as a revision of Marxism by Marxists, a revision which developed in successive stages, so that these Marxists gradually stopped thinking of themselves as Marxists, and eventually stopped thinking of themselves as socialists. They never stopped thinking of themselves as anti-liberal revolutionaries.
Commie scum, were gonna deport you to north korea!!
I'm a Marxist-Leninist.
(((Rosa Luxemburg)))
(((Karl Marx)))
Fascism isn't left or right wing.
,it can be either.
It's simply authoritarian
Because people should control themselves as opposed to one another.
you have 2 parents
4 grandparents
16 great grandparents
256 great great grandparents
I am.
so the oldest traced relative there would share with Marx 2^13 potential ancestors in that generation.
that's 8192
Because I don't believe that everyone is equal.
Because it didn't work that well last time.
Is it popular among niggers?
Might wanna check these numbers again?