Equal Pay: Amy Schumer Demanded That Netflix Pay Her As Much As Dave Chappelle And Chris Rock

According to a new report by Variety, the 36-year-old comedian renegotiated her Netflix special salary once she learned what Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle were paid for their respective stand-up specials.

While the two were paid $20 million for their routines, Variety claims Schumer had been paid $11 million for her “The Leather Special” taping. Schumer was reportedly able to raise her payment significantly after going back to the streaming channel and asking for more.

Schumer’s request for more equal pay comes in the wake of several other female celebrities demanding more money after learning their male counterparts were being paid higher wages.


As stupid as this kind of garbage is I'm actually glad they got kiked out of more money seeing as she went back to them for money AFTER they already paid her. Holy fuck what a bunch of idiots.

It would be one thing to demand a raise while negotiating paymeny for the special, but Netflix are full of cucks if she fucking made the special, got paid for it, and then she demanded more AND SHE ACTUALLY GOT IT

Bet Netflix regretted that lel

This is wrong on many different levels.

She doesn't have nearly as much clout as Chappelle and Chris Rock, and her leather special was absolute garbage.

>Holy fuck what a bunch of idiots.

They literally just spent billions making new shows and movies, throwing an extra 9 mill to nib any bad publicity in the bud is the right business move.

pff haha netflix took the bait like a bunch of fucking retards


>she went back to them for money AFTER they already paid her

>not making the extra money part of her pay for her next special
>never have to pay her

those feet look great desu

imagine getting paid $11 million, enough money to last a few lifetimes, to get up on stage for an hour and talk about your fat disgusting vagina and make no one laugh

What a terrible country where the niece of a rich, corrupt, white senator is able to be the victim.

You paid for this if you subscribe to Netflix, by the way.

>let's pay 9 million to avoid having this leak to the public
>we're members of the public and we know about it

bad investment on their part then

>Fat blonde white woman getting mad that black men are worth more than her

How does she scale in the Oppression Olympics? Is she in the right here?

>$11 million to stand on stage and read out some jokes you memorised
>shits her pants and cries that IT'S NOT FAIRRRR like a literal infant because _eleven million dollars for one performance_ isn't enough
>if you don't support her you're a monster

Imagine all of that, and then complaining about it.

I don't get it. Don't you faggots always say women should just go ahead and demand the same money? Then she's a cunt for doing it?

>subscribing to Netflix


She's a "literally who" compared to those guys. Regardless of gender, that's why she got paid less.

I would do anything to rape her 75 percent of the way.

I want to facial abuse her but not just her face. I want to twist her nips raw as I rabbit pound her stinky, slimy pussy. I want to forcibly deepthroat her for so long that she wonders if her newly formed forgetfulness is from a lack of oxygen during our night together. I want to start out just a little rough. She'll be a little rough back, giggling until eventually the giggling stops as she realizes the severity of her situation. I want to push cum into her eye.

But most of all I want her to feel the shame and degradation of knowing that she loved it and that she deserves it.

Big difference between some nobody on a sub 100k salary asking for a better wage and some untalented multimillionaire asking for more money AFTER getting paid.

To be fair, she's the current it comedian while Chappell and Rock's careers have cooled off in recent years so it would make sense to demand equal pay. And no actual talent and humor don't count for how people get paid in entertainment

Did chapelle get 20m for both episodes? Because if so she was actually getting paid more

How is it her fault they agreed to pay more?

>anything coming from msm or Hollywood right now

>Don't you faggots always say women should just go ahead and demand the same money?
Prove that I've ever said that

>Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle
are legends, fuck this cunt

>bad actor
Jesus, lady, you're already getting free money. Fuck off.


>Amy Schumer complaining about not getting paid as much as Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock
That's the first good joke she's ever made.

Does she even have the same pull and numbers?

Netflix is literally the last place for that bluff, they know every tiny thing

>enough money to last a few lifetimes

Could $11 million really last you a lifetime nowadays?

>hey guys let's let actresses know that they can force us to pay them as much as our most lucrative, in demand, male content producers by bitching about sexism
yes brilliant

good for her and good for netflix if they say "you literally dont pull in as many people as chappelle, the biggest comedy central dvd seller ever"

I guess Jimmy Carr, Jim Jeffries, and all the other comedians demand equal pay as the top comedians. FFS Schumer isn't anywhere near the same name recognition as Chappelle.

>Netflix is literally the last place for that bluff, they know every tiny thing
It's not all about numbers, they have to be seen to be doing 'the right thing'
Case in point: her bluff worked

I think most people would think that during normal circumstances, but in the current zeitgeist women don't actually have to be worth the money they demand because everyone's afraid of being labelled as sexist/misogynist. I haven't met a single person, man or woman, who actually enjoys amy schumer.

Fault? I don't see anyone blaming anyone here. Just not liking her for a few reasons in this situation.

1. She's already Rich as fuck
2. She's arguably untalented
3. The special was shit in the first place
4. She doesn't have anywhere NEAR the history of Rock or Chappelle so it's understandable why she was paid less in the first place
5. Sick of gender related issues being applied to multi fucking millionaire celebrities with zilch in common with the common person.

Funny. Now anyone no name female comedian or actor can ask for a pay raise in the name of "equality".

this is the funniest thing she has ever said

>I don't see anyone blaming anyone here
Yeah, I like to close my eyes too.

>they have to be seen to be doing 'the right thing'
>Case in point: her bluff worked
All I got out of this is Netflix thinks they can pay female stars lower than male stars until directly called out on it, since apparently in the end they thought she was worth that higher price.


they caved?

fucking hell

>I deserve as much as these men, despite not being nearly as big a draw

Explain to me what 'blame' is being apportioned?

>1. She's already Rich as fuck
wtf i love socialism now

Absolutely. You could probably live comfortably on 1 million by living within reason and coasting on interest.

Why is netflix so fucking stupid? They could have just released the view count

Oh please, I'm a staunch capitalist but she is hiding her greed behind clamouring for equality.

Christ, you just said, "sh-she has enough money". It's literally not her fault Netflix agreed to pay more, faggot.

Wasn't this special so poorly received that they literally changed their rating system to this BS "matching %" because of how badly it was panned?

Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle both at least turned in decent sets.

That was because no one actually understood how the rating system works. Hint: you're not looking at other people's ratings.

so no more schumer specials?

win win

>current it comedian
Tits or gtfo... because no one else finds her shit funny.

put it in your local jew's bank and live off the interest

Holy fuck I hope Amy does porn before she gets too old and loses slampig status

Me and the waifu pull in around 90k combined. We will surely earn more as we advance in our respective careers, but it would take us 122 years to earn this much at out current wages.
Another way to look at it is, 11mil after uncle sugar takes 1/2 ish is 6mil. You could invest that conservatively and make AT LEAST 10 percent ROI after taxes. That's 600k a year. Your average working class household (all incomes) is only 40k.
But miss piggy isn't comparing herself to us deplorables, she's looking at the other 1 percenters she hobnob with.

25-30k a year is pretty much bare minimum for a relatively comfortable life

multiply that by around 75 years and you're looking at around 2 million for a life

so you can probably squeeze 4-5-6 lifes out of 11 million depending on how you budget (and if the money is untaxed)

Does anyone think Netflix will have Schumer on again after paying her twice as much and knowing to the fifth decimal place how unpopular her big special was?

Does anyone think that any other channel, studio, or corporation will stick their dick in her knowing that Schumer is going to hold their brand hostage for double the original asking price after the papers are signed?

This is economics, son. Amy knew her time had come, she played her last card - the victim woman card - and cashed in with as much money as possible to last until she can redefine her image somehow and get lucky enough to land some more trashy comedies that get moderately good box office takes.

Everyone here is mad because Chuck's niece's lawyers advised her to take the money and run lest her career fall apart a la Lindsey Lohan. This is clearly a damage control scenario.

>in the end they thought she was worth that higher price.
more like in the end they figured it was cheaper than lost subs and being a victim of outrage culture.

chappelle and chris rock at least are stars with a good track record for comedy and talent

you go girl. a white person should be payed as much as a black one. #endracism

This bitch gonna ask for 20,000,001 dollars

For everyone but those that blow money for a lavish lifestyle.

Mansion upkeep can be anywhere from a few 100k to 1million+ a year

>she's the current it comedian

i unironically think that this problem only exists for the wealthy

No one has ever been able to give me an example with a man and a woman who are both doing the same job get paid different amounts under let's say 70k

this. The subscribers are the true cucks

How much money would you take to get a golden shower from Amy?

Yeah, I reckon Amy Schumer does it for me.

Did she get an equal number of viewers? Have we now officially moved from "Equal pay for equal work" to "Equal pay no matter what"?

If you get into crypto

Her career was mostly likely at its peak two/three years ago, and even then she was greatly overshadowed by the likes of CK, Burr, Rogan. I think even after Chapelle went fully off the radar he was still more relevant than Schumer.

At the end that's what feminism is about, helping ugly untalented whores to get a free pass

you could buy a home in california (one of the better homes) and live comfortably even if you had a family.

hell, 2-3 million would be more than enough to live pretty damn lavishly here as well.

>she did what men have always done; negotiated for a better deal
>this is considered empowering

Did "we" ever said that?

You are confusing Sup Forums with that other site you browse.

entertainers get paid in audience number potential.

Has anyone in the history of media negotiated for more money even though their art was poorly received in the public, was critically panned and had bad sell and viewership numbers? Is Schumer a first?

If you were a staunch capitalist, you wouldn't call anyone greedy for trying to get owed money from an employer. You're a poorly disguised commie shill and you can fuck off back to r/feel_the_bern

Cause they need one.

God I need to see her get slammed something good by a BBC. Her and that slut Lena Dunham.

>2 fathers negotiate huge payments to give their children and grandchildren homes and educations and a relax lifestyle
>single childless barren old maid negotiates huge payment for stupid materialistic bullshit

Barren women are so gross

Altering deals after the fact is a cunt move tho

Do you really think you're going to earn more than $11 million in your lifetime?

She isn't barren. She is capable of conceiving a child, but her body absorbs the fetus to feed her unending need for calories.

I actually tried watching it and of course there was constant vagina jokes and her complaining about how tight and uncomfortable the leather suit was

You're both fucking retards. Netflix didn't owe her anything.

Her face has been everywhere for the past few years and she's been shilled non-stop by the media. Even though she's awful she's still a popular bankable comedian with a lot of crap out

>implying she's anywhere near as established or well liked as Dave Chappelle or Chris Rock

How much money did Snatched make again?


kys faggot

I mean, she should earn as more as her contemporaries, but she's not on Chappelle and Rock's level. It's like Hopsin demanding Snoop Dogg money. Chappelle's specials was his first specials in over 10 years of absence after selling more DVD's than anyone ever and then fucking off. Women should earn as much as men but there's fucking context too.

this senpai,

this reads like something joe rogan would say

Good. This will only speed up the death of Netflix.

I lived on 5 grand last year, never had any income for the whole year.

$45,852,178 total domestic gross
$42 million production budget
im sure this'll win over investors.

Love chappelle. Although I didn't find his netflix specials all that funny. Netflix should stop spending money like a drunken sailor. They are 20 billion dollars in debt. And truthfully I haven't see any of their shows that were truly good. Burr sucked.

>Could $11 million really last you a lifetime nowadays?
10 million invested in money market at 5% return is 400 thousand a year. Stock market investments higher around 6%. Diverting 50 grand a year leaves 350 thousand a year adding to your 10 mill. You can't live on a thousand dollars a week?