I fucked Ted

I fucked Ted

She's such a likeable character.

yaaaaas slaaay queen

I ___ Ted


What was the point of this character?

For years Skylar did her part - remain faithful, caring for the family and protectful of their retarded son - and one day she just got sick of it all and fucked Ted. She knows she's made errors in judgement, just as she knows her husband has made plenty, too. Life isn't perfect and neither is their marriage. But she's still trying.

Then her brilliant genius of a husband who threw away everything that could have given them a relatively peaceful life AND care for their son, because of his stupid pride, goes and makes some drugs. This brings her and their son into the danger that he's created, and she makes more errors in judgement. Is this fallacy on her part? Or was her world, to quote the Prince of Bel-Air, so "flipped and turned upside-down" that she simply didn't know how to react to it?

People who don't understand Skyler, don't understand life. Get out and breathe some fresh air, maybe talk to people face-to-face, once in awhile.

She could have easily divorced him and taken the money

I don't blame her for her behavior but it made for awful television. When I eventually rewatch BB i will skip all her scenes

>brings her and their son into the danger that he's created
But user... he IS the danger

Sorry he caught Cancer, shit.

She was more sympathetic later on, but insufferable in the first 2 or 3 seasons.

She was a huge bitch to Walt even before he really got into the drug trade and was just a dude with cancer. Why would you be a bitch to your dieing husband?

skyler played around with the idea of cheating on walt with ted before she discovered him having unexplained money and absences

To simply demonstrate the nature of women.

Bravo, Vince. Unironically for once.

>half the method cooking money

First time I watched this I thought Skylar was an irrational bitch, but watching it again she seems completely reasonable.

Just look at it from her perspective, and this is something that was established right in the first epide: She and Walt have an extremely close relationship, and they're both smart people who are used to workinh their problems out directly and pragmatically. Suddenly Walt starts disappearint with no explanation, starts hanging around with some rando druggie student of his, and continues to lie his ass off and steer things away from the subject of what exactly the fuck he's doing.

By the time Skylar finds out Walt's been cooking meth, she's already had to put up with months of sneaking around, disappearing, and even faking serious mental trauma. She's been scared to death for his well-being and he's given her absolutely nothing to go on as far as figuring out the problem, and since they're so close, she knows EXACTLY when he's lying, so it just makes her frustrated. So when he tells her he did it for the family, it's already too late, the damage has already been done, he's totally shattered any sense of trust between them.

THAT'S why she's so fucking pissed and bitchy at him. Walt's not a monster for doing what he did or lying to his wife, he did what he felt he had to do to keep things going, but Skylar's still right to be pissed and distrustful.

I really hope you're not expecting any reasonable arguments. Breaking Bad is a good tv show, but ultimately Walt is responsible for everything that happens, and as you said it's all because of his pride.

>Elliot and Gretchen offered to take care of his wife and kid after he was gone.
He turned them down, putting the future of his wife and children in peril since he had no real plan.

>Great at cooking meth.
Shit at everything else. Doesn't know how to sell it/distribute it. Ends up using Jesse to sell his product.

>Does everything for 'muh family'
Keeps his wife completely in the dark as to what's happening. From her point of view she just found out her husband is pretty much dying, won't be able to support Walt Jr on her own, on top of the fact that shes pregnant. Instead of trying to figure something out with her, her husband is being erratic as fuck.

His reckless actions literally get his family killed on a few occasions. For example if they'd been home when the Salamanca decided they were going to kill Walt. Not to mention later on when Lydia wanted Skyler, Walt Jr, and the baby killed to keep them quiet, only reason that didn't happen is because Meth Damon decided not to go that far.

Not to mention a million other ways in which Walt fucked up.

You're right, Walt isn't a monster for lying to his wife, or wanting to provide for his family. Hes a monster because he put his pride over the well being of his family. His family would have been taken care of if he'd just accepted help from Elliot and Gretchen. He's a monster for manufacturing and distributing meth, not to mention all the numerous murders her is responsible for, both by his own hands and though his actions.

>Skylar threads are so cleansing

You dont watch tv very well. Skylarkuk'd Walter with both kids, neither Jr or Holly were his kids. Go watch Walt's farewall scene with Skylar again. Walt shows us he realizes his wife was a whore who cucolded him with Ted babies and used him as only a sociopathic bitch could yet for the sake of the kids he doesnt kill her. Thats a realfucking man.

Except all that is literally fantasy. lol

>this is the face of a man confident he has been raising another mans baby

mark it well. its your future plebkuk.

Skyler had choices, stop making excuses for her. She was not a perpetual victim. There's a limit to how much you can blame everyone's misfortunes on Walt; it's downright irresponsible.

She's not a victim but she's still in the right to be a bitch. She was actually the closest to a true rival to Walt, she was thr only one who consistently saw through his bullshit.

She stopped having a moral highground when she joined Walt. She's no true rival to Walt when she's a goddamn flipflop. Weak willed, fairweather about her morals, didn't do anything constructive; just nag, add fuel to the fire, or sit around moping.

Being right didn't mean anything on its own. It all ended just as she had feared and she did nothing to prevent it.

Neither of them are totally right or totally wrong, that's why it's good drama. Both characters exist to push each others' buttons and reveal each others' flaws. I don't know why we have to attatch morals to the situation, they're just fictional characters.

But think about it, what BrBa threads and discussions do you see the most consistently these days? Walt vs Skylar, two sides of the same coin.

method acting money, indeed. hahaha gotcha good bitch boy loser fag xDD

No one would bring morality into the equation if some people wouldn't insist the story is an epic morality tale and some of her white knights wouldn't insist she's a poor darling and moral center while either ignoring or rationalizing all her own bullshit because "b-but Walt". It's as bad as saying Walt dindu nuffin and Skyler is just a big meanie, only it's infinitely easier to shit on Walt and absolve Skyler (unless you completely sympathize with him as the protagonist of the story and are content with only considering his pov).

At the end of the day, many people just don't like or enjoy Skyler as a character. Her flaws are one thing (especially the hypocritical nag thing), antagonizing the person whose point of view we see the story from is another (We understand Walt's deal, however she not only doesn't understand what his problem is but doesn't care to understand. Regardless of whether they are in the right or wrong, no one wants to feel like their loved one doesn't consider their feelings at all. So I disagree with user above: the marriage has a veneer of happiness but was actually pretty weak at core; we know Walt was not a happy camper and I think Skyler treasured her own peace of mind more than anything), no really enjoyable interactions with others either, not the most entertaining character in a show centered on a criminal scientist.