Who is the MJ of tv/film?

Who is the MJ of tv/film?




biopic when?? come on already

holy shit, how come they never made one?

Roman Polanski

>this is MJ's daughter

the MJ of tv (You)

forgot pic

more like, who is the MJ of music now?


they're not really his biologically they're just claiming pretending mj wants a handsome boy son girl daughter just a cover wife's handsome boy sons is the reason i married my wife

they kinda look like him desu

even pre-whitewashed-mj does not look like kids. i used to wonder why not just inject his fap2gayporn-milked semen into woman since he obviously cannot sex woman instead of getting another guy's semen then i remembered he serially-facesurgeried himself so he does not consider himself handsome and he wants handsome son.

Formerly Known as Prince

>pretty creepy
>worldwide fame and name recongnition
>top of their industry
>actually talented

Its got to be /ourguy/ Tom Cruise

hollywood here, thanks for the hot tip, expect it by 2020

This made me laugh, but really?

Whatever stance they take on the child molestation stuff (even ignoring it) is bound to be controversial.


The kid who claimed MJ molested him claimed other people did to.

I'd love to see it. I've always pictured Sandra Bullock playing a version of Michael. They could do the thing like in the Bob Dylan movie "I'm Not There", where he was played by several actors during different stages of his career (one including Cate Blanchett).