So now that the dust has settled and Trump has lost the election, does Sup Forums regret not supporting Bernie, the only candidate who could have destroyed the political establishment once and for all?
So now that the dust has settled and Trump has lost the election, does Sup Forums regret not supporting Bernie...
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Fyi do t do this guys
omg i cum on cat she hiss at penis i came a whole mom thx op
Oy vey, (((the socialist))) from vermont!
Maybe I won't have to repay my student loans if I vote for him! #FeelTheBern
>fucking Sup Forums memes
Jesus Christ it's like face cancer that can only be cured by actually killing people. Children to be precise.
Less shart in the mart, more hand exercises.
Thanks OP thats a good exercise it made me feel a lot better!
I lost all respect for Bernie the day he stepped aside for two blm sheboons in Seattle.
I would vote for president Dick Cheney before I voted for a fucking socialist.
Daily reminder that "now that the dust has settled" threads are made my shills.
I feel ya, user.
damn, that feels great!
This snaps your tendon.
That was a tough one to witness.
>does Sup Forums regret not supporting Bernie, the only candidate who could have destroyed the political establishment once and for all?
This is Bernie Sanders freaking out on a liberal girl for questioning the racist apartheid state of Isreal and its settlements
How does one support walls for Isreal but not for the US and Europe?
is this supposed to hurt? nothing happened when I did it
>dust settled
The debates haven't even started yet you fuckkkkkiiiing mooooorrroon
It's already over, it was over the moment Trump declared he was running
>How does one support walls for Isreal but not for the US and Europe?
"Muh right to exist" doesn't apply to goys of course.
>now that the dust has settled
Great, yet another meme phrase.
Not really.
I don't get it. What's the big deal?
Strange clipping job on your nails, user.
it's tough to do it with a boomerang
it creates an air bubble in your blood that induces a heart attack in a few hours or some shit
F for user
You mean I'll finally be at peace?
Well thank fuck for that.
He probably either picks or bites them.
nah that was the one where you place fingers on your wrist or some shit
My hand hurts
its a medical test for a form of tendonitis. Its used to gauge severity of injury of the tendons that along the top of your thumb and wrist.
If you do the motion quickly and with force it will injure you, so don't do that.
You cant create air bubbles in a closed system without opening the system. You cant do anything to "create air" in your blood aside from using a syringe to do it.
They're all straight lines. Looks like he cuts them with scissors or wire cutters or something.
I use nail clippers. I'm just a lazy fuck
>a Jew that has literally never had a job outside of the government sector
>destroy the establishment
he is more pro big government than Hillary, at least Hillary is mostly just trying to enrich herself and her family with the force of government. Bernie was just all out government control communist everything.
Not entirely true. If you drop pressure quickly in a localized area, you can create nitrogen bubbles in your body. Can happen for a number of reasons, not just decompression sickness. Such as violent muscle contractions such as during excessive heaving. Probably won't happen just from restricting certain blood vessels, though.
Bernie supports Clinton. One hell of a way to clean up.
>he is this autistic
go brush your teeth
Speaking of decompression...
How about that Byford Dolphin!
You're not doing it hard enough
You couldn't generate enough compression without killing the person outside of a diving scenario to generate enough nitrogen bubbles to bring on DCI.
>Hellevik was about to close the door between the chamber system and the trunk when the chamber explosively decompressed from a pressure of nine atmospheres to one atmosphere in a fraction of a second.
Here's the pasta...I wonder if its still an insta-ban for posting it
ITT: We make really cool crystals, and post results!
Okay, so this is easy, you should have all of the chemicals needed around the house!
Youll need around 5-7 pennies (or copper coin from your country), and a straw, put these aside.
Get a clear jar, scoop 2 tablespoons of salt into it, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
Now the first important ingredient should be in the bathroom cleaning supplies: Ammonia (any brand). Pour it in until the jar is 2/3 of the way full (as tall as you want the crystals to grow)
The last ingredient is laundry bleach (careful not to spill on your clothes!), fill the rest of the jar.
Now drop the pennies into the bottom, and quickly take the straw and blow bubbles onto the pennies to get the crystals going. You should begin to see stringy crystals form after about 30 seconds of blowing. That’s it!
The attached pic took around 10 minutes of steady blowing
The pink and purple some from the production of copper-calciphate using the CO2 in your own breath! (blowing until youre dizzy actually increases the CO2 in your breath, giving better colors)
what the actual h*ck guys. I did op's picture and now there is mustard gas all over the place.
just dropping by to say that these australian shitposts are OFF THE HOOK gj "mates"
This is now an informative thread designed for learning
he blew through a 60cm (24") opening like a human fountain of guts and pulverized entrails.
All my neighbors compliment the stunning crystals I've grown.
Yeah those 15-45 seconds before unconciousness are alot of fun. The feeling of your lungs violently seizing so violently that they cause pulmonary edema and your throat retching as your body and brain are starved of oxygen and you fade to black in intense agony
Well I'm sure its nowhere near as bad as the pain you've been experiencing in your life up until that point
If you're going to go out, walk in front of a train for the ultimate shitpost.
I feel Bernie should have been backed. He actually was bringing something different to the table and I dig that. A revolution of whatever magnitude he and his supporters were bring could have been interesting and I'd welcome it. The Trumptrain is crashing with no survivors at the moment and I saw it coming anyways.
I'd strap a drone to my head that I've programmed a route with, wrap steel wire around my neck and jump off a building
Then my severed head will fly all around the city
This fucking hurt faggot.
>lost the election
Are you from the future or something? Thanks for Corrupting the Record.
>I feel Bernie should have been backed.
Kek he was, DNC just fucked him. I don't get why people keep saying this, I have yet to see a Clinton bumper sticker but I see Sanders stickers everywhere.
The kike had a backing, he just got fucked kek. Even memepower wouldn't have saved him. Only reason I'm even voting Trump is a fuck you to the DNC. 3rd party vote just wouldn't be a big enough fuck you in my book.
I don't know why I did it.
when you crack your knuckles it creates "air bubbles"
i really don't get this hand exercise meme
people act like its bad for you when its not
No it's actually bursting bubbles and letting fluid through. It's really good for your joints.
It just hurts.
very simple but painful if you use it for suspension hanging.
Are you all enjoying my informative posts?
No, it's neither good nor bad
i am, do you have the instructions for making a bomb that blows up on you ?
what? lol trump is winning the election, moron
You can't be this delusional, literally every member of the American public besides some internet racists hates him
one of the more recent studies using active/live MRI disagrees with you
there is such a phenomenon as tribonucleation where the negative pressure caused by separating the joint causes bubbles to form in the synovial fluid
I think I know the one you're talking about but I don't know where I've saved it.
In the meantime have a Civil Defense manual
thank you for Correcting the Record on that one!