Youre not going to get blacks to vote republican. Dont you know...

Youre not going to get blacks to vote republican. Dont you know, conservatives were against the civil right movements at every stop. They were against it and want to undo what it accomplished. The civil rights movement hasnt been finished yet, there is still work to do and republicans are against all progress, really.

Other urls found in this thread: ayers death camps

crappy b8, shart/8

>Youre not going to get blacks to vote

I'm with ya there, their turnout is going to be horrible because it's not "are boy barry" and there's no free barry phone.

Reminder that Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats are the party of the KKK to this day

lol the republican party freed the slaves you ignorant faggot

That was a hundred and fifty years ago. Reminder that one of the Republican party founders was Horace Greeley, a US delegate to the first communist international. Things change.

Horrace Greeley was also the guy who convinced Lincoln to free the slaves. We're talking about blacks here, not economic systems

He had thousands of articles by Karl Marx published in his papers.

And also
>believes in abolition of property rights
>abolition of slaves as property goes along with it

There is a reason the south was so strongly against freeing the slaves despite only 1% of them owning any. Its because radical abolitionists wanted to get rid of all property rights, not just the ability to own people as property.

those republicans were liberal and not conservative. back then democrats were the conservative, modern day republican party

We'll bring them to heel, OP

>Its because radical abolitionists wanted to get rid of all property rights, not just the ability to own people as property.
I was not aware of that. Would you expand or point me in the direction of further reading?

Thanks for Correcting The Record

I read about it in Rebel America by Lillian Symes. This book is from the thirties and is by a leftist about other leftists but very interesting.

this shit is literally taught in elementary/middle school, but congrats on being an idiot

It's not about the nigger vote faggot. It's a lot softening his image for suburban white cucks that clutch their pearls at the mention of Trump is RAYCISS.

this has what it's come to, trumpcucks

one user discusses history and the changing demographical landscape, and all you can do is spam "CTR"

It is a big problem that the GOP doesn't win as many minorities as it should

I don't know if there's any solution

No one trying to defend why conservatives were against the civil rights movement?

There is not, this is why they encourage mass immigration from fucked up countries.
Once you are there, you cannot go back anymore, those people are there to stay and fuck your country up big time forever.
Brazil was politically where the US is right now 50 years ago.

Reminder that all the old racist Democrats switched parties after the failed segregationist Dixiecrat movement and Nixon's successful Southern Strategy to get them over to the Republican side of the aisle.

Robert Byrd would like a word with you

Conservatives overwhelming voted for the Civil Rights Act you fucking propagandist. >80% of Republicans voted for it while only ~60% of Democrats did.

Fuck off, Gary, with your 1 'celebrity' supporter.

Republicans =/= conservatives

>The civil rights movement hasnt been finished yet, there is still work to do and republicans are against all progress, really.

Integration has been a complete failure. - Affirmative action is required to place blacks in any academically competitive job.

Welfare/government spending has been a complete failure. - Dismantled the black family. Created dependency. Relegated blacks to permanent underclass status.

Where are Black civil rights no equal to the rights of other ethnic groups?

So vote Hillary if you're a racist. She will finish the job.

> Today, the nigger vote
> Tomorrow . . . kangz.

What about those Birchers? They were against civil rights and they claim they were the forerunners to the tea party movement.

What about Arlington House publisher? Conservative publishing company that published Buckely's books along with "House Divided" by Lionel Lokos, a very lengthy book on how MLK was bad for the nation.

They were obviously a pretty negligible minority if 80 freakin percent of Republicans voted for the CRA. Not an argument

The left has people who want death camps.
Look up 'bill ayers', princess.
The Civil Rights Act only passed because of Republicans.
The dogs and water hoses were turned on blacks by democrats. ayers death camps

Obama announced his candidacy in the Ayers home.

Pretty sure youre a negligible minority if Trump is failing this hard in the polls

>Resorting to ad-homs
This is how you know you've won a debate lads