I found this theory on /x/ which said that the Simpsons actually exists in real life and the footage we see is not a...

I found this theory on /x/ which said that the Simpsons actually exists in real life and the footage we see is not a cartoon but an actual documentation of the lives of the people who live this covered-up irradiated wasteland somewhere in the the USA. The reason it looks like a cartoon is because the radiation fucks with the camera creating funny pixelation.

It makes sense if you think about it: how could one person hand draw each and every frame in this show? That's literally and physically impossible. And if you watch the show you can see hints that this place actually exists.

So do any of you from Sup Forums know about this theory and have any evidence or thoughts on it?

Other urls found in this thread:


sneed lol

>And if you watch the show you can see hints that this place actually exists.
Except for the fact the movie says Springfield is located between Kentucky and Maine. I'm in Kentucky and I don't see radiation everywhere.

Yes that is 100% true

>how could one person hand draw each and every frame in this show?
it's not one person and very easily because simpsons has never had good animation. if you want to see what one person is capable of watch the finished footage of the thief and the cobbler.

I'm in Kentucky too. Where you at bro

If you watch the Simpson's Movie you can see that there was a dome placed over the city in order to hide the radiation from the outside.

That's fucking retarded. I seriously hope you don't actually believe this.

Shitty bait

I unironically believe this and if you'd watch the show without looking at your fucking phone every five seconds it'd probably be obvious to you

So if it exists in our world where did Homer go in that Treehouse of Horror episode where he's 3D? The 4th dimension?

Ausfag here

Is it US or USA?

I wish this were true

and there's a dome above everything so it's a dome under a dome

yeah and what about the part where he interacts with the real world

Good thread

I'm gonna catch me some aliens


Yeah, that's true.

That is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard

If it's just real people living their lives why is it edited and scored and for the first ___12___ seasons funny?