>right pic taken just minutes before she was put to the chainsaw
Seriously though, can we agree Mexico's kinda fucked up?
>right pic taken just minutes before she was put to the chainsaw
Seriously though, can we agree Mexico's kinda fucked up?
Other urls found in this thread:
Got vid or link of chainsawed titties?
link the video faggot
She got chainsaw'd? Source?
wait what
please god tell me theres a film of her dying, I need fap material and this looks amazing
What a shame she had to live in Mexico because if she was in the US, she probably would have an Asian boyfriend like all Latina girls do.
Jesus why do people do such horrible shit to each other. The human experience is garbage,
wew video where? link for great justice
Mexicans are vile animals
>she probably would have an Asian boyfriend like all Latina girls do.
Just like White girls love Asian guys, Latina girls love Asian guys also.
Provide a source or fuck off and die
There's no video. She was forced to walk to a gas station in the middle of bumfuck nowhere just how she looked in OP's pic.
You damn well know the link to the video would've been posted days ago.
>>she probably would have an Asian boyfriend like all Latina girls do.
Attractive Latinas belong to Asian men just like attractive White girls belong to Asian men
Video was taken down but here's the full pic for anyone curious.
Just didn't want to put it in the OP because that tends to get the thread deleted.
The only way i see this happening like you mentioned it's if the girl was the girldfriend of some narco and she cheated on him.
implying mexicans are humans
For the love of god what is the story?
who is she?
we already have that fucko. where was the video reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fucks sake, someone upload this vid for my dick
context you stupid SEA nigger
how old is she btw
>fucking leaf forgets the caret
Who she be, B?
literally who doesn't love asians?
>ay ay ay
99% of the Mexican vocabulary right there
i mean whatever you need to say to defend this, you scum of the earth. Fuck off with your pointy ass boots.
Hey Mexico, if you dont know what to do with your women, send some here
>Snow Mexican
>Opinions on other Mexicans
pick one
what did she do to deserve such a fate?
Holy shit i almost forgot that shit exists.
The nukes can't fall soon enough.
this seems legit
the full image of her was posted here earlier :/
Am I to understand there was no chainsaw?
>inb4 I'm vanned
That girl can't be older than 12 thanks a lot you stupid fucking faggot
>Has whore written all over
What do you think?
Shame, she was pretty cute.
Such is life in Mexico I guess.
Family member of a judge, police, politician, prosecutor, military, bus driver, librarian, etc, etc.
The cartels will kill your whole family for whatever because they're subhuman wallniggers.
You do know that we know that you're responding to yourself, right?
Get back to asian masculinity you micro-dicked faggot.
Saw this on /tv a few hours ago and now here and still no one posts a fucking link
Who is this cunt
>kind of
Why do you think so many of us are adamant about not letting these fuckers in? Spics have always had a weird fetish/cult around death. I don't want these savages in our borders.
Huh, same here actually. Hail fellow Sup Forums user.
Exactly, every story like this hardens us against beaners.
OP is a moron if he thinks this will make up leave the border open.
There's already a ton of mexican americas in america, they are almost a minority you know and i know that it's like less than 1% of them are actual criminals....
Does anyone know the story behind this or is this thread just shit talking and that one asian perma-virge responding to himself?
Dumbest shit I've ever seen
There's no video. Liar. The girl is alive. She refused the advances of some gangland crook and because she didn't whore herself out to him he decided to shave her head and write whore all over her body.
Mexican intellectuals.
>be Mexican
>cheat on Cartel bf
>>>she probably would have an Asian boyfriend like all Latina girls do.
Asian men + Latinas
Not asian you retarded burger, he is a damn 100% chicano. slanted eyes come from fucking natives.
If there's a video I want to see it
were there more images?
You gave enough of a fuck to reply to this thread...
Why was a picture of a naked child posted on Sup Forums? Oh, never mind.
No. This whole thread is bullshit.
Based Mexico never change
Just kidding, I would never wish that on a slut but there's little benefit to directing all your anger here since ultimately there are a lot more people that are responsible for these things happening than just the person wielding the chainsaw.
You're a moron.
>dont be a whore
>get called a whore
aye, if thats true poor girl really, on the other hand i guess mexico people are used to this.
What's the story here?
Your dick is soooo tiny, chang
She refused to be his girlfriend, idiot. He was punishing her chastity and good taste.
For someone who doesn't give a "fuck" you sure do look like you are giving them....
if i dont see roastie getting toastie via chainsaw im gonna flip shit
How the fuck do they do shit like drive, or walk within 5 feet of each other
why wont anyone say her name?
We agreed a long time ago that Mexico is completely fucked up.
I've seen a thread for this earlier today in the morning. No one had the vid then either. I did a reverse image search and all I could find was the Sup Forums thread.
I hate Mexico and all mexicans.
I would love it if the entire nation was nuked.
They only wear them for parties.
We're afraid.
>>dont be a whore
>>get called a whore
sounds like parts of Sup Forums actually
you bunch of niggers there is no video, OP is just teasing you.
also is probably this
i fucking hate this nigger country
>The nukes can't fall soon enough.
i hope yellowstone blows the fuck up and we get cover on ashes.
And I thought i was immuned to BLACKED. Wew, asian men, something about this aint right
>Seriously though, can we agree Mexico's kinda
Cheating whores get chopped up with chainsaws? Isn't that based as fuck? And MGTOW?
I think it's redpilled as fuck. And CNN reporters are ripe targets for assassination in this climate of radicalization.
what is this like voldemort or something
God they're so ugly.
She looks hotter with a shaved head I hope she isn't dead I want to date her
The asian dude and white dude look like
She cant be older then 13. What the fuck mexico
so he didn't kill or fuck her? That's pretty autistic after all of that effort desu,
>^ this is a caret
stupid burger
This pic is the NOWAGS achilles heel
No doubt he probably raped her.
i like that shaved head with braces look
Exactly. They hear us, they watch, they know...