Why haven't you accepted the final red pill?
Why haven't you accepted the final red pill?
>implying this isn't common sense
not everyone is as stupid as you may think
>implying the earth isn't a torus
nice spotlight bro
Doubt even 90% of people on this board believe this
>yfw global warming is an attempt to unearth Hyperborea
sure I accept that but, I still dont get why we have those 4 seasons
>iplying the earth isn't a Klein bottle
I don't care what the earth is, I identified it as a pyramid.
If you say otherwise, you're a pyramidophobe.
implying the Earth isn't a 5D Calabi-Yau quadric manifold
rectilineator disproves this
>implying it isn't a Moebius strip
If you check the temperature outside at night, it's colder in direct moonlight than in the shade. go try it. So much for the lie of it being reflected sunlight.
>implying it's not just a virtual construct made up of something like bits and bytes in a computersimulation and actually has no real dimensions.
We're here, OP.
Good 2 know. Almost regret making this one..
Wait a sec..... Is this some meme like shart in mart, or why do more and more stupid burgers believe in flat earthrs or deny stuff like global warming...?
Are you also some kind of temporal retarded (behind the times)?
I mean, the "flat earth" discussion was trendy in the middle ages.
And the "global warming" discussion in the 80s and 90s....
Help me Sup Forums, is this some wierd meme, or burger as usual?
Wake up you fucking sheep, the government and the scientific community is lying to you.
I did but it's more like this:
Why jews want us to believe earth isn't flat?
You believe nothing but jew lies.
the real redpill is to find out that there is no "final" redpill
What mate??
You are quite stupid foreigners regards from the ylis.
nigga wut
This is smart.
flat earth is retarded, the only earth shape conspiracy that makes sense is concave earth theory, flat earth gives you extra chromosomes
why can't i see the sun right now?
How do you explain space and the stars and the sun?
Answer pls.
There's speculation it was disinfo from agencies or a joke taken too seriously
They are all tiny and inside.
Refute this, roundies
>pro tip
I have seen the light of the black sun, felt the light of the green ray upon my face
Because I have seen the shadow of the Earth cast upon the Moon and it is the shadow of a spherical object.
>something something very convenient arbitrary reasons
flat earthers are retarded. this is a fact
So what you are saying is...we are alone and possibly living in a simulation?
its almost as if the light source is bigger then the moon
Turn the specularity hardness down use a sun or hemi light.
Earth Curve Calculator
This is all you need to know. The earth doesn't curve.
i wouldnt doubt it
Do you know what light diffusion is?
Do you know how big the sun is relative to the moon?
Do you realize that light from the sun is hitting it at all angles and not from a singular point like in the example?
Do you even into science at all????
your brain is flat
Tiny and inside what? Elaborate
This is a good question. If they wanted us to believe that space and what not is real why would they not have NASA funding up the ass? Great way to suck cash out of the nation, but they are cutting it.
Okay so they Earth is flat. What are the parameters of this flat world? What is the universe like? Do people sail off the edge?
Also how do you explain things like the horizon curvature?
Or we are in one layer of an infinite number of concentric spheres like a Matrioska doll.
It all makes sense when you realize light bends just like magnetic lines of force, along the same poles too.
There are no authentic photos of the Earth from space.
Let me guess, there's evidence of seeing something farther away than is possible to trace a straight line.
What is atmospheric refraction? Light doesn't travel in perfectly straight lines.
The sphere.
>light bends on magnetic poles
got a source for that?
also, infinite shells? What the fuck?
These threads always remind of how much of a piece of shit this board is
sonoluminescence creates stars and galaxies, literally looking at it with a long distance microscope.
darkmatter is literally just water
the water is held by the fermament.
hitler believed in the concave earth and so did his scientists, they tried experiments to look to the opposite side of the earth by pointing the telescopes up.
also the reason the earth appears to be convex is due to the bending of light.
Well, roundies?
detected the shill
round earth shill
>3 part multi question
>one word awnser with some ancient astronomical painting
nigger what are you trying to say
>a source
the sun
Yes infinite shells, that's about it.
This is such a stupid fucking argument. When someone takes the bus or subway does it go from point A to point D? No it fucking goes from point A, to B, to C, to D. It's called being efficient.
Here you go flat earth retards. Take a flight and prove everyone wrong.
inb4 it's a simulation.
So many good goys ITT.
I'm part of the people you'd call the Illuminati and it's time you all realized that shit's not right.
You know it deep inside but the sheer fundamental differences between how you perceive what you think of as "the universe" and what "the world" really is would blow your mind so fucking hard that you'll need to take a time out in the nap room.
You're not ready but yeah "the Earth" isn't what you think it is.
"We" know "science" about "Antarctica" but what do you really know about it?
Explain, you faithless roundies
Look at the size and power of the light source you fucking moron.
So youre just asserting that light adheres to magnetic laws? alrighty then, fuck sources.
How did you come to that conclusion about infinite shells?
really makes you think
yA How they gonna explain the solar eclipses?
Flat earth is just disinfo to discredit hollow earth.
>How did you come to that conclusion about infinite shells?
Just a hint from a friend one level down.
are you being serious? I feel like im getting trolled or something.
you're in the illuminati? And you just admit it like that? Seems like they would flunk you out of illuminati training for that. but alright, ill bite. blow my mind with some Antarctica facts
Because retrograde motion.
>why do these threads not get banned?
If I can see stars in the far reaches of the galaxy, why can't I see the Himalayas?
Because i'm retarded, but not that retarded.
>believing in space
hmm. so complete nonsense. I was at least expecting some christ faggotry or something. kek
thanks for playing
The light source for the moon is many times larger than the moon i.e the sun . The moon isn't always fully visible ;most of the time it's only partially visible and then there's alarm eclipses , which can only be explained if the moon ,earth, sun are spherical and the examples in the picture use a light that isn't proportional to the relative size of the moon to the sun so...
Wat a surprise kek.
Just answer the question, SHARTMART
don't doubt the firmament, one day you will see
are you like, trolling with the troll? or just a fucking retard?
this was the most interesting post in the thread. Ill look into this principle and reconsider user.
The 'flat earth' discussion was not trendy in the Middle Ages: this is a common misconception. It was almost universally accepted at that point that the earth was a sphere; the ancient Greeks had, in fact, calculated the circumference of the globe during the Classical Period (i.e. during the 5th and 4th centuries BC). Look at the work of Eratosthenes.
im asking you to show me. why are you making me wait asshole?
Well for one learning isn't through books and teachers, but direct brain stimulation.
It's similar to the way light doesn't reach the bottom of the ocean. The massive amount of air particles in the way makes it impossible to see an object from so far away
>believing in bibles or other similar works of fiction
Hi, Steven.
>your brain is flat
Another is that they have even stranger creatures from farther down who sometimes intrude.
>believing a fedora is fashionable
so how do you stimulate your brain in the right ways then?
reading and listening are both stimulations but whatever.
if this were true why does the sun and moon dip below the horizon? they should only get smaller
Another neat one is that they have basically no technology we'd recognize except that which they import or commission from us.
>implying I believe any of those
Holy shit.
There's 100 km of air above my head yet I can see objects that are beyond it.
Why can't I see a building or a mountain that is less than 100 km around me?