>“I’m going to push. Not only for better tools, workflow, high dynamic range (HDR) and high frame rates (HFR) — the things we are working toward. I’m still very bullish on 3D, but we need brighter projection, and ultimately I think it can happen — with no glasses. We’ll get there.”
What did he mean by this?
James Cameron Wants Glasses-Free 3D For The ‘Avatar’ Sequels
What frame rate will be sequels be at? 60fps is kino.
>What did he mean by this?
that he is indeed B A S E D
Unknown. Cameron said the following
>I’m studying [high frame rate]. I haven’t made a final decision yet, whether the entire film will be made at high frame rate or parts of it. You know, we’ll be shooting at a native resolution of probably 4K and so then there should be a lot of true 4K theaters by then as well.
There have been rumors (so take this with a grain of salt) of 120fps.
Does he realize he could damage the eyes of his audience? We already have 3D without needing glasses i.e. Nintendo 3DS and that makes my eyes feel so horrible and gives me a headache. It even says young kids should not be allowed to play on a 3DS with 3D enabled because it isn't good for developing eyes.
So unless Cameron's 3D without glasses feature incorporates something different that Nintendo used, he could be sued quite a bit
>Does he realize he could damage the eyes of his audience?
The lush rainforests of Pandora will be the last thing they ever see. They will come willingly to blind themselves in the service of James Cameron.
Can we stop with defending Cameron's Avatar? One of the worst movie series ever made
That sounds like an absolute nightmare for special effects.
>glasses free 3d
>one movie
face it, nothing else is going to be released
Only 1213 days left
>What did he mean by this?
Avatar sequels will be Holograms
I'm confused over why you're confused. The 3ds has glasses free 3d
Have you been living in a cave?? The 3DS lets you play games in 3D without the glasses
Why does anyone ever doubt James Cameron now? People said Titanic would flop and it became the highest grossing movie of all time until Avatar, who had people also saying that it would flop.
It's a hard movie to rate. It's extremely well crafted but it's very shallow and it has aged incredibly fast.
It would be impressive if they pulled it off
That isn't 3D fucktard.
>That isn't 3D fucktard.
... background and characters fly out of the screen. Yes it is.
Not to mention that 3D movies nowdays aren't even 3D anymore for me. Only movies back 10 years ago with those colored glasses ACTUALLY gave me a 3D effect that really looked like the characters were jumping out of screen. Now when I see a movie in 3D, it's as if it tries to jump out but doesn't.
I spoke to a guy who works at a cinema and he is right when he said 3D movies are a dying business
>Can we stop with defending Cameron's Avatar?
No, here's why. It's a singular cinematic experience, and i stress that word, experience. It's as if you're at a Disney/Universal studio ride. The 3D effect, in theater, was stunning and immersive completely unlike any other "3D" then or since. So it was an awesome, mind-blowing visionary sensory experience. I'll pay to see each one that comes out.
Having said that, I have no interest in rewatching it at home. The story, dialogue, plotting, was passable at best, cliched, etc. Without the theatrical experience I don't have much interest in it.
What do you mean by "3D?"
If he can make glassesless 3d theatres a thing I will go see blue sluts in space 2 and 3 in theaters
Based Jim
You need glasses for 3-D. This is science.
I will not watch Avatar 2, Avatar 1 is an insult to the medium of cinema.
I don't like James Cameron but the dude is fucking smart and knows exactly what his audience wants out of one of his films.
Then explain this thing Checkmate, atheists.