Anyone feel that weird shift? The Deja Vu?
It changed again.
This started happening more often after the CERN shit started didn't it? What are they doing over there?
Anyone feel that weird shift? The Deja Vu?
It changed again.
This started happening more often after the CERN shit started didn't it? What are they doing over there?
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holy shit why the fuck you post this today just when i was thinking just this
something really fucking weird happened today
i dont even know how to explain it, but today was definitely not the same as any other day
and that's me saying as I basically didn't change my routine from yesterday to today
Welcome to 2Q16.
I wouldn't worry about it.
True. They're harmonizing the frequencies again. Pff.
I was sleeping and now hungover, no shifts here. Go see a licensed (((psychologist)))
is this the schizo thread?
Dude wtf. I had Deja Vu today too. Like a really bizzare deja vu where I felt like I had done this like years ago or something. Probably the biggest Deja Vu incident I've had my entire life.
Anyone have an explanation about this?
I was playing Mount and Blade Warband and a dream I had before I even played the game LITERALLY CAME TRUE.
But no, these events are actually completely normal it's just that we've gotten better at seeing them. Shit like this has been going on for at least 60000 years, for whatever reason.
something tells me we're back in the shitty universe where trump wasn't meant to win the primaries even and now clinton will win and a happening will probably commence, probably yellowstone will erupt
But why would he have Deja Vu and I have it as well?
I've never seen Deja Vu threads on Sup Forums before.
I was reading a post when it hit me pretty hard. I stopped and just kinda chilled. Felt like a rush or maybe a sudden chill-out moment.
mass hysteria
get a job losers
Yeah I felt it too
Yes Hans, welcome aboard.
I've had one too. Earlier this night. But it may have been the lack of sleep or too much Sup Forums.
go away canada no one likes you
I've been getting them monthly now. None today though.
About a month back it really fucking threw me for a loop. I was lying in bed and my dog burst into my bedroom and grabbed a dog toy from the floor, and then left the room.
But I had the most fucking horrifying and profound sensation that I had seen the exact scene before. Yes I know by definition that's what Deja vu is, but this was legitimately frightening.
I just kind of sat there blankly for a good minute or two trying to make sense of what was going on.
When we die we go back to a different point in our life, an endless cycle. When you have Deja Vu it means you are doing the same exact thing per the last lifetime. It's time to change your life around for once.
Yawn. Nice roleplay.
present deja vu is literally normal lobe seizures
the shit that hangs up on you for years is the weird stuff.
I had an extremely weird dream
For me I had just cleaned up my room and was browsing Sup Forums on my phone while laying in my bed. My roommate being outside my door, the post I was reading, and the way I saw the background of my room behind my phone all clicked together.
Pretty nuts 2bh. Life in general sometimes gets pretty surreal.
I can feel it, Dave. I can feel it.
why bother commenting unless you were genuinely troubled
What's he building in there tho
/x/it Sup Forums is adorable.
I've been having a sinking feeling of dread and terror today, like walking around my neighborhood (a rich white suburban area) seems to me dangerous, as if I were walking in a ghetto. I feel... odd walking, slightly afraid. I have never felt this way before.
things seem to scare me more often now than i'd like to admit. Mostly regarding avant garde new age religious films I've started watching.
I don't know how to explain it.
wtf ive been having moments like this too
dude wtf I was just watching 2001 a space odyssey today, now i'm seeing pol threads about stanley kubrick
Last night while browsing Sup Forums I always felt my senses failing for half a second whenever I go to the bathroom for like 4 times (since I went to the bathroom a total of 4 times before I went to sleep)
Maybe I slipped into something... am I still in the same place as yesterday?
I feel it.. And you guys r scaring me
your time spent to post is adorable =3
Go to bed murakami
The only weirdness I'm feeling is from all the publicity we've gotten from Hillary, but that's it. You're just being an autistic /x/cuck as usual.
Wait, what?
I don't think that does what you think it doe.
Some user before said that every time we die, our consciousness merges with our other selves in other parallel universes.
Which explains the Berenstein/Berenstain Mandela affect shit.
Hopefully we can shift into a universe where I finally get a cute and pure innocent GF?
Was on the phone with my mom and apparently she hates non-whites suddenly. Maybe you're right OP.
(He's not)
Noticed, senpai.
CTR is becoming like an insignificant insect, so that's good.
But what does it mean?
They are trying to create a portal to hell, so that the Anti-Christ and demons can come to earth.
CERN began on 06/06/06 aka 6/6/06 aka 666.
The CERN logo (pic related) is 666.
The dancing Shiva statue outside of the building (destroyer of worlds symbolism).
They want to create teleportation and time travel and discover new dimensions aka a portal to hell (a la Event Horizon).
Those weird ass ritual dances right in front of the machine as a an "inauguration".
Booting it up right around the equinox and during tetrad blood moons
The scientists and human sacrifice recently.
They are building up for something. Something big. Evil things will occur.
What happens when all versions of us are dead? Or the universes are so fundamentally different that the difference is jarring?
Today I felt an odd sense of nostalgia while I was taking my dog for a walk. Me and my brother walked to the local convenience store, and on the way back we both agreed that today felt off. We both felt a lot of nostalgia. It was a strange, but good feeling. For a moment I felt as if the NWO wasn't a thing.
what if.. what if this is all the jew's doing to stop Trump?
Think about it. Hillary makes her alt right speech yesterday, then the next day these weird shit starts happening.
maybe the jews got CERN to try to change reality again, or maybe get HARP to brainwash us into hating the "alt right" or trump.
this definitely has to do with that speech. I have a feeling that her mentioning of the alt right, and the mentioning of PEPE has like, punctured a hole in reality. Kek was essentiallly broadcasted live to millions watching her speech, creating a consciousness, even for a few seconds, of Kek, the lord of Chaos and destruction.
i believe hillary may have inadvertently angered Kek
I felt it too OP especially in my scrotum area. the vibrations made my smooth shaved nutsack ripple like a stone falling on still water
it's called synchronicity you dweeb
The other day I went to make an omelette, there were 3 breakfast sausages in the fridge that I used in my omelette. That evening the sausages were still there. I spent the rest of the night questioning my very existence and reality because of 3 sausages.
Diaper changes coming from all directions under the laws of physics. Diaper changes being directed to all locations within the omniverse possible.
Who here from the rhythmn universe?
>actual retardation
Whats the rhythm universe?
Basically the universe where we get killed in an accident continues on, like how in the universe that we are alive continues on even though one of our friends die.
If we die, we reset
Would this explain why elderly people get dementia/forgetful very often in old age?
Think about it. When you're young, it's quite rare to die. But it becomes more common as we grow older.
If every Deja vu or profound forgetting moment indicates one of our selves has died, it only makes sense that this would increase in frequency as we age, and become very common at elderly age
It's spelled rhythmn
you figured it out
>They are trying to create a portal to hell
No shit? The even have a statue of Shiva (the destroyer of worlds) in front of their headquarters.
Maybe something happened in the future that cause the both of you to die in the same time, thus going back on a checkpoint at the same time
The bear thing is because most of us read it when we were younger. We remember it differently I guess
They're trying to boil uranium again.
Wtf it's back to berenstein
Yup can confirm
Yeah I felt it. It was less intense than deja vu but felt broader, like a subtle smoothing of the lines in the entire universe. Not sure if it was yesterday or the day before - like reality "adjusted".
Why does life in the past few months just feel surreal to me?
Its like I am in some sort of trance for these past months and it feels like my consciousness is somewhere else.
help me
nice ID and digits lad
Can somebody give me a brief explanation as to what the fuck you guys are going on about?
Seems to me those Georgia Cubes were right after all
I know that. What I'm saying is, what if all of those very similar universes dies off?
And the only universes left where we are alive are so fundamentally different from the one where we presently exist? So for example let's say a mass extinction event occurred in one infinite set of universes, and the only versions of ourselves that survived live in a universe where Hitler won WW2? Then what?
What if we die of old age or something?
any more, when i have deja vu, i feel like ive done that same thing not just before, but many many times. yesterday i was hanging out with my friend, and i felt for just a moment that several parallel versions of me was doing the same thing. does it make sense? i dont know how else to describe it.
Fuck off, normie.
That doesn't even make sense. Just because you wogs can't spell for shit doesn't mean you're in a fucking Sliders episode.
Unless sliding this board with an thread counts.
I work dead shifts as a cashier and today someone got $6.66 change back, He bought the Boston Herald, a 30$ ultimate millions ticket, and a mountain dew energy drink with 40$. This isn't the first time this has happened either. As I drove home my car lights flash on in the interior.
I seen that satanic ritual shit they did in Switzerland, pretty spooby stuff tbqh.
>broadcasted live to millions
>cnn doesn't even hit 700k viewers and Sup Forums hits 1 mill
kek is with us
Sadly this.
The opening ceremony of a nearby tunnel will red pill the fuck out of you.
No that's this one
>Ill never get back to my beloved Bearinstien timeline...
You fucking asshole, you just had to post that. Fuck, I'm all alone in this house. Time to light some candles.
You really are a fucktard
I feel it too bro.
I think this will all be over soon. For better or worse.
Something powerful is happening user.
Stay safe and remember to never lose your virtues in your heart no matter what is coming
Hymn? You fucking retard. But you're from the retarded rhythm universe so I don't give a shit. Entirely fucking retarded universe.
I've noticed that Euros didn't feel it while most people saying they did are USA.
I'm not too much into conspiracy theories but I do think its strange so many people would say they did. Even if it's only OP telling the truth its weird to me he would post this on the day I had it. But I believe a lot of you that said you felt weird today.
Its funny but I can't help but think it has something to do with our long-time memeing of Kek.
The day after Hillary name drops the alt-right while someone yells Pepe and we all laugh about it while thousands of normies learn about us..It's just strange and a little funny.
Maybe this is a part of spirituality ingrained in us humans. Maybe its less maybe its more.
Nigger what?
What if I told you that deju vu really isn't a normal thing. Because its not, no its not some natural brain malfunction. Its you and your consciousness getting close to or fully entering a red pilled state of mind. Mosr people call it off as normal and go right back to their blue pilled of mind, some people can stay in a deju vu, they usually die right afterwards though, just floating adrift in a space time continuum forever seeing a repeat, but they don't know they're seeing a repeat, because during a repeat it wipes your memory. So it just keeps on going, never stops never will.
I felt a flash of 2012 today. Don't know how to explain it. Today was not today, it was a long time ago.
Feels good desu, I was healthier back then so I had lots of energy today.
Deja Vu is just a very familiar experience that you think you've seen before. It's literally a coincidence. Get rekt'd, faggots.
Anyone else getting the nuclear weapon dreams? Specifically the weapons detonating at night and it being extremely loud? Often we are driving away from the blast.
>this thread
my long needed reminder that Sup Forums is all satire
i watched 2001 space odissey some days ago wtf
also i felt a deja vu too, just a weird feeling. And i used the word dejavu not 10 minutes ago
I've dreamed of things that happen in the future too.
One time when I was little I fell asleep and woke up because my dream. My dad was splitting with my mom and just one day left and didnt say a word.
Well in my dream he came in the middle of the night and got his stuff out of the garage. I woke my mom up and told her. My mom said its just a dream go back to bed. So I went to the back window and looked out and and sure enough his car pulled up and he opened the garage and started packing up his tools.
The house was haunted so maybe a spirit played a part. Still freaks me out to this day and its not the only time its happened.
May Kek strike you down with explosive diarrhoea.
I take a shit everyday and I didn't take a shit today.
agreed today was weird
don't creep me out user. i had deja vu today too
no lie i feel like kek is tearing reality apart by the seams. /pol is in the media. nazi frogs are a political meme. everyday it gets stronger
check my post here
thats my take on it anyway
Christians and /x/ faggots have ruined Sup Forums
I think OP has just come from the pub lol
Motherfucker there was a Merkel assassination attempt and nobody is talking about it?
Today was very weird for me too.
This is too much, man.
Simple. Countless universes have different values plugged into them. You will be transported back to the checkpoint where it's possible for the mass extinction not to happen.
We would never ran out of universes basically. Whenever we make choices we create a new universe. Like when you make a choice where you stay a neet or not. A universe gets created where you aren't a neet.
But imagine keeping your memories from the last events even though you resetted on the checkpoint.
>What if we die of old age or something?
A total reset?
I must be losing it at this point, I honestly dont know at this point. The only consistent feeling ive had is helplessness and fear for the dark path this world is following.
(((They))) are "fuckin her right in the pussy", so "ride it till the wheels fall off" because "gods chosen" can "do no wrong" now "take it easy" and "join or die".
tldr: SaudIsisRaEls decided creating frankenstein DNA chimeras, privatizing all unleaded water supplies and releasing all captured carbon and methane was not a profitable or spectacular enough Apocolypse, so now they use their sticks and hammers on the time-space they barely know how to observe...let alone control.
So what you're saying is I should kill myself so I can respawn and not have a shitty life next time?