>It's an 'America irrationally denies that proper gun control would be a good thing' episode.
It's an 'America irrationally denies that proper gun control would be a good thing' episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>""""Proper gun control""""
I watched his latest stand-up gig on Netflix last night, and it was decently 6/10 funny
But all I could think was 'man this guy is a self-deprecating little cuck'
There's nothing sadder than a grown adult man who takes pity on himself and means it
"""""""Proper Gun Control""""""" = "Whatever that Jew dyke Diane Feinstein arbitrarily decides we're allowed to do."
You freedom-hating faggots and the retarded word salad you employ. Makes me sick.
Go peddle your Semitic tripe elsewhere, Shlomo.
I support proper gun control.
Define "proper."
Nothing else. Just that one word and how it is being used in this context. Define it.
Show your proofs, where "proper gun control" worked, where knife/bat/machete/axe attacks didnt rise
>knife/bat/machete/axe attacks
Even if they did rise, those are not as deadly as a gunfight
It's kind of sad, CK used to be one of the funniest comedians alive. I think the fame got to him. Not in a "he's saying these things to toe the line so he doesn't get kicked out of the spotlight," but a kind of sick envy of guys like Jon Stewart or whatever David Letterman was, who get their dick sucked by execs and get super cushy jobs.
Comedy sucks, doing stand-up circuits sucks, especially when you have kids that you want to be a role model for. I always figured Louis was less in it for personal glory or love for the art (like Norm, Stephen Wright or Lenny Bruce) and more to get respect of the people around him. And he sees cocksuckers like Colbert and le 2016 man get network jobs that make them famous and are clean enough so even kids know about them, and he's doing his stand up, and Louie, which was good for about 2 1/2 seasons, and now he's falling down this stairwell where he's sacrificed good bits about calling people niggers and talking about raping hitler for more seinfeldesque observational comedy and he's just not great at it.
>its a "gun grabber attempts to state his opinions as fact without any form of evidence" episode
I'd rather get a bullet hole than my arm hacked off. Even if I'm dying in both cases.
Proper gun control already exists, but I am curious what you define proper as. I imagine you want a total ban? Or at the very least an incremental one.
Gun control has worked every single time it's been implemented.
The foolish misconception is that gun control is about keeping the people from shooting either each other and therefore "safe".
In reality gun control is about disarming the population so the state can have a monopoly on force, and in turn more political freedom.
Our leaders are not stupid they wouldn't do the same thing over and over again if they weren't getting the results they wanted.
Nice opinion. Write a blog or something
Gun grabber? That's what everyone on Sup Forums does.
How about automobile control?
Heart disease control?
And adverse effects from pharmaceutical drug control?
It's a war on our culture
>implying it worked for Europe at all
>implying they haven't just started blaming something else for the violence such as vidya
>implying gun-control isn't just putting all the guns in the hands of government, which no one trusts anymore
I could go on, but this is just bait anyway.
Why is it when there is any sort of gun control or heavy restrictions on them often times the government bullies the people around and sometimes subjugates them?
hello, newfriend. lurk moar before posting.
Fuck off and die you freedom hating cuck.
>ban guns
>gangs still have them
>murder rate remains unchanged
because that was the plan all along goyim
desu OP, I don't mind gun control. Banning guns is bad, but banning guns for non-citizens, mentally insane, or muslims seems completely legitimate
>Gunfight kills 5
>"Gun free zone" kills 50
>Driving a truck into a crowd kills 86
i have a bernout friend who thinks all drugs should be legal and all guns banned... literally mexico 2.0
I use a whetstone on my butter knives so I can skin gun control freaks.
Oh wow this sounds like someone who can be trusted with a lethal weapon.
dont touch my funs commie
Sudden curveball by the directors!
I'm not American and I don't like gun control.
Gun abolitionist are fucking insane in their idealist social worldview where people will find a consensus on the functions of a state and the "rights" of a public. The reason why american citizens are entitled to own guns is because they want to own guns. I person who wants to remove them from everyone's hands is an officious, utilitarian, statist who thinks that a democracy must operate autonomous from the interest of the lawful majority. The supreme court, executive branch, and legislation branch must not be given any right to deviate from the sensible doctrine of "government by the people".
Be it that a gun abolitionist wishes to take away weapons, they truly wish to make people dependent of the security of police forces, which by no means establishes tranquility within a community. The police are not required by law to sacrifice theirselves for your safety, and depart from life leaving behind estrange family. A police officer's job is to issue citations and apprehend fugitives of the law exercising safety for first theirselves then the public (cops are useless if they are dead). It is solely dependent on the citizen first and foremost to protect themselves, and their loved ones. The firearm is a means in which a cognizant human being can retaliate to lethal intent effectively.
There are many devices in which belligerent individuals can fashion with rudimentary knowledge and ease, guns are certainly one of them. Take the Sten Gun for example and World War II, it was a machine pistol that could be fashioned with hardware store parts and work bench tools.
The United States government is not entitled to take tax dollars and guns from it's citizens as it seems to think with it's activities in giving terrorist TOW missiles and billions of dollars of aid.
take your own advice THEN take my advice and an hero
Let's start gun control with the federal government and work our way down if things don't improve.
fuck off CTR shill
quit fucking with the constitution you unpatriotic pieces of shit
>Implying America is a democracy
>Implying any of the most important decisions in American policy have been made by the majority
>Implying that there is a government conspiracy to oppress the American people
>Implying the the police don't have a vested interest in protecting the lives of the people
>Implying that the government has any idea what it's doing
>Implying any person in America has any idea what they're doing
>Implying that people are naturally volatile and emotional and reactionary
>Implying that allowing people to own machines that make it easier to murder each other, even though they think that they are totally non-violent, (which is never true), is anything other than utterly retarded.
>Literally every gun ever manufactured has killed at least one person
Maybe soon but not yet
It's wonderful how gun advocates tend to express the opinion that guns aren't dangerous by literally threatening to murder people.
Really made me think
How come it's okay to talk about gun control, but it's racist to talk about immigration control?
guns are objects, immigrants are humans.
Seems to work for Chicago. This is what he gets for leaving here for chimpocalyspe central.
You liberals will never win. We will ne victorious and you will be remembered as some of the worst individuals in history.
Btw we conservatives massively outnumber and outgun you, theres no libtards irl outsode your san fran shitholes safe spaces and shill zones.
Also you suck.
Why is it irrational to oppose an authoritarian government, especially in the United States of America?
>You liberals will never win. We will ne victorious and you will be remembered as some of the worst individuals in history.
Except all the times in history where liberals won and conservatives were the bad guys.
>Railroad industry regulations
>Oil industry regulations
>New Deal to fix the depression
>Civil Rights movement
>Pulling out of Vietnam
>Gay marriage legalization last year.
Once again,
>Implying that the ignorant, racist, volatile conservative majority actually makes the decisions in this country.
>It's a 'gun grabbers say gun laws work for Japan, UK and Australia despite all three being fucking Islands with controlled importation' episode
>It's a 'gun grabbers act like destroying the firearms industry wouldn't put millions of American workers on the streets as their career is killed' episode
>It's a 'gun grabbers don't realize murder is already banned but it happens anyway' episode
>It's a 'gun grabbers act like disarming law abiding people exclusively while criminals will remain armed since they don't comply to laws is a good idea' episode
It's just all so tiresome..
Oh, and I forgot,
>It's a 'gun grabbers think that a country would nuke and bomb itself' episode
how is this comic called ?
>Implying America is a democracy
It is, general election here in Arizona soon, sorry you don't participate.
>Implying any of the most important decisions in American policy have been made by the majority
Well, there you'd figure it's not wise to allow for the government to disarm itself.
>Implying that there is a government conspiracy to oppress the American people
From your earlier implification, it would seem you are certain on that yourself.
>Implying the the police don't have a vested interest in protecting the lives of the people
Not if it goes beyond the call of duty, and the supreme courts already made a rulings on such cases in the past.
>Implying that the government has any idea what it's doing
It does, and if it doesn't, why trust the government if it is non-abiding to it's on policies
>Implying any person in America has any idea what they're doing
They do, and if so, why let an appeal to anti-violence amend restriction to measure to protect oneself from violence.
>Implying that people are naturally volatile and emotional and reactionary
Don't you ever read the news?
>Implying that allowing people to own machines that make it easier to murder each other, even though they think that they are totally non-violent, (which is never true), is anything other than utterly retarded.
You being violently inclined is not my problem until it is. Also, mostly niggers are violent.
>Have gun control already
>Criminals circumvent it and get guns
>Because criminals do what? Break laws!
>Somehow means we need more control of guns
>As if those who break laws will listen to laws
>It's a 'guntards think that American's are "different" from other cultures and are naturally more violent' episode
>(implying that ^this^ is relevant)
>its a 'guntards think that keeping one specific industry alive is more important than literally thousands of peoples lives. (Or that the broken-glass theory is in any way accurate)' episode
>it's a 'guntards don't understand the concept of escalation and that human are innately violent, and that the only way to reduce violence is to remove the tools that allow them to commit violence' episode
>It's a 'guntards can't make the connection within their own argument that if the gun industry is destroyed, than so are the guns. If the gun suppliers are out of business, how are criminals going to get guns?' episode
>It's a 'gun grabbers think that America wasn't founded on the right to own firearms, thus their culture is centered around it' episode
>It's a 'gun grabbers think law abiding gun owners cause 1000s of deaths' episode
>It's a 'bin a knife, save a life' episode
>It's a 'gun grabbers think all guns will disappear from the country within 100 years despite there being for firearms that citizens' episode
more firearms*
This worked well when we made alcohol illegal...oh wait.
Also Gunsmiths.
Those who want to hurt and kill will, with sticks, rocks, hands, knives, paper bags, piano wire, baseball bats, fishing line, house hold cleaners, pipes, car parts, eye glasses, spoons, plastics, on and on and on and on and on. And no, even if the amount of effort needed to kill was way high, people will still do it, because they want to, just as man (humans) climbs mountains because they are there.
>Ever citing the revolution when for heavy gun control
>human are innately violent, and that the only way to reduce violence is to remove the tools that allow them to commit violence'
So are you going to start removing limbs from people? It isn't like people are going to suddenly stop using their fists and feet.
>Implying America is a democracy
Have you ever recited the Pledge of Allegiance?
>tfw just bought an ak
Luis C.K.
2nd amendment exists as protection against tyranny
An armed populace makes insurgency against tyrannical government much stronger
>Common Sense Firearms Laws
>Gun bans work
>Bigger shootings in gun free european countries than the largest in the usa
>Terrorists/the mentally ill could just mow down people in a car or bomb them like in nice, oklahoma, or madrid
such short term memory huh
>it's a middle aged but still cry like a baby because I haven't fucking grown up and can't into basic self control but at least I get paid for regurgitating status quo opinions episode