We're over 319 retweets now
Maybe he'll write another article about us
We're over 319 retweets now
Maybe he'll write another article about us
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Of all my favorite pastimes, there is nothing more fun than scaring kikes. It never gets old.
Let's bullycide this perfidious media heeb off the internet.
bump. I'm a jew and I think he's a prick.
he has been (((chosen))) by the notorious neo-nazi hate group the alt-right as their next target
Stereotypical, long nosed, neurotic, paranoid
Joe Bernstein @Bernstein 11h11 hours ago
Lovely! Just got a call from a fan of @adultswim’s alt-right show saying he was going to come to my job and fuck me
Hahaha bump
Jewish obsession with "white supremacism" becomes even more amusing once you realize it's all projection based on Judaism's core precept.
This guy should have never tried to mess with Sam Hyde. Now he's going to get the Rick Wilson treatment.
Dark Army
what a fuck i thought it was "Bernstain". have i been teleported to a parallel universe?
Anytime a Jew tries to extract guilt from you, just remind yourself that his cult literally believes they have been set apart in a special covenant by God.
If you want to lose any vestige of white guilt, try listening to a rabbi speak sometime. The Saxon within you will awaken.
In any case, don't feel an ounce of guilt for going after heebs like Bernstein. They know precisely what they're doing, and frankly they deserve something far worse than annoyance and harassment. Unfortunately, we're still a few years away from giving them what they deserve. But until then, have fun pushing his paranoid kike buttons and watching him kvetch.
CNN or (other media outlets) when you run pics of this thread tomorrow please include my post with a picture of my favorite spider.
someone invite Sup Forums and /k/ and rbts
>If you want to lose any vestige of white guilt, try listening to a rabbi speak sometime.
yes do this
i havent posted on those boards before
can (((they))) be anymore of a running gag?
shitposters have arrived
Always call out their doublethink regarding israel
Call them white racists, watch them backpedal regarding blacks in israel. Call their religion stupid and racist, and watch them squirm
i don't mix with them. it inspires insubordination
I'm confused. Why and who is this?
>who is this
(((Buzzfeed "journalist"))) interviewed Sam Hyde
skip to 11:00 if you don't want to watch the whole thing
he literally writes about chan mythology
Someone cap at 1,488
The funniest part is that this heeb thinks he's playing all of you.
Read his feed where he tweets at Time-Warner and Adult Swim. "You BIGOTS want these people to be your audience!" *Insert smug kike face here*
He thinks he's out-smarting everyone, but the usual Jew hubris blinds him to the fact that we really don't care. We like any excuse to mock/denigrate/ridicule media kike parasites.
He doesn't even realize that his clever Jew ruse to try to "de-platform bigots" is just letting alt right shitposters realize they are a dark army, impressive in number.
If you're reading this thread... You're not as clever as you think you are, Bernstein (despite what they told you back at Hebrew school).
This. Kike wants his little shripdick to feel hard if he can get Hyde off the air. Classic hebrew faggot.
Saw this fucker at work yesterday
They've gotten to used to soft goyim like the average cuckservative who'd recoil at the notion of being anything but a subservient little whipping boy for Israel and Jews at large.
Muh chosen land given to muh chosen people.
Even someone like Buchanan or Paul would be at least polite about their disdain for being Israel's whipping boy, they're not used to their "antisemite" card being absolutely and utterly worthless.
lmao you guys are making me laugh so hard
almost to 1488 retweets
OP is (((bernstein)))
ignore this fagbaby's cry for attention
also, doesn't this qualify as a raid request?
You got played by a kike.
Retweeting is esactly what buzzfeed wants.
They know they're the laughing stock of journalism, that's why they're baiting for retweets.
Gawker is gone, bussfeed is next
I suspect this could be a honeypot to Shoah the twit/pol/ faction.
so apparently Bernstein's dad died in the Lockerbie plane bombing and now people are tweeting him photos of his dad giving a thumbs up in front of the crash site wearing MAGA hats and shit oh my sweet kek
Underrated post
leave before it's too late and you start taking it seriously
if a Jew legit gets something SHUT DOWN it completely reinforces our narrative
This fucker went to all the top schools for journalism and ended up at fucking BUZZFEED
his life is a mess
>spiders with degenerate tattoos
fuck that man, kill it with fire
hello (((bernstein)))
holy shiet. he had under 400 RT just 25 mins. ago.
now he's almost at 1500!
>redditors know the coincidence detector meme but don't now not to use 'lmao' unironically when posting on Sup Forums
you can't get banned for Retweeting an open invitation
you have to be bullying
>jews CLAIMING the most intelligent
>jews CLAIMING the most successful
>jews CLAIMING Being "X"
oh lol
>going to school for jewnalism
>paid 50 shekels
>you get what you dont't pay for
Show this to sam hyde
This fucking Jew.
On the phone he talks like a complete pussy. Barely gets a word out, can't defend himself, awful at his job, total spaghetti vigin.
On twitter he is a big man, total badass who talks shit.
People like these deserve to be in the oven.
This guy is the living personification of the sissy Jew telling on his classmates in school. "Oh Mrs. Time-Warner, Johnny and Billy said they'd hit me!"
Jews never get over their paranoia, awe, and fear of the goyim. These media Jews are hilarious. Can you imagine if this Bernstein ever had to get in a real physical altercation?
He already saw it all.
He thinks the guy is a complete piece of shit for trying to ruin his career just because of political differences.
dear God. he sees himself as the arbiter of what is and is not allowed. these people are literally living insects.
Translation is wrong, the other way around, the picture says "peak of recycling is making a jew out of soap"
Give him this one
lmao triggered kid
dope's he's obviously doing this on purpose, why else would he even post it?
he's probably just trying to round people up to label "alt right" just to have something more defined to point to.
dont be such faggots
>find out that you were just having the piss taken out of you by a man who regularly bangs a Jew
>decide it doesn't matter and you're still gonna be upset
This is why they keep being invited to leave countries.
>jew complaining on twitter for several hours after having mean things said to him on the internet
getting shut down helps our narrative
"Is Bernstein why the Nazis hated the Jews daddy?"
the way they squeal to the nearest authority figure to get them to do their bidding like fucking Grima Wormtongue is utterly sickening
OP, 1OFD26KJ, is 96% likely to be Bernstein continually trying to be a martyr
ILL SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Frankly it's a well written and well researched article. That said this guy is still horrible.
>telling Sup Forums to stop trolling Jews on twitter
fuck off
>Maybe he'll write another article about us
Jews one.
He is a fucking blockposter writing blog post for 14 to 27 year old single females, who are strong and indipendant...
>giving twitter another excuse to mow down accounts in mass
So many shitlords. So much anti-Semitism. So great to see it on full display.
Hopefully (((Bernstein))) will start looking at homes for sale in Tel Aviv if this keeps up. KEEP RETWEETING FOR THE GLORY OF THE WHITE RACE.
who cares
fucking pussy
you're even worse than Bernstein.
It wont amount to much but all it's doing is proving his point that the "alt aright" are a bunch of evil natzees.
im sure he'll have a quirky and sarcastic post on buzzfed tomorrow.
all Im saying is that it's what he wants and it is stupid do do what your enemy wants you to do
I hate to say it but I do think Sup Forums should refrain from creating martyrs. With Leslie Jones people were even suspecting that it was a false flag.
You wouldn't suspect a false flag unless you knew that the actions of that false flag were in the enemy's interest.
Creating a martyr is not something which serves anyone. Senseless bullying can easily create the feeling that we are in the wrong.
If you can hold the moral high ground in the eyes of the public, that is always preferred.
>give him the attention he wants, Sup Forums, or you are just another jew
Fuck off, Bernstein.
All you want is more attention and to play the victim, even though you're the one who is attacking someone.
>gib me more retweets GOY
Fuck off.
This is a positive for us. It reinforces to other people that a LOT of people find this funny. We're becoming mainstream senpai.
oy vey
gonna hit 3000 probably
i think there's at least 1k Sup Forums bots
You newfags are getting baited. If this goes mainstream his show will be canceled. for all we know op is (((joe bernstien))) replying and re tweeting is taking the bait.
Pic says it all. Not about hate for me. Must defend right to exist.
The german politician celebrating the refugees, noting declining birthrates, celebrating the death of all modern germans as nazis. These people want to eradicate mine. Sorry cool jews. Must defend.
>see the Adult Swim show that was so balls out edgy and offensive, they literally had it Shoah'd
when normies realise that laughing at jews and mocking makes them react hysterically and over the top it can only lead to fields of halcyon
Holy shit this is amazing
Thanks for the pence, bernie
Fuck off, Jew. Not your personal marketing team.
btw now that Jews see marketing potential in the AltRight, expect them to brand the fuck out of it, hijack it, and sell it to teenagers on MTV.
The Jewish Question [Trailer]
Probably just a crafty way to put everyone who retweets it on a database...
CNN, pls don't show my post on TV.
What a faggot...
This what he's really upset about.
Holy shit this nigga been bitching for 2 g-d damn days straight.
You are right. They won't listen.
>I'm a faceless faggot and need more attention
>I know, I'll b8 the (((alt-right))) into retweeting my shit so I can keep tabs on them