In a perfect nationalist world, what happens to beautiful, intelligent, creative, redpilled, & passing transwomen like our queen Blare?
In a perfect nationalist world, what happens to beautiful, intelligent, creative, redpilled...
No! Only Aryan transwomen allowed!
They take in in they ass and like it.
They don't exist because without cultural marxists dominating academia we find the causes of homosexuality and transgenderism within a decade and are preventing it within two.
He would've been born as a woman and hopefully my gf.
I was gonna say firing squad.
they become cock sleeves for real men
I think they would go into the ovens, wouldn't they?
10/10 could ally with
Oven, probably.
Or maybe they get a role servicing the aristocrats. The aristocratic NEET elite in our fascist society will not be bound by the same sexual ethics as the rank-and-file citizens. They'll be able to indulge in more, shall we say, GOURMET sexual activities.
So a 10/10 tranny would likely be busting nuts and taking it in the ass from fashy NEET-posters, high in their mountain castles, as they debate the direction of our fatherland and its varying cultural issues.
But if you aren't a 10/10 QT, then you are sent to the ovens. A tranny is only as good as its cock, boipucci and overall physical appearance.
to me, anyone who is a product of current society should be allowed to continue, unless you want to just gas everyone who has been defiled by porn or TV or having a conversation with a commie, even though they are not responsible for these societal conditions being present
I'd suck her feminine penis desu
if truly passing then how would they be found out?
This is the true crux in issues of degeneracy. IDGAF what you do in the privacy of your own home, just keep it inside your home instead of spreading it all over areas with impressionable youngsters.
pre-op trannies are so much hotter
I'd rather suck tranny dick than have my cock/mouth anywhere near a surgically sliced & inverted penis.
>just thinking about a post-op tranny hole makes me lose my boner.
> "our queen"
You can join this delusional man wearing lipstick in the oven you fucking degenerate.
Easy there yomashito
In an enlightened perfect world, mental illness is treated in a psychiatric hospital
>beautiful, intelligent, creative, redpilled, & passing transwomen like our queen Blare?
>beautiful, intelligent, or redpilled
No. They should all be lined up and shot
>causes of homosexuality and transgenderism within a decade and are preventing it within two
Have fun trying to push a eugenics programme through Parliament Down Under.
>our queen
Quit fucking obsessing over random ecelebs. It's fucking cringey.
That being said, probably nothing since most people that would care, won't know and those that do know won't care. That's the bonus of being passing.
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