I am NOT a three letter agency.
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hello ATF
>didnt read the post
I clearly stated that i'm not a three letter agency
Oh okay, never mind. Sorry.
Gonna go to a gunstore tomorrow to have a look at getting my first gun.
Whatever BATF.
Mah nigga. Which gen is that?
bang bang skeet skeet nigga
BATF pls go and stay go
Secret Service?
Coast Guard?
Fauna Control?
Coast guard gonna come take our guns
I'm britfag living here in USA
>stock trigger
>no light on the rail
Still, good choice senpai. Love my m&ps
Never mind, I just noticed the mag release button. I prefer my gen 1 mag release to be honest, but whatever floats your boat.
Also, checking myself before I wreck myself.
I used to have guns. I also used to have a boat. I got into a tragic boating accident and lost both my guns and my boat.
What are you watching on Youtube?
Also my wife is asleep and it would be too loud to go get my Sig, unless a wild dindu appeared.
Probably Cops. I took that pic a few days ago.
Mah nigga
PPQ M2 4'
Really do love the Shield. Gave mine to my wife but I still shoot it from time to time. She likes it too.
i also have a springfield xds in 9mm
It is my favorite carry weapon. I need to get an Apex trigger for it. Have a G43 as well
Oh you sexy bitch. How is the Springfield?
>tfw no gun faggot
Nice try, BATFE
Got an apex for my full size M&P 9, it's pretty fucking grand.
What's an apex trigger?
Aftermarket trigger with a far lighter pull, meaning far less effort to depress the trigger.
it's lighter and more convenient to carry but i'd say the quality is about the same as the Shield.
>knock at the door
>it's a goddamned boat
>Jew gun
What are those triggers you see on handguns where it looks like it has two pieces? Almost like two triggers side by side
pew pew pew
Why would posting your legal firearms be a problem? It's not like we live in Europe.
Yeah, but the caliber conversions are U.S. made. You're not one of those idiots who think the Diggle Brand Giggle was invented by Mossad to shoot out engine blocks, are you?
I got 2 of these bad boys
Makes sense considering the number of guns lost in boating accidents
I know very little of the desert eagle, other than it is an Israeli gun.
Alot of people know it as the "glock trigger". Its just a safty on the trigger. The main trigger will not move unless the smaller one is depressed. That makes it pretty much impossible for anything but someone pulling the trigger for the the trigger to be depressed.
You are under arrest for carrying handguns, anything you try to say can and will be used against you.
I'm not allowed to own guns because I've been diagnosed with Schizoeffective Disorder.
>painting guns
You wat?
Who made your holster?
Black Arch Holsters
>mfw these are banned in germany
Ahha, I saw something very similar at a gun show here in Ohio. I was shopping for a smaller gun than a P07 Duty since I'm a bit on the thin side but they recommended I try it.
Allow me to educate you. The Desert Eagle was invented by an American in 1979. He formend the U.S. company, Magnum Research and contracted Israeli Military Industries (IMI) to build the guns. The initial guns were in .357 Magnum in 1983. In 1985, production ramped up to a full production version in both .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum. In 1987, .41 Magnum was added. In 1991, .50 Action Express was added to the lineup. By 1994, .41 Magnum was dropped and the slide and barrel, which in earlier models were different for each caliber, were standardized to the larger .50AE slide and barrel. Calibers became changeable by swapping the barrel and magazine between .44 magnum and .50AE. Changing to .357 magnum requires swapping the bolt as well. Changing barrels takes seconds. Changing the bolt involves stripping the slide and takes about a minute.
In 1995 IWI began restructuring, spinning off its civilian weapons manufacturing into Israeli Weapons Industries. During this time from 1995 to early 1999, the Desert Eagle was built by U.S. firm, Sako Defense. In mid 1999, the newly formed IWI took over production. In 2008, Kahr Arms bought out Magnum Research and moved production to its Pillager Minnesota plant. Except for a limited number of guns mostly made for the California market, the Desert eagle is made in the U.S.
It was always an American designed gun and was built for an American company.
Huh. I always thought it was just a jew gun.
Israel is a sister nation of the US and France. We manufacture the best guns. Never let muslims say otherwise.
I opted for the full size grip and the shorter 3.8 inch barrel. I have big hands so the full size grip is more comfortable for me. There is a compact grip available that can be made bigger with the full size magazine extension. It's a very nice carry gun. I chose it over a Glock 19.
Guess what second amendment I've got
Not really. I mean, they were built there for awhile, but it's a U.S. design. The operating system is fascinating. It uses a rotating bolt that locks the breach similar to an AR-15 and has a gas piston on the front of the slide similar to a Mini 14. It's gas operated like a rifle. Which stands to reason since .50AE has more muzzle energy out of a six inch barrel than 5.56 does out of a 20" barrel. It is a heavy bastard. Loaded weight is about five pounds.
The second one?
>Implying that ar15 and glock was even his
just a stard
This is my dream gun
hope to get it this fall
This is my dream gun. I want to get it now but I gotta buy some more ar15s and magazines in case Hillary wins.
>acting like $550 is a lot
i would prefer stab kuffars.
>tfw noguns poorfag
Quick, post a decent handgun that's not too pricey for me to buy
Holy shit. You guys are faggots.
Who gets excited over a fucking weapon lol.
Pew pew pow!! fucking hicks!
do it, i love my Sp-01
ay hol up
What do you shoot out of the governor the most?
I kinda wanted one but I never got around to getting one.
Federal .410 defense loads in 4 shot. I hunt ptarmigan with it.
the p250 franklin is a shit csgo skin desu
You're an awful person. Just awful.
Thanks for directing traffic to my 2nd favorite board, user. Unnecessary, but appreciated.
Neat. Wait you use the defense loads to hunt them or some other load?
You ever shoot 45 out of it?
>but I gotta buy some more ar15s and magazines in case Hillary wins
Consider a SCCY CPX-2.
pic related
The M&P stock triggers have been pretty baller for the past 3 years.
Why do they make them like that?
Those look fucking ugly and they scare liberals because of how ugly they are. It's like tar and lung cancer in the shape of a gun.
If you're going to buy a gun buy something aesthetic.
It's utilitarian and aesthetic as fuck.
It's like a well made pocket knife. Sure it's kind of bland but it's still beautiful in it's own way.
Also liberals aren't scared of handguns it's mostly just ar15s and ak's they don't like.
They are scared of AR-15 and Glock.
The one's in OP look kind of like Glock. The one of the right looks like a Glock to me, the one of the left is very similar.
They're really ugly. It's like a gun that's designed for the police. Like they don't even give a shit about aesthetics.
That looks like mine
Most of these antigunners don't really care about the pistols. Just the salt rifles.
Once you see some abortion like a ruger sr9c then look at the simplicity and rugged utilitarianism of a glock you'll appreciate them more.
They just had a ''cocks not glocks'' protest
I want this gun
>I am NOT a three letter agency.
FBI, I would show you my weapon if I had one, just because I found this amusing.
It's pretty good. The break-in period on mine was a little much for comfort (400 rounds or so - though I think it was stiff mags more than anything). But now that it's broken in and well lubed, the thing is a dream and sexy as fuck.
Need to find a good holster for it. This pantydropper needs open carry.
Yeah for campus carry not against pistol ownership or anything.
Besides, those lefties are in the minority now.
I use defense loads to hunt and have shot 45 colt and 45 acp out of it. Pic is all three loads. 45 acp takes the moon clips
Not allowed to have a gun in Hillary's New York. Only niggers are.
I'd love to be shot by that.
honeypot, collecting serial numbers from guns