does white nationalism fall short when you think outside of our planet and realize there's likely 100s of alien species that would make us look like niggers in their presence
Does white nationalism fall short when you think outside of our planet and realize there's likely 100s of alien species...
local is just as important as global.
>t. mathematician who loves his neighborhoods
what's on other planets doesn't effect this planet
we are here and we should make sure our circumstances are the best they can be here
There is only room in the galaxy for humanity.
And hot alien women.
If we look like niggers in their presence then that's good. We can go to advanced alien societies for gibs and take their women.
Imagine what they would think of actual niggers then.
>implying E.T. life is likely
No - as looking after your own kind is the first rule of any life form.
Not until they make themselves known, and then I believe a white nation would quickly adopt the more advanced technology and build relations with the aliens, as opposed to niggers who would throw rocks at them and get the planet blown up or left as a nature preserve.
i don't think it matters what other beings are out there if this planet is in flames
No, complete objectivity is where species go to die.
We need to be in a constant state of genetic becoming. There is no other way we would ever be as good as those ayy lmao she unless we take the hard challenges into our hands and overcome them.
One of those challenges is righting humans to a path of constantly raising IQ.
I think we know what must be done.
No, because who cares about fuck off aliens that we'll probably never meet?
Samu Haido?
Show me an advanced race that's pathetically desperately dependent on a lighter shaded sub race for food,medicine,shelter, and education.
>please, pretty please with a cherry on top
Aliens don't real, stupid fucking kike. Only angels.
We'll gas all of them too.
>Australians are too stupid to imagine that intelligent alien life would be just as varied as human races
If they manage to achieve interstellar travel, im actually almost completely certain they would basically be nazis to their own lesser races, and kill them off entirely or at least not subsidize their stupidity like we are.
It could be the reason they havent contacted us, they wouldnt want us putting any of our low IQ savages in charge of interspecies diplomacy just for the sake of diversity.
I would say we already have but i dont think obamas dumb at all, just corrupt, but it would happen eventually, i can see it already
>Yo why u got only tree niggas on da alien space panel mayne we need mo representation than dis
I think more advanced civilizations would be shocked we not only didn't practice eugenics but actively discouraged it.
Considering the young age of the universe, we are likely either the first civilized life to exist or one of very few.
Earth hit every possible jackpot on day one when it came to habitability. Even if other worlds or moons have all but one and just need to wait on their sun's habitable zone to max them out, that will still take billions of years, then possibly tens to hundreds of millions more afterwards to start sophisticated single-celled lifeforms, then millions more to reach an era of intelligent beings, then tens of thousands to reach space, then who knows how much more to find means to travel to other solar systems.
How many years will we sit on nukes before one deranged asshole fucks it all up? Even if it's a thousand, we wouldn't be anywhere near contacting another intelligent species.
Then how long will they sit on their nukes, waiting for someone to greet them before their time runs out?
Space is so massive, even WITH FTL capailitied (which as of right now cant exist) it would take thousands of years to go to the opposite side of the galaxy.
So its entireley possible that several interstellar civilizations could be active and have no idea that any of the others exist, let alone know about us.
If anything that means we need to improve our gene pools so that when we're contacted by extraterrestrials we look presentable