For those of you who have anything bigger than a handgun, why? If it's a hunting rifle, I get it, but if you own an AK 47 or something along those lines, do you really need something that big to defend yourself?
For those of you who have anything bigger than a handgun, why? If it's a hunting rifle, I get it...
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We have this thread every fucking day
It's fun to shoot
fucks wrong with that I ain't hurting nobody
Can't they just own it for recreation?
I'd love to have an AR or something similar
I might miss with a handgun. I won't miss with an AK-47.
I have all the best guns.
From a soldier of a enemy force foreigner or domestic in nature? Absolutely.
i'm not hunting deer with a fucking pistol lol
Those aren't your guns queer.
why not pussy
I never said they were
If you find yourself in anything but spur of the moment self defence you're going to want to be as far away from danger as possible.
In our military we train mainly at 300m+ and the majority of combat take place at well over 400m.
It's one thing to be jumped on the street but even take a "race war" that gets thrown around so much here, what are you going to do with an armed mob of blacks/muslims at the end of the street? Hide in your toilet with a handgun or find a spot to setup your rifle?
wouldn't a shotgun give you a better chance with some buck shot.
After having served in the Army for many years having a rifle that i know the ins and outs of, know the capability's of and can rely on is a huge plus for me.
Never know when i might have to put down 3 or 4 rabid Americans of the darker complexion who are attempting to enrich my house in the middle of the night.
Also, Dont break into my house. I will shoot you many many times.
Yes but then I've gotta replace walls.
How many liberals are there?
How many people will take advantage of riots too loot and kill?
How many corrupted soldiers and people work with the government?
How many enemies does America have?
If the answer to all of them is ALOT, then that explains why.
>do you really need something that big to defend yourself?
I don't need to justify why I own any of the things that I own.
It is my right to own them.
So mind your own business.
It depends on what the competition brings in the house. If he's armed with a butter knife, a handgun will do fine. If he's got an AR15 I would prefer having an AK or something similar to ensure even the odds.
Its not about self defence its about keeping the government in line.
Everyone between 18-65 is considered the militia
The government serves the people and noth the other way around. That is why we have the second amendment. To ensure tyranny does not control us.
It is only a matter of time.
Don't indulge him.
These are troll threads. We've had this argument over 9000 times and they don't get it. They don't want to get it.
Hoard your weapons and wait for the day they make us criminals.
>only a matter if time
Amen. It's not a question of if... only when.
OP here, I don't own any large guns, and I just want to know why you guys do. Thanks everyone who gave me a legitimate response by the way
It's fun to fire big guns.
>do you really need something that big
Do you really think there will be a revolution? I'm starting to think the chances are slim.
>Do you really need something that big to defend yourself?
What makes you think you have any right to tell people what they can and cannot own when it comes to self defense weapons. 7.62 doesn't penetrate as well as smaller rounds anyways, it's probably safer to use for self defense than 5.56.
Because in some states getting a handgun is an absolute pain in the ass compared to getting a long gun.
The chances are also slim that you will be in a car crash. Yet you put your seat belt on. Its better to be prepared for something that never happens then to be unprepared when it does.
>this meme
Bigger =/= more dangerous
"Defend yourself" doesn't necessarily imply home defense where a long gun might be problematic to operate with.
It also implies guerrila warfare scenario when SHTF.
You'll always need a long gun and a handgun. There's no separation, they work together.
Kind of because shotguns have a tight grouping and you need to aim at what you are shooting at
I have two for self defense
Becasue fuck you
>I will never get a sensational anti-tank rifle for $99.95.
Hello darkness my old friend.
True. Though I wonder what it would take now, revolutions were started for a lot less than the shit people put up with today.
You need a minimum of 250 thermonuclear weapons to achieve minimum credible deterrence against potential threats
We were born too late my friend.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson
Libs like to play the role of sympathizers with questions like this, but the reality is that criminals/home invaders are more than likely to be armed with illegal weapons anyway, so by restricting yourself as a lawful citizen to small arms you're basically weakening your defensive position in the event that you are assaulted at home. When someones kicking down your door in the dead of night looking to rape your wife and daughter would you rather have too much firepower or not enough?
Furthermore we need to ensure that the general public collectively has enough firepower to contest the government should it ever come to violent conflict.
Op how do you feel about lever actions, i got one in .44 mag that holds 10 rounds
>$15 for a rolling block rifle
Sweet fucking Jesus.
They seem cool. At least I understand why you guys have stuff like that now
Never in the history of the entire world has a government not imploded on itself, controlled it's population via totalitarianism, or been invaded and taken over by outside forces. Not once. Why do you think America, a nation that's barely 200 years old, will be any different? It's not if the happening is coming, it's when. Never forget that.
>do you really need something that big to defend yourself?
I have an m&p sport 2 ar-15. I tend to think of it as a potential Race War weapon, since you could deal with more targets at one time. It's good for hunting, compact, what have you....
>bigger than a handgun, why?
Dunno how to explain this, but 9mm is smaller than 5.56x45mm NATO. Anything you shoot with a 556 is pretty much stopped, unless they're wearing like military grade body armor.
it kicks like a .22 but it's much louder,i got a 5 shot .44 revolver with a 2.5 in barrel and i won't let any woman i meet try shooting it until they try the mosin nagant with no shoulder pad
For people that tell me I don't need it.
Anything you shoot with a 556 is pretty much stopped
Wrong. If you ever have to shoot someone with it. Please, for your sake, shoot them again.
Always always always shoot your target 3 to 4 times at the least.
I've put some thought into this. If you base it on history you're absolutely right. Every great civilization since the beginning of time has eventually fallen, why shouldn't we be any different? The thing is though, with things like international media and internet, we have never been more unified as a species, but with that unification comes the ability for mass control by those in power. We are constantly being poked and prodded and forced to keep running on our hamster wheels. Capitalism, globalization, and consumerism keep everyone at every level preoccupied with trying to get "more" or trying to get ahead. In the First World countries (which also happen to be the most powerful countries in terms of economy and military) there is no possible chance at civil war because we have created a loose system of global democracy among these countries. Europe knows that if there were to ever be another World War on their continent, all of NATO and all European allies would be there in the blink of an eye to defuse it. Same goes for America, as big as she is, if the country ever became divided with civil unrest, all of her allies would be there to put a stop to it immediately.
These sentiments can all be elaborated on of course, and there are many other layers and levels to consider with this discussion, but the bottom line is that we're living in a unique time in history where what we're experiencing has no precedent, we have never had this sort of global interconnectivity before with so many checks and balances.
Pistols are relatively useless past 20 meters. Especially for protection, having a long gun is pretty important.
>tfw californian so I having multiple guns is more efficient than reloading
ammo's cheap, your life is'nt, thats a good way to see things.
>you will never have a table of endless .45's
Why live?
fuck me, i could have had a howitzer.
notice I said "stopped", not "dead"
I don't really see wild skinny ghetto niggers getting back up after a hit from a 5.56 round during a race war/riot scenario....especially with other crazy shit happening.
I mean, yeah you might not be dead, but you certainly aren't getting up again.
californiastan should have its own flag honestly
bought any of those 30 or 40 round mags with a screw after the first 10 yet?
I think you should consider it
Not just for aggressive reasons, but legal as well.
It is no longer in your best interest to allow an assailant to live once you pull the trigger on them.
Of course, the more deadly the gun, the less likely the guy that breaks into your house or tries to rob you shoots and kills you first.
can you give me a reason why i shouldnt own them? do you believe an AK isnt a perfectly good hunting weapon?
Roof Koreans wouldn't have been able to fend off the dindu horde if they didn't have AR15s.
AKs are fine for hunting or the Race War, just the culture inside the U.S. is a little more geared towards Ar-15 style weapons.
They're really easy to build using custom parts and ammo's cheaper.
I have a right, that's all the justification I need. Don't like it? Amend the Constitution. Top hard? Too bad. Immigrate to Europe, I hear they love cowardly, dickless cucks.
ammo isnt cheaper. i won both. and its not the culture, its the sanctions against russia and the fact that the AK market is shit right now.
3 to the chest, 2 to the head with 5.56.
The mag in and next to the AR had blocks that I removed. If I have to shoot a home invader, I'll simply put the blocks back in
Anybody else got a Saiga 12?
>Same goes for America, as big as she is, if the country ever became divided with civil unrest, all of her allies would be there to put a stop to it immediately.
And do what exactly? America's allies have been down-scaling their armed forces for decades to let USA play world police.
The major combatants will be the establishment and the secessionists. The US civilian population has dramatically more guns that the US military. Sure the armed forces have some high tech gear that is superior for direct engagements, but they don't count for as much in a guerilla war. Furthermore, desertion rates among the military in the event of a civil war are estimated to be astronomical, so a lot of that fancy equipment will be falling into rebel hands.
At best the establishment's allies could provide some support with special forces groups, but on the other side of the coin Russia will likely be supporting the rebel faction and soviet special forces are some of the most experienced in the world at infiltrating a theater and training local militias in urban warfare.
A conflict in the states wouldn't be swiftly snuffed out. It would escalate into WW3.
>Can get 1000 rounds of 7.62x39mm for about $200
>Can't find 1000 5.56x45mm rounds for much less than $300
The only use for a hand gun is fighting your way to a long gun.
No, they are superior indoors or say inside an airplane or bus or something.
Fistful of dollars rifle/revolver duel
I can't exactly detach my cock op. That's shits a weapon
shit tier steel cased .223 and 7.62x39 are almost identical in price. its a coin flip on any given day which is cheaper, usually by only a few tenths of a cent per round.
You need heavier weaponry to defend against level 2 chimpouts.
Who cares tho
What are they going to do?
>for those of you who have anything bigger than a subcompact car, why? if it's an SUV, I get it, but if you own a cummins or something along those lines, do you really need something that big..?
never been hog hunting in the south, i take it?
I have it because I haven't been brainwashed by Hillary Clinton and the news to think they are the second-coming of Satan.
An AR-15 or AK-47 don't shoot particularly "powerful" rounds compared to the hunting rifles you bring up in your post. Unless you are dropping 40k on a pre-1986 NFA full-auto, you are left with semi-auto rifles that shoot one bullet per trigger pull.
Everything else is just ignorance on ergonomic features, mostly.
The only reason to have an AR-15 is because you're poor or got it with government assistance through the CMP.
>do you really need something that big to defend yourself?
your a fucking retart
a rifle is better suited to home defense. With a handgun you can drop it, miss, forget to flip the safety off, it can jam, or you can quickly run out of ammo. The only practical purpose of a handgun is to have it with you for long periods of time.
Also it needs to be reinforced that it is every American's duty to be ready to take down the government when it becomes corrupt or tyrannical. This was explicitly stated by the founding fathers and the 2nd amendment cannot be more clear.
this is all you need and it fits snugly in my pocket (no concealed carry permit required)
>They actually tried to market the PTRS as a hunting gun
>You will never trudge through the forests of your private jungle hunting island
>You will never part the ferns to see a T-Rex walking through the a clearing
>Your gun bearer will never assemble your PTRS for you
>Your gun bearer will never let you rest the barrel on his shoulder as you line up the shot
>You will never take a dino with a PTRS
Feels bad.
>take down the government when it becomes corrupt or tyrannical
I think the horse has bolted on that one, dude.
>Burglar killed with tiny ass micropistol
>Burglar killed with 200 pound machine gun
mfw I can't own any guns but I'd love an AR :(
A Saturday night special of course
Losing a registered mg would suck ass
Kinda small faggoty rifle for a man tho
too many stories of people accidentally shooting themselves. Then you got to go to the hospital, get bandaged up. wait 6 months till you can put weight on your foot again.
>I have ran into 3 bears in during the last 12 months
just one up close. luckily Black bears, so they Dindu Nuhin'
>but you better be armed in case of Brown bears
how the fuck do you possibly shoot yourself
the barrel has to be fucking pointed at you to shoot yourself
Driving is far more dangerous, you must be terrified.