Is this right?

Is this right?

>Rick & Morty
>for smart people

yes. If you disagree you are literally r.eddit

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

They're all for dumb people. There hasn't been a good sitcom since Seinfeld.

Create third lines for "People who think they're smart" and put Rick and Morty there.
As for what goes in the "for smart people about smart people" spot, Futurama's ok, from what I hear it had people who actually studied STEM fields in college writing it.

um, yeah

redditor with 2630 karma here, AMA

replace rick and morty with Fraiser

>Tfw never watched any of those shows


For Smart people about Smart people
Should be this. He got really good grades in college.
Otherwise reasonable chart

none of us are fucking old enough to have an opinion about Frasier. You would have to be at least 35 to care about that show, probably considerably older

Rick & Morty is pretty much the second example.
My earlier suggestion of Futurama also does this, but more tongue in cheek and even acknowledges it in-show, I think.

the best part is the C+ on the transcript

quantum leap needs to be in top left t.b.h. f.a.m.

Whoa Sunny isn't about dumb people, its about mentally disturbed people. They're most certainly not dumb, naive sometimes but dumb?

there should be automatic 3 day bans for anyone that replies to more than 5 posts

replace R&M

Futurama should be right in the middle. Fully average

And the Winner of the Most retarded post in the thread goes to!

Pretty much all of them besides Dennis are pretty dumb

>Not watching because you live in the general Puget Sound area despite it not mattering in the show at all.

>Reddit and Cucky

Fraiser peaked literally over 20 years ago, some 95% percent of us were children when it was at its prime, hell some people here probably weren't even born

Charlie and Mac are kinda dumb, user.

>Reddit and Cucky
more like Feedit and Seedy

whats wrong with any of that?

I never got how Friends is "about" dumb people. Joey's really the only one that's dumb. I mean Ross has a PhD.

I don't get it...

>have XRA replace R&M

Honestly the only 'dumb' shows are ones that intentionally try to play it up like they cater to smart people, which really only caters to pseudo-intellectuals and general turds. Dumb people are generally chill and cool with not being smart, and really smart people aren't arrogant or conceited and just see themselves as being better at something than someone else.

So like futurama is a pretty solid example of a good show; it actually does cater pretty well to all levels of humor and doesn't demean anyone, while still being witty and clever. That's the real mark of being smart- you don't feel the need to put others down for supposedly being dumber than you.

If R&M was a smart show they wouldn't feel the need to spam 'look how Le enlightened we are sheeples amiright', or if they did do it make it a more satiric tongue-in-cheek thing

they're all pretty dumb except Ross and Chandler

yet you all love movies that are 20 years older than that.
you can't be this retarded

Only Dee and Mac are arguably dumb

phds are dumb because they didn't stop after 4 years

It's juvenile, it pats itself on it's back, it's pointless, it's banal, it's an unshamed Corporatoon.

tv is a different medium than film and to truly appreciate a show you have to watch it contemporarily

Movies take 2 hours to watch. Fraiser had fucking 264 episodes

Charlie literally is illiterate

>the sapranos
>breaking bad
> got
all shows that nobody watched live on tv, either torrented and binge watched or got on netflix ext.
you guys aren't making your case very well

Faux science appreciation and limp dicked nihilism is what, for me, ties to the show to Plebbit. That and any agenda pushing (somewhat uncommon) eaten up and spewed with joy by Reddit is what repulsed me most. That said I have generally enjoyed the show and did way more the less I had thought about it and the more I had spent binge watching it with pizza and friends

all more worth watching than fraiser, even twd

always sunny was good before it became a mainstream show enjoyed by normies

>dude the implication
>haha ever been in a storm wally?
>dude dayman!!!

makes me want to drink bleach honestly

Do you not realize how absurdly many episodes network sitcoms used to have?

You did watch the Birdman episode right? If he is a savant he can't be a retard

Google "idiot savant"

savants are retards, just retards with a pocket calculator embedded in their brain.

>That's the real mark of being smart- you don't feel the need to put others down for supposedly being dumber than you.

no, that's a mark of being charismatic. being intelligent leads to depression and dissatisfaction, in large part a result of everyone around you seeming like a dumb shit all the time. you can be smart and also bitter.

He's not the calculator type savant and you know it. The way he organized things in the Birdman ep is that of a mastermind

This is some deliciosu pasta

sunny is unironically the best sitcom on tv right now.

i don't watch iasip, i just wanted to reply to a post

Which was also for dumb people as evidenced by kramers WACKY DEMEANOR! OH BOY HES SO WACKY AND CRAZY! Fun show though.

Did Trump break Harmon?
I'm rewatching the series and I can't help but think this 5 second skit has been better than the entire third season. This season reminds me of HUMANZ desu.


>le milksteak narhwals at midnight

Amazing how often this pasta gets a perfect setup.

>There hasn't been a good sitcom since Seinfeld.

curb your enthusiasm bitch

The arguably most kino episode was in the post-reddit era though.

pickle rick = tbbt

Replace Always Sunny with Xavier: Renegade Angel.

Reddit: the post

Left top should be Frasier and left bottom should be Twin Peaks. I don't even recognize bottom right.

Nah, both Frasier and Twin Peaks are too good to be classified like this, they both had mass appeal simply by being incredibly well-crafted shows.

correction: there hasn't been a good sitcom

Why do faggots feel that the tv they watch is smart or that they themselves are smart for watching tv? It's fucking tv you sad pseuds, any one of you retards can do it.

>nobody watched live

Underaged b&.

What was this word supposed to be?

>all shows that nobody watched live on tv


You should be IP banned for this you underage cunt.

All of these shows are normie trash
Rick and whorty using typical crude humor/references/SHOCKING ideas formula so normies think they smart because they watch it.
God i fucking hate this list

This is true. This image was posted to reddit and all the redditors hated it.

>dennis IS YELLING LMAO: the episode

great taste, faggot

Is Rick intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor?

Sunny > rick and morty > friends > bbt

Swap Friends and Rick And Morty tbhsenpai

arrested development

Malcolm in the middle

what? this is fucked up.

always sunny and friend are good shows about dumb people for smart people. the others are just trash

>reddit and cucky
you cant be serious

Reminder if you prefer the left you do not belong here.

Rick & Morty is for people who think they're smart. The pinnacle of middle brow pleb entertainment.

Two and a half men

>you cant be serious Anonymous 08/23/17(Wed)03:02:05 No.86763394
t. nu-reddit cuckoldcuck


is it 2014 again? might fit in better on reddit saying that desu

New: The Faggot

I like R&M, but I have a coworker who unironically believes this.

I can't understand it. It's like they think they're in a super secret club because they got one joke about E.B. White.

>modified pic
I've seen the original. The top-left was "Community"

Community is the same Reddit shit as Rick n Morty.

No, you're probably just underage.

You do realize there is a general devoted to twin Peaks constantly on the front page?

>for smart people