>Dornish prince
>master fighter
>seduces all the whores
>knows poisons
>traveled Essos
>Master of Coin
So many powers. How did he lose to the Mountain?
>Dornish prince
>master fighter
>seduces all the whores
>knows poisons
>traveled Essos
>Master of Coin
So many powers. How did he lose to the Mountain?
Other urls found in this thread:
he deserved it by talking so much
He didn't wear a helmet.
>wear helmet
>wouldn't have got knocked down
that fight was great television. bookspergs aside, you were pretty sure what was going to happen, but they built up the suspense really well and then delivered.
He monologues and he doesn't appreciate the fact that a spear has reach. I would have kept poking the Mountain in the legs, feet, arms, or hands.
Actually, that's not true. I would have been dead almost immediately.
He was guilty of buggery.
Plot and because George RR Martin think we're idiots.
>If Oberyn saves Tyrion people will think Tyrion has plot armor, so instead, to show no one is safe, I will kill this character I just introduced, and I will save Tyrion in an even more convoluted way.
He didn't have the bad pussy
he went all Inigo Montoya on him
he didn't lose, it was more like he was unwilling to win because plot
Wasn't wearing his sombrer- I mean helmet.
It really is as simple as he got overconfident, was blinded by rage over his sister's death, and made a mistake. I never understand the people who complain about Oberyn's death, it's sad but it makes perfect sense.
Also, the actor for Oberyn is putting on a fake accent the entire time. The actor was born and raised in New York, his real accent is perfect, normal American. He had to fake a retarded "latino" accent to get the role.
t. butthurt latino user
you need to go back
The mountain had Relentless Endurance
>Pascal was born in Santiago, Chile.[2] Pascal's parents were Allende supporters, and they were involved in the opposition movement against the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile around the time of his birth.[3] Because of this, soon after his birth, his family was granted political asylum.[4] He was raised in Orange County, California, and San Antonio, Texas.[5]
was it beautiful?
Too bad they didn't drag out the Mountain's death by poison.
Screams bellowing in the Red Keep, maggots die touching his decaying flesh and the poison being enchanted to kill as slowly as possible.
Fitting end for a beast.
He couldn't just stoically get his vengeance. He had to fucking showboat.
Don't taunt until you're sure your enemy is down.
He just couldn't resist indulging in the memes.
Dexterity-fags eternally btfo
As always, another upstanding male bites the dust over a female.
Women were a mistake.
>you need to go back
I was born in Evanston, Illinois. My mother was born in Connecticut, her family arrived from Scotland and Sweden in the 1780s. My father's family came here in the 1820s from Cuba.*You* need to go back, I bet your ancestors came from Ireland or some shit like that.
Have you ever heard Pascal give an interview? He sounds like a perfectly normal American. The Oberyn Voice is just for the tv show.
but dex won this fight, it wasn't until dex hubris kicked in and he started to meme on the mountain thinking he could just dodge any death punches he threw at him, but as always, dex fags get theirs in the end, they are the definition of pyrrhic victory
The powers of BRUTALNESS and BIGNESS far outweigh any other traits.
The most disturbing thing for me was when he gets punched in the mouth and his teeth hit the ground like a bunch of tic-tacs
Good Christ
tell that to arya
>dex heavy character can't just shut the fuck up and his idiot mouth gets him killed
It's like he's a walking fantasy stereotype.
He had the same voice in "The Wall" yet he was playing a European.
Even though I read the books, that was honestly too horrible to watch more than once
All he wanted is a confession from Clegane, he got it, died right after. Makes sense.
He really wanted to know if Tywin was responsible.
>tfw you'll never be strong enough to absolutely annihilate someone's face with one punch
I mean unless it was a kid or something, but that's not really the point.
that's what happens when your main stat belongs to the dick ass thief archetype
>soon after his birth, his family was granted political asylum
>He was raised in Orange County, CA
I mean, the point of what the other guy said is still true.
Would Tyrion still be guilty if they found out Obys spear was poisoned?
His success went to his head.
>sucks dick
>eats box
unironically the best character
wtf I've just realized he's the same dude from Narcos
tyrion was fucked regardless, tywin needed someone to kill to set an example for and it wasn't convenient to execute a martell. he would've just had a mob of commoners prodded into lynching him.
I seriously feel like at one point his screams weren't even for him anymore, they were for his sister he could never avenge.
In the words of Yoshimitsu, "Overconfidence is the greatest enemy."
Oberyn allowed hubris and rage to blind him.
You do realize spanish and having a spanish accent is European, right?
Jesus, props to the makeup department that season
Victory defeated him.
>will save Tyrion in an even more convoluted way
Except this sets up how Tyrion kills Tywin which is one of the best moments in the book and show. Better in the book though because Tyrion utters a famous line "In the end, Lord Tywin Lannister did not in fact, shit gold."
>How did he lose to the Mountain?
Arrogance and a compulsion to get justice for his murdered sister, that blinded him to reality.
this shit is how playing league of legends goes
>shit on opposition
>start to spam that delicious mastery emote and dance while ignite slowly kills him
>opposition ends up obliterating you as he dies
I want Auralnauts to do a film fights commentary on this.
>that tube for pumping blood
>He really wanted to know if Tywin was responsible.
Oberyn knew Tywin was responsible, he wanted Gregor Clegane to admit it to everybody there.
No, I'm pretty sure he was screaming because his eyes were squished into his fucking skull and he was in unimaginable pain. Screaming because he can't avenge his sister is too heroic and fantastical. His death is so disturbing because the entire time we've seen him he's composed and full of wit and dignity, and in his final moments he's screaming wildly and desperately.
remember when GoT was good?
Your honesty is refreshing.
>Literally the one thing dorne has going for it
>One of the best characters to appear in the show
>Man with incredible high power level and worldly wisdom
>Let's have him peepeepoopoo on his opponent when he's down!!
>Oh fugg he tripped over and died XdDx
Same way Hillary Clinton lost to Trump.
Remember GoT before Teleportation Pods were established throughout the realms.
Pretty sure getting struck full force in the face with a mailed fist would still knock you the fuck down even if you were wearing a helmet.
Tne White man never loses to sub humans. Not even in fantasy land. White power!
Oberyn Martell became Aspirin Martell.
he got caught monologing
The trial by combat was the last truly great moment that GOT has ever had
Spain is part of Africa, not Europe.
>ending of Hardhome
>American education
Is it even possible to headbutt that hard? Especially without damaging your own skull
post the webm
a normal person, no. Hafthor, yes.
Instead of just finishing Gregor off, he lost focus trying to get his confession.
>"latin cuban"
>whore mother is a swede
nigger detected
the scene with Tyrion in the cell is the best in the series
smath em cung cung cung
One of the greatest scenes in television history IMO, and it's a shame that GOT can't be that good ever again
His maneuvers were aesthetic as fuck... some of the most beautiful fight choreography... sucks that he had to die... but in Hollywood the stoic guy always wins
>europeans mixing with monkey people
you and your ancestors deserve to die
He died way too quickly. I wanted to like him and sympathize, but I never got the chance to
Got overconfident, let himself get parried and got oneshot in the riposte
This is abjectively the only answer
>meme on the mountain
Sounds great to be honest.
I don't know why I am laughing at this.
It might be the cat reaction image...
Fun fact: the guy who plays the Mountain was a basketball player, he only got into weightlifting cuz of a knee injury that cut into his basketball career.
Just takes time and dedication my man.
also cutting out the tysha revelation and having tywin calling the woman tyrion just murdered a whore being what broke the camel's back was the ultimate hackery
>Remember when jews didn't rule Hollywood and people with talent could compete in a free market ?
Me neither
Why so desperate to apply your ideology lense on this.
The spic was fighting for tyrone you mongrel and trying to avenge his sister was honorable.
>is it even possible that there is real violance besides marvel violance ?
I hope this is bait.
The choreography was always one of the worst thing about game of thrones