What do you think of Asian immigration?
When I say Asian I'm reffering to Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and Indochinese.
What do you think of Asian immigration?
When I say Asian I'm reffering to Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and Indochinese.
Why are you not including Finnish immigration?
It's a good kind of immigration.
They have higher IQ, lower crime rates, the less degenerate of races, very hard working and don't complain about anything at all. Besides their women are cute and make good wives. Sometimes I fantasize about living in a country 2/3 West European 1/3 East Asian to be honest.
brain drain on said nations
we get their high IQ cuties
they get to keep their ratface dolts
>Sometimes I fantasize about living in a country 2/3 West European 1/3 East Asian to be honest.
As long as it is non-muslim I really don't give a shit.
Or blacks. Cant forget blacks.
Are there people who unironically believe this meme? I see it posted so much.
>What do you think of Asian immigration?
They have Neanderthal DNA. They have the shit required to run a civilization. They're fine.
Japanese only, Chinese & Korean are practically the same anyway.
Well most blacks coming as refugees are muslim.
But really, we don't have a nigger problem here in Denmark-
The sandnigger problem however
Asians aren't even smarter than whites. They're just better adapted to the shit society the Left has built since they're basically robots. They can crunch numbers but they can't innovate for shit and they're all a bunch of rude assholes. Send 'em back to bing bong land.
>another asian thread
>mfw am getting SK pussy
>mfw Sk companies tried to cuck but we told them to fuck off
The only good slant is a dead slant.
The Japanese, Singaporeans and Taiwanese are alright.
The ones who come here from these countries are all middle class, hard working, friendly, understand basic social norms and most importantly they don't come in strength.
The mainland Chinese and Korean hordes pouring into the country need to fuck off though, fucking tax dodging dog eating street shitting bad sushi restaurant lying fish and chip ruining rude yellow scum
I've had no experience with Indochinese
Kek this delusional. You do have a nigger problem. Have you seen any of you nigger migrants being hard workers?
No. They peddle drugs and ooga booga around taking your tax money to feed their little nigglets.
I wouldn't mind splitting her fortune cookie in two!
Pretty much. Sup Forums needs to realize that being physically attracted to other races is just another form of degenerate sexual deviance. Witness the riceburners using the exact same propaganda in this thread that the TRUMP WANTS TO DEPORT THIS faggots use.
It was weird going to a 90% asian school.
No. A few IQ points are not enough for me to want to destroy my culture. Asian culture is pretty shitty and depressing.
Also the gooks would betray us even sooner than the commies.
Shills. Same threads all the time.
74% of them vote for the democrats in america
you bring in enough and you'll have a permanent left wing government, such joy
Fuck yes. Anyone that sets up a Koreatown or a Chinatown needs to leave just as much as the Muslims setting up little Somalia all over the fucking place.
Anyone caught immigrating and then sending money back to the home country should be executed as a fifth columnist. It's literally economic vampirism.
>b-b-but muh chink whores
People need to stop thinking with their dicks like fucking 13 year olds.
Religious Christian Koreans are alright and redpilled.
A guy at my uni is from Vietnam, he seems pretty based desu. I always ask him for help lol
Fuck chinks, they are savage animals wearing human skin.
All the others are okay in my books.
What school senpai?
It's probably in part because we take it in stride and spread it ourselves.
Why? Do you rather see old cultures and traditions be destroyed? It is much better when different races keep it to their own. They all can celebrate true diversity, and this kind of neighborhood also holds back race mixing more than putting everyone in the same block.
Agree with you man. nigs are the worst. Would have Asians over any other race by far.
No they are absolutely fucking not. Do you even know any personally? They always send money back to whatever fucking Korean Jesusfag organization and are generally just rude and shitty people. I shouldn't have trouble understanding your stupid accent, and I shouldn't be hearing foreign languages half the time in my home country. I've met Jesus Koreans that have been in the U.S. longer than I've been alive and they still sound like they got off the boat yesterday. Assimilate or go back.
I've got an idea! How about you stay in fucking China or Japan and do your Chinese shit instead of taking U.S. land and turning it in to little China.
>It is much better when different races keep it to their own.
Fucking hypocrite. How about keeping to your own country?
I'm fine with it as long as they don't vote. These fucks always vote liberals.
God damn it Sup Forums you are fucking pissing me off lately
Koreans are even worse than the Chinese
Believing in God doesn't redeem them, if anything it makes it worse since our churches are being filled with ugly yellow eye sores who can't even speak english
>be an alt-right anti race mixing fag
>supports asian-white raxe mixing
Pick one
Asian qts are perfect cock holsters for Aussies.
American culture is complete shit. You want people to assimilate to fast food, rap music, and nigger sports? Because that is american culture right now.
The old Anglo-American culture died a long time ago friend. If anything, you should support Balkanization because it can lead to nationalist resurgence.
Whats wrong with fried eels?
>If anything, you should support Balkanization because it can lead to nationalist resurgence.
Balkanization is what caused American culture to get shitty in the first place. Africans back to Africa. Asians back to Asia. Kikes back to the ovens. None of them built America, but all of them sure have sure done a good job of fucking shit up.
You saying that I should support the literal destruction of America (Balkanization is just carving it up like meat and throwing it to the dogs) makes me want to punch you in the nose. Find another board and take the ching chong ding dong sympathizers with you. Defeatist faggot
Tighter pussies meant for smaller cocks.
You aren't going to kick people out and most wouldn't support it.
We're too big for our own good. I don't have anything in common with most of my fellow countrymen, even the white ones. I live in the East, what the fuck do I have in common with Texans or Californians or Oregonians.
>live in city with tons of mexicans
>suddenly tons of koreans move in
>they fuse their powers together
>create delicious bulgogi and kimchi tacos
It's a good deal. I dated one asian girl, and 3 whites plus a christian white girl. They do not compare. The white girls cannot hold a candle to asian qts. Asian women are loyal, kind, gentle, and the one I dated, she was determined, intelligent, and strong without being dominating. She knew her place. The only reason why it didn't work out was because I sort of fucked up in university and her parents wouldn't approve unless i graduated.
Untrue as fuck. Chinese help built canada, and maybe a bit of america. But the chinese do engage in our culture and also bring their culture. When two equals share, they have more together. When inferior shares with a superior, one loses. Mexicans, brazilians (even white ones) need to stay in their shit holes.
>I live in Düsseldorf. What the fuck do I have in common with people living in Hamburg? We're too big for our own good. We should just let parts of Germany split off and become Muslim hellholes.
She looks like a coalburner
Being labor doesn't mean you built the country. You just moved shit from here to there. You didn't conceptualize anything.
Enjoy your Trudeau you anti-white faggot
Germany is a much older nation and a fairly homogenous country with similar culture from state to state (although there are minor differences).
America is huge and very different based on the regions.
>You will never have a korean qt look at you like that
why even live
Most Asians I know come from conservative families. Especially 2nd and 3rd gen families, because they have higher than average incomes and don't want their money jewed away from them.
Curry Up Cafe, nigga
Nice repeating ints
and this is what I mean. its hybridization. The asians I know love western culture, some are rich enough to engage in the excess of luxury which I know many on pol cannot afford (and I can't either). They admire our art, our architecture. They study our music, they love our classical music. More asians today are involved in keeping the classical arts alive than the whites who occupy middle america. They bleed for their love, mastering violins and pianos under oppressive mothers who demand nothing but perfection.
how can any one (but a loser cuck like ) not support asian hybridization. Sushi is fine food.
Anecdotal evidence doesn't defeat voting patterns. Enjoy being part of the problem, riceburner
Such bullshit, why do 74% support Obama then.
This is like the "Hispanics are natural conservatives" meme which never holds true once the elections come around.
Hard workers, adaptable to customs, non-aggressive and compassionated.
Over all, it's the best kind of immigration.
they weren't conceptualizers of shit in america or canada (those were the anglos and, in canada's case sometimes the francophones). All those people were mere labourers.
>Tighter pussies meant for smaller cocks.
Actually you look at the averages Aussies are bigger than yanks. I certainly have nothing to worry in the penis department. I just love railing Asian qts as do many Aussies. We use them as fuckpuppets.
You do realize you are using the same arguments as the leftists you claim to hate.
>ethnic food
When it comes to music, Asians are just machines. Can you name even one Asian composer? I guess we should give those wind-up player pianos from the wild west their own town too. Fucking Canadians get out
Source please!!
Well as long they are not koreans and chinese plastic it is OK, one way to tell, the less make up they put on their face, the higher chance being natural they are.
>Asian women are loyal, kind, gentle, and the one I dated, she was determined, intelligent, and strong without being dominating
>delusional weeaboo fantasies
They all have different personalities, dipshit. You can't say this about every Asian girl. Some are sweet, some are high maintenance cunts, some are batshit crazy.
Any of those groups who refused to assimilate and contribute sure were. Why are you arguing for more immigration? Isn't the West enough of a mess without your cuckoldry adding to the equation?
What state are you in? I know GA has a large Korean population in one of its cities, where they all seem to go to. Where are you that you're being inundated with specifically Koreans?
It's because the media paints the conservative government as rascist. In canada, our conservative parties aren't seen as racists. We didn't have a history where for decades you saw politicians with huge amounts of money pay for narratives in canada, and voting patterns in canada is reflective of the asian values (conservative, right of center; very few in the left).
The conservative government before Trudeau targeted asians knowing they value conservatives.
Hispanics wont go republicans regardless of value because as a people they don't know how to build wealth without the state's purse. The dems hand them out cash and feed their kids. If they didn't, if they were independent of that, they would would republican. Asians earn on average 3x the average income of a hispanic, 5x of a negro and 1.7x times a white.
CO. We've got Koreans and Vietnamese out the ass. Vietnamese are actually slightly better because they lack the superiority complex, but still annoying. Also tons and tons of Nepali and Indian scum moving in and voting for lefties
I like gooks enough to tell them to stay in their own country.
This continent is going to be in a bloody civil war soon, stay away. We will rise from the ashes in a conquering mood.
I work on small island in rural area and 1/3 of the work force is niggers (rest is from slave lands though most of us are only here for few months) and all of them are here permanently. One that i know is in his 20 and have 4 kids arleady and when i asked him how many more he want to have he told me that he will produce until his balss go dry
T. Pole on summer "break"
her instagram is jessicababyfat
I was referring to Asian cocks. But you can be average for a white guy and still feel like you are going to split them in half.
Great, so you've 5x the earnings of a negro, 3X the income of a spic, and 1.7X the income of a white being gobbled up by slant-eyed invaders. Bravo, you sure showed me.
>very few asians in the left
lol what is the most populous country on earth that is also fucking communist?
Damn which asian girl broke your heart? I want to give you a hug pal. I hate everyone that isn't white but if you honestly think superiority tiers don't exist and that Asians aren't above niggers and mudslimes (thought still far below whites) you need to open your eyes. Those people are dangerous. Look how small Japan and south Korea are yet they somehow managed to get top 10 in the Olympics every years along side powerhouses like Russia USA and china
Nope, you are confusing what leftists actually believe with what normal believe enjoy. It's like confusing me as someone who likes vegan food as someone who doesn't eat meat or as someone who supports peta. The leftist believes the system is at fault. They also hate the idea of consumption of culture. So i really don't know where you are finding that strawman. Like did you forget the whole if you like other cultural stuff that ain't yours, you are cultural appropriating their stuff?
like, senpai, you have no argument. you pulled something out of your ass and you think the leftist somehow would champion me eating asian foods and engaging their culture as consumption when they have for the past 2 years done nothing to condemn that?
also, learn to read: i said the asians are investing a lot to preserve our culture. I don't see whites in middle america playing the violin as hard as an asian.
Every Vietnamese person has an evil twin who is slightly less hot than they are. Stay away from all Vietnamese people.
Holy shit I feel like I need to make an ms paint image of you saying that stupid shit you just posted
>superiority tiers
Gee, would I prefer to drown or get stabbed?
Of course chinks are dangerous. I've been saying that this whole thread.
I really liked your variation on the "YOU JUST THINK THAT WAY BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GET LAID" canard though.
These are wages in your country and I am not american. Don't be illiterate, just don't be ok? Try harder ok?
Nigger countries do good at the Olympics dude, doesn't mean shit.
chinese/japanese/korean are god tier. rest are no.
Just stick to shitty strawmen that you build from pretending we didn't experience the SJW onslaught like we did.
jessicababyfat on instagram
>those videos of her trying to twerk
couldn't kill my boner tho
America beated russia. Russia always sucked in the olympics, but man, the russians have no soul, so they lie and steal and cheat like they are a hybrid of a tijuana whore, a negro from the hood and roma picket pocketer.
think those yellow niggers need to go back home just like the nigs and slimes
Surprise surprise the fag leaf is a vegan. Maybe if you got some fucking meat in your system you wouldn't be such an anti-white defeatist faggot.
My argument this whole thread is that Asians are rude, obnoxious, machine-like, and damaging to Western society. Take your attempts at being Stefan elsewhere.
How are they preserving culture with the way they treat classical music? As another fucking stupid column of numbers to put in their pocketbook? Another gold star for the kindergarten teacher to put on the board? Asians are incapable of deep thinking, which is why they can't compose, invent, or innovate beyond a surface level.
But hey, if you're okay with becoming a minority in your own country, have at it.
to edgy for cripple chan? If i ran america, I would purge all the whites on foodstamps and import japanese.
I scimmed the tbread and saw you arguing with like 30 people putting all this effort and energy, don't you understand the whole point is that your wasting your time. These people are dangerous but that's also why tons of race traitoring fags worship them, they don't shit on Asians the way they shit on niggers and mudslimes becsuse they know it's easier to take down those, the Chinks actually pose a challenge, that's exciting to pol
>huehuehue jokes on you I was just pretending
I'm going to fap to OP's pic right now and there's literally nothing you can do to stop me.
Holy shit look at that garbage you typed. How old are you? Fuck this board sucks nowadays. I'm out, faggots
Adult illiteracy strikes again!?
I said I sometimes eat vegan, but it doesn't mean that I do not eat meat.
>preserving culture
a lot of whites in middle america are doing nothing. why aren't they preserving culture? why aren't they learning the piano, or the violin or working to perform classical music professionally? Asian are doing this, and you are too stupid to ask the question why whites are not and then you blame asians for preserving a culture when our very own members wont.
It's not a steak