This film is important enough to be taught in schools

This film is important enough to be taught in schools.

ive always wanted to watch this but isnt their a prequel? or can I go ahead and watch this?

Watch the show first

You need to watch the 26 episode series first.

It sounds like a chore but I can't stress enough that the payoff is more than worth it.

It's overrated shit

You need to watch the series first

cool thanks

I literally watched the 26 episodes yesterday and then the movie today. I do not fully understand what was going on and it barely kept my interest.

DO NOT WATCH THIS without watching the Evangelion TV series. This shit's confusing even to someone who's watched it, so if you just jump in without watching the anime beforehand you're literally gonna understand nothing. Watching the series and original ending before this makes you appreciate it even more

Watch it again.

>SEELE wants third impact
>Gendo wants third impact
>they both get it but fight each other anyway

EoE is lame dragonball z shit. The original ending was way better and more philosophical/on point

You might be a brainlet. Or you just weren't paying enough attention to dialog. It's all surprisingly straight forward if you really listen and take in what is being said. A lot of people take multiple views to fully grasp the whole thing.

This could be the case. It just did not keep my attention. I might have to give it another go but not anytime soon.

why does Sup Forumseddit keep spamming here

Begone, /ck/uck

You don't even nned to watch the movie, you can break it down simply when comparing both endings that movie is null
>tv ending deals with shinji accepting himself and his flaws
>movie deals with shinji accepting different people around him, understanding connections with people is crucial

the whole show was about accepting himself not about other people so in general the movie should be disregarded as it does not support the series message.

That's one hell of a controversial opinion.

Both messeges are shown in the tv show. Shit like shinji turning away misato.

Honestly it's disappointing he only overcomes one of the issues in the show. The movie is crutial.
Not to mention that a bunch of characters don't even get a satisfying ending until the movie.

If no one can explain in a paragraph or two why this film is so important, then they're just talking out of their ass. Every poster so far has just said "it's deep and if you don't get it then watch it again or maybe it's 2deep4u." Fuck evangelion fags are the worst perpetrators of "if you don't get it then you never will, kiddo"

Weebfags go back to

Whatever you say, /lit/ard

>Didn't get it

It's one of the greatest character studies in history. That alone makes it important.

recently watched the show and movie
made no sense
>2deep4u nonsense in the last 2 episodes after all that build up. no payoff, just sluts clapping
>oh hey heres a movie that only raises more questions
>have to read outside material to even vaguely get an idea on what shit is
>lcl - never explained in show or movie
>first/second impacts never explained
>AT fields - vaguely hinted at
>Adam/Lilith - not remotely explained whatsoever
>lance of longiless on the moon but lol i need it so it just warped to me. also we're not gonna explain why its needed but just know we need it
>human instrumentality project was wanted by pretty much all the players but some reason they are fighting each other
>Gendo wants instrumentality to be with wife. Tells rei its time. rei says no and shoots him then does instrumentality anyway.
I could keep going. literally only popular because muh waifus


The Holy Lance, also known as the Holy Spear, the Spear of Destiny, or the Lance of Longinus (named after Saint Longinus), according to the Gospel of John, is the lance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross.

this is what you get for not being christian
>hurr the religious stuff is just for aesthetics meme

I liked it. It's not perfect but nothing is. Enjoyed it all the same though

>made no sense
Watch it again.
>have to read outside material to even vaguely get an idea on what shit is
Totally false.
>lcl - never explained in show or movie
>first/second impacts never explained
>AT fields - vaguely hinted at
AT Fields get the best explination out of everything. They are honestly the most straight forward part of the show
>Adam/Lilith - not remotely explained whatsoever

Everything else I didn't quote falls back into "watch it again."

My biggest advice for you is to listen to the fucking dialog. Like damn, it's really straight forward as hell

What do you mean why? Do you want me to do a character analysis for you or something?

oh shit that explains why it appeared halfway through the shows run was thrown by a cloned soul at an angel and then got stuck on the moon


what episode explain why there were angels?
what was lilith and adam? how can the soul of one of them be in some faggot kid?

i dont remember the show mentioning ayy lmaos sending beings to earth

>Adam/Lilith - not remotely explained whatsoever

read the genesis you illiterate
>lilith was adams first partner, made from the same clay so to speak
>she bad
>kicked out of eden
>eve is then created from adams rib
>lilith roams outside until she meets up with adams son kane
>they have children which are lilim or demon depicted
>in the show lilim are humans so anno is quite literally saying we are the wrong doers on earth

Idk it is a bit confusing since the whole adam and lilith thing is replaced with interstellar eggs being planted into planets. In the shows canon there should only be either an adam egg or a lilith egg on a planet but miraculously we got both

Eva is a character study for betas who were picked on when they were younger
shit show desu movie was ok

the point is it can pierce AT fields

>he didn't get it

Just imagine being this dumb desu.

Not you, you don't have to imagine it. Other people reading your words should be the one imagining it.

>jewish folklore
thats not in the bible

wow such dumbness in this thread

time to fix it

>lilith thing is replaced with interstellar eggs being planted into planets
none of that is explained in the show

>Gendo and SEELE both want Instrumentality but fight each other anyway

They both want control over instrumentality. That's why SEELE attacked NERV at the start of the movie, to gain control of Adam (fetus on Gendo's hand which was stolen from SEELE and delivered to NERV by Kaji), Lilith (white giant on cross) / the Evas.

Gendo expects Rei (who has Lilith's soul and returns into her original body when she merges with the white giant) to do what he says, but she refuses and instead goes up to Shinji and allows him to have control over whether or not to maintain Instrumentality

>he REALLY didn't get it

This is currently the 3rd time he's trying to give Evangelion an "ending". It looks like he's going to jump the shark a 3rd time with Rebuild.

I think it's time to accept that this series was just never actually any good, and that Anno is a hack.

>instrumentality means everyone is merged
>but some individual can control it
this show is so gay

Nope. These are the musings of an autist. Teenageers wouldnt appreciate it.

HUH I wonder what she's holding?!?!



>black sphere shown
>yup that must be an interstellar egg of life planted by ayy lmaos

it's the black moon and it's a seed of life not an egg you fucking dimwit

It's less who actually controls it and more who's terms it's on.

Lilith (Rei) is the one with godly powers and Gendo wanted to be on good terms with Rei when the merging happens so she can specifically help him be with Yui again. Seele didn't want anything specific like that, they just wanted instromentality to occur, which obviously it did. In a way Seele actually got a win in the end. Shinji is the only one to really control instromentality because him in the Eva turned into the tree of life, which Rei then encountered. That is why he is the one to chose if it occurs or doesn't, and he's the one to shape the new reality.
Of course we know he denies this, and instead gives everyone in the lcl a chance to come back if they please.

>every response to criticism of evangelion

if it was discussed at any point in the show people would know what it is
but it wasnt

It's definitely the sort of non-nonsensical art house trash that people pretend to enjoy in order to feed their superiority complex.


If you understood it, you would like it. It gets endlessly repeated because even though it's simple and beats you over the head with the answer, people still miss it.

You don't need to know it at all to understand what is going on in the show. Everything that you DO need to know is perfectly explained like the relationship between Adam and Lilith. Their origins are irellivent

I'm so fucked up.

>he didn't get it

>you don't need to know that stuff

You dont get it . Its not about the impacts, angels, LCL and that shit. Eva is ultimately about human relationships. The convoluted "lore" is just a background.

You literally don't. I don't see how your viewing could be benefited at all knowing their origin

>I'd say its more of distraction like how materialism is in life

>If you understood it, you would like it.
What is with brainlets thinking these kinds of arguments are good?
It's like Christians saying atheists must hate god. Their argument always assumes god exists.
Your argument is similar, in that you assume than Eva is good. If you don't like it its because you can't understand it. If you understand it you must like it.

Ever consider that it's just an above average deconstruction of the mecha genre and that outside of that lens it's mediocre?

t. Watched the anime, thought it was alright but not good enough for me to go full autism and watch all the movies.

>show makes no sense
>thats not what the shows about ignore it

Can we all agree that Kom Susser Tod playing while the world is tang'd is one of the best musical sequences in an animated movie?

The show makes complete sense, but it's best for some viewers like yourself to just focus on the humanitarian aspect of the show.

>2 lances
never explained. even the characters didnt know how it got there

Explain Evangelion to me then.

makes complete sense if you read the lore on some website while watching the show (still plenty of wholes)
it makes no sense just by watching and you know it

You must watch the series first. It's not so much that you won't understand the film if you don't watch the series, but that it won't have the impact it should if you don't care for the characters.

It stops being a deconstruction of the mech genre like 14 episodes in.

Stop pandering to entry level plebs that are cinematically bankrupt and delete this Sup Forums thread, Sup Forumsanny

Explain why Evangelion is good.
Burden of proof is on you bucko, you're the one claiming it is the best anime ever.

it's no use. They either can't or won't get it on their own. To tell them to ignore the nitty gritty universe details and simply learn the moral is pointless. They aren't capable of that level of comprehension for whatever reason.

Human instrumentality = modern internet.

let that sink in.

I successfully understood the whole thing in 2 viewings

How do I know Shinji is a human? They never explained his birth in detail so how am I supposed to know

oh no mister I just wanted you to explain it to me. I just wanted to hear your interpretation of it, since you claim to understand it and still dislike it.

But you didn't get it did you? Was it truly too deep?

Woah... It's like... I can feel my brain expanding....



What did it mean bros

The imagery stolen from greater works stolen and turned into childish video game esque images make him feel more than your average imdb drone

Nice job repeating the same tired and debunked argument friendo
Meanwhile every Eva thread isn't about it's deep philosophical properties but the girls. Really makes you wonder what exactly is popular about it.

you know you watched a youtube summary of that shit. dont try to impress us

Could you imagine being full of so much shame you try to choke out the only other person alive?

Idk, friend. Kaworu looked pretty human to me, yet look what happened

Took you long enough. I always look forward to this guy.

i just want you to explain evangelion to me. It's not a contest. We're just talking. why do you run so hard from such a simple task.

No dipshit. I just listen to dialog instead of zone it out.

it's nothing alike lmao

shame from what? the hospital scene?

Because I don't remember eva enough to discuss it unlike you autists that keep posting eva girls and lurk the generals.
I already said I didn't watch the movies so even if I tried a half-remembered explanation you would be talking still be talking shit so why even bother?

>e-explain Eva to me!

I hate this stupid fucking rebuttal because the only reason people never explain it is because it's a fucking pain in the ass to write out. There is no way to do it in a simple paragraph or two unless you just want to scratch the very surfacs

The "i steal from better directors but don't understand beyond a surface level" shot

Have you guys ever jerked off at a time when you really shouldn't have?


Probably. Or for anything else.
Don't forget this is directly following her gaining every single memory or even thought that Shinji has ever had.

>I hate this stupid fucking rebuttal because the only reason people never explain it is because it's a fucking pain in the ass to write out. There is no way to do it in a simple paragraph or two unless you just want to scratch the very surface
Meanwhile there are literal entire philosophies that could be more or less accurately summed up in a single post.
Get off it dude.

Bet you can't tell me the director of the top left image.