What does Sup Forums think of id Software?
What does Sup Forums think of id Software?
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Started based. Wolfed stein 3d was my jam.
Doom series was legit, God bless Carmack's little brother.
Still based--did you see Carnac BTFO that fagjew SJW cuntress who tried to say Doom lol why guns and no chix?!?
Newest doom game was /trash/. Biggest waste of $60 of my life and biggest waste of space for the hard drive.
Love them.
I own all their games, even went out of my way to get boxed copies of all of them too.
Except for the elusive Doom.... If only I could get my hands on that Doom box! Damn you ebay for selling them at 150 dollars! Damn you!
Huh, i heard it was pretty good for a doom game
Preferred unreal tournament over quake3.
the Icon of Sin is really a giant Shlomo Shekelberg
Jesus! I just looked up the price, it's not 500 dollars!
Sup Forums officially states: quake2 was the best fps in history
Source! LINK NOW!
>implying Quake 3: Arena wasn't gods gift to humanity
>(((Robert A. Altman)))
video games are children's hobby, ask my son. No self respecting man would ever watch cartoons and play video games.
Used to be awesome then after dooms massive success egos and money got involved.
ruined by bethesda
Quake 3.
Oh my god this post got me right in the nostalgia feels, where the fuck have the years gone? I will never forget.
my african american.
played that game far too much in my youth.
quake champions or whatever they are calling it will be trash from what I've seen so far
This. Quake 3 is the best game in the history of mankind and will NEVER EVER be topped.
Good times when games were made by nerds and not byy white guys with thick glasses and girls with colored hair.
absolutely based. JOHN CARMACK
QuakeLive was/is ok. Basically Q3 with minor improvements.
This fucking too, Q2 was also my jam back in the day.
>quake champions or whatever they are calling it will be trash from what I've seen so far
I will give it a chance, I can't not do so after all the good memories. If it blows I will be sorely disappointed, but then there's still CoD and Titanfall.
I'm surprised you guys don't like "Ethnic Cleansing"
It's some shitty PC FPS that the KKK made where you shoot blacks who make chimp noises as they die.
one of the few western vidya companies that makes actual games and not movies, or sjw simulators
I wish Carmack worked in another field, he's way too fucking smart to be doing video game development
Its like if Michelangelo was hired as a finger painter
John Carmack left them for being shit and they don't even release idTech open source any more which Carmack never said would happen.
Modern id is one of the least based companies to exist right now.
yellow nigger you gotta go
Carmack DOES work in another field. He was building rockets and he helped build Oculus Rift.
He quit id a long time ago because it's shit.
>doesnt realize cartoons were originally made for adults
U nikkas know ID right? Freudian term for the body. Pure hedonism
ya they went to shit but in the 90s holy fuck. Read Masters of Doom. Carmack was the driving force behind the legacy of id, everyone else, romero included, were dog fuckers
Quake 3 for multiplayer, doom/doom2/final doom for single
TNO is pure kike propaganda, but D44m is fucking ace, not much of a multiplayer game but the campaign is fucking great.
You gotta be kidding me the weapons in 2 were shit and the game was awkward. 1 and 3 were the good ones. Also UT BTFO Q3 and it came out tecnically earlier
You say it's "shitty", then you go on to explain why it's the best game ever. Is this a ruse?
>As reported in David Kushner's Masters of Doom, when Carmack was 14, he broke into a school to help a group of kids steal Apple II computers. To gain entry to the building, Carmack concocted a sticky substance of thermite mixed with Vaseline that melted through the windows. However, an overweight accomplice struggled to get through the hole, and opened the window, setting off a silent alarm and alerting police. John was arrested, and sent for psychiatric evaluation (the report mentions 'no empathy for other human beings' and describes Carmack as 'a brain on legs'). Carmack was then sentenced to a year in a juvenile home.[4][5]
>'no empathy for other human beings'
is carmack a psycho?
Didn't he work on the RAGE game? Super textures or w/e?
It's glitchy and crashes a lot I mean.
A brilliant psycho.