This could honestly be made into a really great movie if done right

This could honestly be made into a really great movie if done right.

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A philmed doc about the phenomenon of phreaking would be phantastic, pham.


no it couldn't

What kind of movie? An inevitable biopic? An entire movie shot in this style with a guy rambling for 2 hours? A horror flick where he's the villain? All of the above?

Maybe a conspiracy theory series.

A suspenseful drama that flips between the hijacker and the broadcasting company, I suppose. Or maybe not show the hijacker at all, since we don't actually know who he was.

I saw the local Chicago news,nbc, when some dude took over the signal,non cable, and and max headroom showed his but. This happened twice so the butt part may have been another time. I think one time he just did a head bobble,it was a non event it was antenna tv and most people thought the issue was on there end.
Probably on YouTube.

It was kinda tracked down to a resident of the John Hancock building but never confirmed,that is an expensive place to live so maybe they thought that whoever could afford powerful enough equipment must have lived there. That is what was said after the commercial break.

based trolls broadcasting real television instead of doctor shit

A two scoops tv.
Hey guys,I'm political!

>if done right.
Probably. But it would be hard to do it right without knowing who did it, or why. Without that, there isn't really much of a story behind the hijacking, just the event itself.

It was already done right.

There is one:

It would start that way.

It would evolve into horror

Fincher with Sorkin could pull it off

That's the source material itself, not about the incident.

How would you conclude it? What are the stakes? It's interesting, but hardly movie-worthy.

So a movie about a movie about a movie?

What if we make the movie, and then make a "behind the scenes" about the movie. Then we hack YouTube and embed the "behind the scenes" movie on every page. Of course, we'll have a cameraman to document the hacking, then we'll release a documentary about that: a movie about a movie about a movie about a movie about a movie.

Would this make a great movie?

he shows up in black mirror (not the creepy hacker the actual guy)

Jackson's King Kong sort of did this. I liked that approach.

>your example of a metafilm is Peter Jackson's King Kong

It was a shitry TV show a long time ago.

I think some sort of documentary that resolved in tracking the guy down would be the most interesting approach, but obviously that would hinge directly on whether or not someone could indeed track him down. I find it fascinating that a couple people went through such trouble and risk to do this and their entire endgame was just to broadcast bullshit. No threat, no deep message, just people dicking around on camera, the entire stunt apparently conducted just because they could and because they wanted to act like jackasses on camera. It seems like an early /b mentality, but back in 1987. I wonder if the guy(s) behind it will ever come forward. I assume the statute of limitations would prevent them from facing any charges at this point.

>This could honestly be made into a really great movie if done right.
Of course it could. Look what HBO money did for this...

This and numbers stations are two gold mines of creepiness that haven't been used to make a single good movie or TV show.

Which "this" are we talking about, OP? Max Headroom TV series or the event where the guy took over the TV signal wearing a Max Headroom mask?

Pretty certain he meant the intrusion.

I don't see how this is really creepy, more silly than anything

Read the file name.

If you saw it live as it went down, you'd probably be pretty scared I'd bet. I know I would have.

Not him but fuck you.
Instead of the "I'm gonna prove I'm old and tell him to read the file name" you could have easily enough answered or just kept quiet. Go back to Sup Forums and tell people you are not there personal army,pussy.

I agree user

Max Headroom was almost too based for the 80's

But you just know (((they))) would turn it into some James Franco / Seth Rogan stoner comedy and culturally appropriate it till the story lost all impact... SAD