Hillary is going to win and you cannot stop her

Proof that Hillary is going to win and there is nothing you can do about it:


Other urls found in this thread:


all trump needs is 55% of the popular vote and another (liberal) supreme court justice to die and he has this shit wrapped up

Nothing you do in the voting booth even matters. Nothing:


Bernie won. And Trump will win.

But Hillary will still be president.

Landslide. get fucked increasingly nervous shill.

Sincerely Mr. Brexit

This is kind of off topic but who else thinks Democracy is straight up the most corrupt system around? Give people the illusion of choice while rigging it. So even if all the nation votes to support someone nobody will question the loss because they assume half the nation supported the other Candidate.

War for the presidency would be more logical than blindly voting and trusting the results.

Trump won't win by a landslide though.

He's "racist".


My dubs prove otherwise

i'm not clicking your shill ass yt links, i don't pay google to host propaganda. hillary won't be able to justify a win if trump gets 55% of the 40% of people who will vote. not even she is ballsy enough for that. she beat bernie because she bought the dnc, she can't buy the entire electoral college.

november is a scary thought i have a feeling some shit is gonna go down HARD

Cant argue

us president doesn't mean as much as it did before nixon. closer to the queen of england than putin


riiight, just like they tried to smear brexit as a "racist" vote... sure sure

When voter fraud is even uncovered, when proof that elections are rigged comes out....

You're still just a "conspiracy theorist" with no power.



dude is still worth $400 million according to google, what a boss

America has too many niggers, that's why Democrats are winning. Do you just realize that there are as many niggers in the USA as there are people in Spain?

>voter fraud

and i'm the conspiracy theorist. if you had anything worth seeing, it wouldn't be on yt. google probably paid you to shill for hillary

Ohhh boy, let me tell you. If voter fraud gets discovered after the fact that Hillary won, it will be the perfect shitstorm to a civil war. Hillary would be the kind of person to try it too.

Watch what the media keeps lying about. They are pretending Hillary is winning everything.

It doesn't matter if Trump gets 80% of the vote if people "think" he's going to lose.

The votes will be rigged, and the sheep will accept it.

Nobody right now can find Hillary supporters. They don't exist. But still, everyone suspects she will win so it doesn't matter how many votes Trump gets. You've been warned.

>Trump gets 55%
>Hillary gets 40%
you're implying that anyone will know that was the actual outcome and that it won't read more like 52 hillary 49 trump

fuck. off. c. t. r.

What the fuck are you talking about. Everybody does that.

Don't you do that to your eye? WTF? How new are you?

At least watch the video retard, or even fucking click on it


We cannot stop it. Even if Trump gets 60% of the popular vote, Hillary will somehow win 51 to 49.

this. trump has energized people similar to 08 obama while hilldawg is one of the least exciting candidates of our time. all signs except the (((polls))) point to trump. there is literally no chance she wins legitimately

Fucking hell, I can stomach most gifs but that one was rough. Is he pulling some worm from his eye or is he just high on some shitty drug, picking his eye apart?

Why are the machines given 100% trust?

Sure they speed up the process which is great, but they should do a confirmation count in the day(s) following the election to make sure the real numbers are in line with the machines.

This would stop anyone from bothering to rig the machines in the first place because the results would be reversed when the real numbers come out.

kek em