Were the majority of you a bunch of normies that became red-pilled browsing Sup Forums, or did you find this board because of your xenophobic, misogynist and racist/white supremacist opinions?
I am just curious of how people actually get here
/the_donald sent me actually, former Sup Forumstard
Sup Forums got boring and lame
i got older and Sup Forums is just crap. i browse the other boards.
Once you accept a few simple realities about race/IQ and promiscuity you will automatically come here.
You dont get redpilled on pol, cause theres not much discussion except people spamming pictures.
Hi from /fit/
ive been using Sup Forums on an off since around 2008 ish. I normally drift around to different boards, but Sup Forums is the place to watch the shit fest when there is an election going on down south.
i was generally redpilled before poll, glad im here now. just seeing the medias bias and obvious subversions over time is what started it all.
Mostly browsed /k/, checked Sup Forums out of curiosity.
Image attached is Sup Forums's true purpose. Happenings are also when pol is most enjoyable as the information is uncensored and generally everyone collectively works together to find out the truth of whats going on.
When there are no happenings, you have lots of newfags responding to bait threads, so pol generally sucks.
1. Understand Darwin
2. Apply it to politics
3. Pepe reaction folder
I wanted to shitpost about tumblr but no other board was interested.
Sup Forums is like a zoo for me.
I come here to gawp at your crazy little echobox.
I first came here from people on Sup Forums telling other posters to go back to Sup Forums. At first I found it offputting and offensive but then I slowly realize Sup Forums is right about everything..
>literally anyone is allowed to post without censorship
I was on Sup Forums mostly actually, (the webdev threads actually got me a job) We had a pretty good cross population from people on Sup Forums, so when Sup Forums was made there was a lot of cross board shitposting and I started to browse Sup Forums to laugh at "retarded racists" then I started actually engaging in arguments, and I started taking slight redpills when I got dumped on by infographics I couldn't logically counter.
I actually never opened up pol till after Clinton's speech, but I knew a lot about you guy from The_Donald
Don't give a fuck if you hate that sub or not, place is based as fuck.
Been redpilled since Obama's election in middle school, throughout highschool I redpilled some other kids and even one teacher, got called a racist by a fat black girl cause I said the shit in Baltimore and Ferguson was retarded and not helping at all.
I come here to laugh and troll and for some reason this place knows major happenings before anyone else.
First discovered Sup Forums went to Sup Forums, then /k/, /mlp/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /lit/, Sup Forums, /fit/, Sup Forums, /vp/. I know, I know the pinical of autism
Actually now that I'm thinking it Sup Forums was my family and largest influence. Sup Forums got me a job, /fit/ brought me health and confidence, and Sup Forums shaped a huge part of my ethics and politics.
ilu all
several psychotic episodes, long periods of isolation
a bong talking about censorship.
Was a proud socialist/progressive into feminism and all that goody shit, who got disillusioned after years interacting and seeing how retarded and insufferable the nu-left became when left unchecked.
One day visited this board, and was pleasantly surprised to find a place not mired in PC-censorship agendas and oppression olympics.
Also, Sup Forums has turned to shit with cuck threads, roll threads and, trap threads, waifu threads and 'dubs get nudes' threads
I love you too user.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and was "red-pilled" by my family growing up anyways.
Came here when /fit became full gay (no homo) and /g was destroyed by desktop, battlestation and GPU threads
I was linked here by a friend who found the shitposting here funny. It is entertaining to browse I admit and I've been visiting for about a 2 years now. I don't take anything seriously here though, hell I don't even like politics. It's just funny seeing people argue about situations that don't actually exist (like white genocide).
Wanted more content not just "pics you shouldn't share" threads
Sup Forums became the SJW, /tg/ got infected with nu-Sup Forums and /mlp/ roleplayers spamming quest threads, and a Subnautica post about Sandy Hook linked back here and I immediately transformed into a fanatical Hitler Youth wannabe who can no longer resist naming the Jew in public in all situations.
Did it ever occur to you that most of the infographics are full of misleading or outright untrue figures?
i come here because it's the most uncensored and red-pilled community on the internet, and the fastest source of breaking news
Obviously didn't spend enough time in /lit/.
Yes, and I would smugly denounce the ones that had overtly misleading methodologies. But there's a lot that are just impossible to argue against.
I was a cuckservative who became a national socialist due to Sup Forums and other websites such the right stuff.
I mostly come here for news, memes and entertainment and in real life nobody knows my real views, most people think that I'm apathetic towards politics. In truth though I genuinely do wish for the extermination or expulsion of all jews and non whites in white lands. I think we are living through the greatest crucible of Human history ever and our actions will determine if our species regresses or dies out or survives.
I came by a couple of times in the past, but Gamergate was what really brought me here. Also, this is the only place I can discuss Trump without being attacked by shills.
been on Sup Forums for like 10-11 years. only started to doubt my loosely liberal beliefs with the rise of feminism a few years ago. i already had contempt for blacks as a group and lazy poor people so Sup Forums easily radicalized me
not really into politics just came here in 2014 because Sup Forums is so shit today
Who said anything about censorship?
You assholes all feed into the 'racewar' narrative and anti-liberal histronics pretty much voluntarily. The loudest group of screeching monkeys is the one that's heard.
I was curious. though this place would be more liberal desu. Im still a liberal but accept a lot of facts i've learnt here
Sup Forums leakages on Sup Forums brought me here
videogaming is the worst possible hobby someone could have
This goy gets it.
Just a well educated normie living in blue state suburban paradise. I never existed under the dillusion that we were a democracy, because I didn't go to shitty red-state public schools. We live in a two party oligarchy, and you vote blue down the line because they are the less evil oligarchic power block, and because they preserve our blue-state suburban paradise.
I just come here to laugh while the tin-foil-hat-wearing wingnuts scream about "muh jewish lizardpeople." It's like a less respectable /x/ and it's hilarious.
Sup Forums didn't redpill me, working in the city did
I was a brainwashed liberal and I started shifting towards being a conservative in my early 20's (when I started working full time in the city)
My opinions aren't pure Sup Forums, I'm more of a libertarian but I will vote Trump despite that
I believe that the Democrat party's policies are bad for the country and people like me (people who work for a living)
Sup Forums does make me happy that there is hope for the next generation
I'm 33 now so I don't really resonate with Sup Forums since it's mainly kids and they are annoying, but I still check this board and a few others basically every day
I enjoyed /new/ because it was Sup Forums with current event shenanigans.
I come to Sup Forums just to troll edgy teens who think their internet opinions will ever sway the world order.
Why do you say that? I actually don't know this thread
thanks for the heads up shlomo
yeah there's only like 25 of us
its a super sekret klub
what news agency do you work for?
I browsed a nerdy board here and then when Trump gave his announcement speech I shit myself with the possibilities of a madman Trump presidency and came to Sup Forums to see if they thought he was a commie and turned out there were already 10 threads about how bad ass it would be to have a fucking cuckslayer in the white house.
Careful, they'll call you a blue-pilled kike!
It's the worst thing they could possibly do to you...
>Be on Sup Forums for life
>Go on /new/
>Go on Sup Forums later
Pretty much it
Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums
I started browsing Sup Forums around 2014. Lurking around Sup Forums and sometimes Sup Forums. A year later, I got tired of Sup Forums. Absolute garbage. So I roamed around until I got sucked into this board.
As satirically racist & offensive this board was, at least it was organically truthful. I stayed here during happenings and I really though this place was cool.
One thing I find cool about here is that, a large bunch of us here are disenfranchised youth from different countries and we can poke fun and piss each other off. However, we have common interests and viewpoints. Also, when something happens, we band together like brothers I guess.
Idk. Sup Forums, you suck, but... you guys mean a lot.
I discovered Sup Forums with Sup Forums 6 years ago. And then I came to Sup Forums and /k/.
I already wars redpilled before came here. As far as I remember, I've always been somehow nationalist and hated shitskins, mudslims, etc..
I remember that I literally worshipped Hitler and Nazism when I was 9-10 years. I always loved History and WW2 and I discovered Nazism at the same time.
Me and my friends were always doing nazi salut and yelling "HEIL HITLER" in School and insulting other children of "dirty jews" and "kikes" ("Youpin" in French) or "nigger".
Even if at the time we don't really understand what we were doing.
My parents (especially my father) are leftists btw.
Lurking Sup Forums since 2008, never really got into it, b used to be way more fun tho, or i just got fed up with it,
Tried pol once didnt like it, came here recently when all the happwnings started and the mass population of shitskins in europe
Now im one of us in dire need of more muslim induced hapenings, praise kek
i started on /new/ i became "red pilled" because i actually have lived around niggers my whole life in atlanta so no uppity 100% white community living left wing retard can tell me my own experiences are false sterotypes
I was red pilled before finding this place. It was an accident for finding it.
I am misogynist, but none of the others. Im also not gullible to dont automatically trust people of other cultures. You need to understand someone's culture to understand someone's morals. When there is a crisis of resources, everything always breaks down along racial lines.
>I knew about Sup Forums for a few years now I visited the Sup Forums board a couple times because of the incident involving "Jessi Slaughter". Coincidentally enough a friend of mine starts telling me about Sup Forums and every day he constantly spammed me with Jeb memes and Deus Vults. It wasn't until the Florida Primaries did I start visiting this board on a daily occasion. Watching him knockout Little Marco was.... fascinating to me...
Which BTW how is he doing these days?
Realized the world was full of autists so I sought refuge with the weirdos.
I'm from Sup Forums and came here after seeing someone joke about Sup Forums being right. Now, I've been stuck here for two years.
putin appeared to me in a dream and told me to post natalia here
so here i am
similar for me
>Sup Forums -> /trv/ -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums
_________ -> Sup Forums
_________ -> /p/
_________ -> Sup Forums
Believe it or not, I'm just some guy who was shown this place a couple of months ago. I've been browsing quite a lot since then and have some friends who come here for the fun stuff/happenings, they are not really red-pilled. Neither I am and I am just curious of what leads people to come here.
Jesus >*starts telling me about Sup Forums back in last December
Too high for this shit
You are trying to hard with your posts, please stop, thanks
there are only so many active forums with mostly uncensored and anonymous discussion. well, we used to have discussion anyway. anyone who feels tired of being pounded over the head with PC dogma and/or anti-white/anti-western rhetoric would probably eventually find themselves here.
i used to come here to troll and i hated this place. i was also posting as a friendly citizen on tumblr at the same time because i was a leftist and i was really taken back by the way they talked about white people but i ignored it because i falsely believed they were the good guys. after about a year of trolling here and listening to tumblr's crazy ass opinions i just flicked from left to right seemingly overnight and went from trolling here to to posting as a friendly citizen and started trolling tumblr
the shit i heard these weird ass ugly ass feminist negros say on tumblr about white males literally undid 20 years of marxist brainwashing in a year
From /sg/ came to /sg/ from twitter
>Koch backed former republican
Have fun with the TPP retard
And the same can be said about the "other side." Propaganda gonna propaganda.
> be normie
> work my ass off to be overachiever / good person
> get gf
> 5 years
> she dumps me in a cruel and humiliating way
> get another gf
> 1 year
> she dumps me in a cruel and humiliating way
> ask out another gf
> she rejects me in a cruel and humiliating way
> tfwnogf.jpg
> do reading binge
> normie literature by psychologists...mostly useless
> PUA guides...fairly useless
> relationships forums...horrifying but still mostly lies
> theredpill.pdf
> now we're talking
> get redpilled
> read everything
> spend two years in a depressed haze doing the minimum work to not fail while trying to accept that being a selfish liar who mercilessly breaks women's hearts is the winning strategy and 100% legal
> need a break from the redpill...go to Sup Forums
> find Sup Forums
> find the alt-right
> get redpilled on race and culture
> realize I'm actually a Nazi (want a non-degenerate civilization where I can trust my neighbors not to cheat me)
> feelium.jpg
> start binge eating
> become obese
That brings me to today.
After a year of mulling over this decision, I've resolved to be 100% selfish from here on out.
God help us all.
Came to Sup Forums for Sup Forums and Sup Forums in 2011 because anime and video games and being anonymous appealed to me. Started looking at the other boards and found Sup Forums hilarious because I was an indoctrinated normie and the shit I was reading read like some kind of over-the-top parody. Eventually though I started to see some truth to the stuff I was reading (mostly regarding jews) and "Sup Forums was right" kept happening to the point where I'm now pretty redpilled.
are you me, motherfucker?
the former. I was raised in a borderline Commie family.
You are welcome user-kun
Mostly brushed this place off as a bunch of jew hating holocaust denying racists who did this for fun and shock value. I thought people were being politically incorrect for the sake of it, not actually trying to get points across.
I think the breaking point for me was when the terror attacks in Brussel around March his year. None of the venues I frequented really allowed me a freedom of opinion to vent like I wanted to. I noticed from 8chån that Sup Forums was a fairly popular board, so I decided to check it out. At first I was pretty annoyed with all the shitposting, but you eventually calibrate and learn to navigate it. I suppose it helps that I'm a filthy crossposter that use almost every social website except for facebook and twitter.
Anyway, people dropping tidbits of knowledge here and there on boards like these that could not refute really shifted my opinion.
I got redpilled cause of this girl I really liked and shitty relationship forums on Reddit
> Ask out girl
> says sure
> day before I message her to see what's up
> hey don't expect much from this i just got out of a bad relationship and im really sorry
> dont tell me yes and then flake the day before cunt
> ask her what happened in the relationship
> he cheated
> oh no
> im emotionally unstable i cant bring myself to like someone
> maybe im immature its just me right now
> say okay, talk to her like this the next day telling her about my issues
> don't speak to her for 3 months after this
> complain on reddit a bunch about it asking if there's another chance
> finally tell my dad
> move the fuck on what the fuck does she matter to you
> get super involved in the_donald
Now I'm here
She messaged me like 2 days ago now to tell me she got a rank I got 2 months ago in League. Say cool, ask her something, ignore her response.
Log on to League next day cause there's no way in hell this bitch is beating me to Diamond
She messages me randomly
> This game sucks
> Yeah I know
Ignore her response, no idea why the fuck she's messaging me now. I haven't spoke to her or anything in 3 full fucking months. The fuck she want from me now.
> no idea why the fuck she's messaging me now
Tyrone didn't commit.
Nothing on the internet (and pretty much in general) makes me laugh or care anymore, glad i found like-minded people, my depression is weaker now
>playing league
>a girl was a retard like they all are so now im super right
you are literally the face of numale cuckold alt right
Came here after Nice because I needed dank meme not to go depressed. Wasn't disappointed.
I'm half Jewish buddy.
I came here because I thought you were all a bunch of Nazi racists. Slowly and surely I began to swallow redpills just like I used to swallow the big black propaganda cock that the kikes have been feeding me all my life.
I posted Pro-Multiculturalism posts all fucking day and trolled and got angry and got my ass fucked in arguments.
Now I hate the Globalist Kikes.
I hate them all
I am an intelligent person. I am not dumb. I am normal.
I swear, if I have to listen to another fucking dumb bitch complain about the patriarchy again. Women have more rights in this patriarch-led Christian society than they ever had on earth EVER.
I was a normie once. Now I am this.
>without being attacked by shills
You'll still have to go into the gas chamber
Redpilling for me was a 15 year process. I knew enough not to trust the government or mainstream media from an early age, but never put the pieces together until recently. Had friends who used to crack "it's the Jews" jokes and I would just laugh them off. I was open to many different kinds of conspiracy theories, but anything involving Jews or niggers or white nationalism would cause me to turn my brain off.
After spending a few weeks on Sup Forums and other alt sites in 2015 and getting schooled on the JQ, I went and puked in the trashcan.
You're part of the problem if you believe that buddy
Knew of Sup Forums for many, many years but didn't use it until /lgbt/
Started coming here when Trump memes started to spread there
Haven't changed my opinions in politics much, always been more right than left, but certainly learned quite a bit about other countries' politics and global relations
Mostly enjoy happenings and making memes
>Knew of Sup Forums for many, many years but didn't use it until /lgbt/
I'm just a realist.
Sup Forums is a source of very "raw" unfiltered data. Because everyone is anonymous nobody needs to show off or virtue signal or fear what others might think or do based on what they say or opinions they hold. Very much of the data is just junk, but all that allows me is to filter it myself.
Compare for instance, mainstream media.
90% of it is agenda-pushing and attempts at telling people what they should think. So much so that the original "raw" information is completely lost. Compare gamergate from insider vs media perspective. To one it's about anti-SJW cronyism and muh ethics in vidya. To the other it's a misogynist hate movement. If I go to mainstream media sites and try to filter, it's pretty much a waste of time because it's almost 100% junk.
That and watching happenings with you racists is comfy.
Oh ho ho ho. You think that's it do ya?
Well guess what faggot. The Globalist kikes at the top see the regular Jews as cannon fodder as well.
They want everyone to hate everyone.
Divide divide divide.
>Make the blacks hate the whites for not giving reparations or whatever
>Make the whites resent blacks for being fucking dindus
>Make the Jews hate everyone else because of muh holocaust and muh inquisition
Now everyone hates each other and will not unite against the true threat.
You are part of the problem and we will never defeat kikery as long as you believe that division is the way.
I feel sorry for you.
I was redpilled before I got here
I came here through MurdochMurdoch
I was a lefty
I went to a well known forum of moderate muslims to see what they actually think
Pretty much instant redpill
Thanks for the diverse replies everyone
So you're a fat, sloppy loser and you blame other groups in society for your own failings?
Yep sounds red pill to me.
I have born in a redpilled family, so no big surprise why I am here. But, Sup Forums overdosed me with more redpills, since that happened I only want to see the world burn.