>he thinks he's redpilled
>he believes in the spherical Jew
He thinks he's redpilled
really makes me think..............
wtf i hate Bui Tuong Phong now
Fuck I am thinking so fucking hard right now shit
its almost as if the light source is bigger then the moon
truly you have changed the face of science here today
SHIEET you can actually see the light gradient.
Is the Sun actually smaller than the Moon? Wtf, I hate science now.
The spherical fuck you
It's funny because the first written mention that the earth is round was during an eclipse.
I do believe in the spehere but what I do not belive is the lie that reproduction after a certain age around 30 is highly likely to result in retardation or other serious birth defecets.
Mick Jagger is 72 and is going to have a baby.. no suggestion its anything but healthy.. Tony Randall, Anthony Quinn had fine healthy children in their 70s
these are lies told by Jews to scare us into not having more white Christian children..
seriously forces me to engage my thinking lobes
Are flat-earth threads the new shill threads?
it's only a problem if the woman is old
isn't that the truth ,lol
old hags, BTFO.
wtf im #MentallyHill now
they are sliders imo , to consider something retarted as flat earth is beyond comprehension or you just dont have physics 101 in your brain which is once again beyond comprehension. They get so much attention here because Sup Forums cant deal with logical fallacies and utter , limitless idiocy
The initial act of insemination isn't an issue. It's the woman's ability to cultivate a healthy baby that's the issue.
It's like this:
You can have the best ingredients, but if your oven is shit, then the cake won't be cooked properly.
old ladies make tards because their reproductive system is shutting down. It's like making a part on failing equipment, no surprise here.
I admit I wasn't thinking about the woman.. I amend my statement that its not a problem for older men to knock up young hotties.. carry on.
To be fair the best genetics for having a strong and healthy body as a woman are the exact same genetics which starve fetuses in the womb creating unhealthy children.
There is a reason why men are attracted to weak and trivially sickly women.
> spheres
> reflectors of light
> glossiness = shape
> mfw pic implies the Moon is a bloody 3D ball from an ATi Radeon test.
The document issued by the former poster causes your synapses to behave in a very erratic manner.
Please take a basic biology class. What you're saying is essentially: "If the machine can still get power and the machine cannot produce the same product because of wear so it must be an electricity superiority." Instead of realizing: "The machine had to be designed to make the product and the wear comes from a more complex rigorous system, while the power only set it in motion. Electricity is a less rigorous complex system than the machine."
what exactly do you think your seeing?
A very small light source, like a flashlight moving around a flat surface. You can see how the farther you go from the centre of the light source it becomes dimmer, like a flashlight.
The Sun is actually much smaller than people thought and it's right next to us. Ever wondered why the poles are so cold? It's because the small Sun moves along the equator! Fucking niggers man, stealing our sunlight.
fact is older guys can get younger women pregnant without the same risk as either older women with olde men or older women with younger men.. ok?
or do you reject the idea some people promote limiting human reproduction by any means available?
If the moon were a flat gray blind material with a reflection setting you might have a point. But the moon is covered in light gray crystalline dust.