Deja vu thread continued from Anyone feel that weird shift? The Deja Vu?
It changed again.
This started happening more often after the CERN shit started didn't it? What are they doing over there?
Deja vu thread continued from Anyone feel that weird shift? The Deja Vu?
It changed again.
This started happening more often after the CERN shit started didn't it? What are they doing over there?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah. Feel like I've seen this thread before.
Explain scanner please
i didnt feel it. and im VERY responsible for dejavues. i am somehow involved in this.
everytime the whole world experiences dejavues i dont feel them. but therefore i see buildings and cars disappearing and people turning to children live infront of my eyes and rivers disappearing.
Well well well, seems to me those Georgia Cubes were onto something after all
again, too much spoopy shit happening on my part
So we can now agree tons of us just experience similar deja vus within a small similar timeframe
There must've been an extinction event that will/had happened in the future/past that resulted to us being killed off around the same small timeframe.
I mentioned "has" and "past" because we might have all respawned to a similar checkpoint in time. Maybe clearly need to fulfill the objective in order to have a new checkpoint or we'll keep experiencing deja vus after respawning.
bump fuck reddit tier threads on here, this is even more better.
Why do you keep posting this?
Something has shifted
Only a small amount of people noticed
Seems to me those pesky Georgia Cubes were right after all
which all other people dont notice.
Fucking spooky shit
Pic is part of the receipt number of a bill I have to pay
So dreams really do tell you what had happened before on your failed loop.
i tell you the objective. go to /scanner/.
I'm scared, why is this happening?
I'm becoming more paranoid each day. More and more coincidences are happening.
I can't take it for much longer.
Just last week I dreamt of a car crash, didn't drive down that road that day, magically someone dies on that road that day.
I think so too.
it has to do with Hillary's mentioning of the alt right and the user who shouted "PEPE"
I think that's where the convergence happened. Having a well known figure televize Pepe (who is the Egyptian god of destruction and chaos) must have punctured reality, somehow
the scanners know the answer to this. they are behind this. ask them all the qeustions you need. they cant ban everyone.
Only they aren't, they're at best a piece of the puzzle and you know it.
meme magic
Ted Turner was right, but he is still an old kook.
Try to keep a notebook beside you my friend. Write everything you see in your dream RIGHT after you wake up or you will forget it. This will help you in your current loop
I asked you in the last thread
who are the scanners, emphasize
And don't come back
the meme went into overdrive?
Think of all the redditors that were just awoken. Thats a lot of people
Take less drugs senpai.
Nice proxy faggot
magicians and holders of arcane knowledge. they know whats going on. they are responsible for this. they change the reality.
they are the reason. go to /scanner/ and flood them with your questions. they cant ban everyone.
this thread?
4 spoppy 4 me
it is nothing but bach
thats their cover you dumbshit. try posting dangerous questions.
To be honest I think we're all going collectively insane. But then again, if I believe I'm insane, am I really insane? Or am I actually insane, and I'm just reliving the same things without realizing it? Does an insane person realize they're insane?
>three seconds apart
you sure corrected my record
btw pol has always had these kinds of threads, newfriend.
yes exactly, this has happened before
i'm guessing we're going to be seeing a lot more coincidences in the days to come. Remember the bane plane fiasco? We might be in for the rides of our lives
something tells me stanley kubrick is involved in this. pay close attention to his movies anons
>dangerous questions.
what did he mean by this????
we are not insane. weird shit happening to all of us? what a coincidence!!
what we must do, is stop thniking and go back to accepting our true consciousness. it has been overwritten by a matrix grid of false reality.
i was in jail, and I thought I was going insane because of the monotonous daily routine, but my cellmate told me, "You know that one fucking philosopher, who said, 'i think therefore i am' yeah thats how i think when i get the feeling of insanity"
You are thinking. You can't be going insane.
Have you experienced similar deja vus lately?
I was sent to a shrink when i was in HS and he told me "If you think you are going insane, you are not"
>le oldfag
>recommends (((Stanley Kubrick))) films
sure is Tel Aviv in here
insanity is defined by your incapability to function
thread full of deja vu evidence 404'd
The last thread has jsut been pruned while being in the bump limit
What's happening?
called it
they want to kill us all, someone needs to go full blown martyr and go fuck up cern we cant have this, if this continues something bad will happen im feeling derealzation bit by bit. Im not even crazy either.
>But kubrick is redpilled!
>He had an orgy scene in his movie!
you be tripping lmao
deja vu is common it doesnt prove anything
the changes like ford or volkswagen is just mandela effect
theres no proof that CERN is changing our universe
do not sleep at noon
do not take pills
Checked. We are fucking with something that will change the past. Or they are through child sacrifices to Moloch.
Florian please seek psychiatric help.
>ITT that psychosis guy from x and assorted mentall illness
Remember zero hour general?
Do you think they got what they wanted?
Did they leave?
Were they all banned?
Do the threads still exist, but we just can't see them?
I feel it.
please explain to me this shift, i must know the knowledge you possess.
Good sniffing, why are they all over this?
Why are people this desperate for attention? Everyone thinks you're retarded, brosef.
he is named hanz actually, he isnt using his nick name.
We need to change our course.
Do you believe that a collective conscious can will things into being? That "meme magic" is simply a crude form of this, given life by the birth of a simply image?
Also apparently my wooden chair somehow broke cleanly in half while I was typing this out
guys this shit is off the charts
The last thread before this got deleted and it already hit bump limit. Not even relegated to the archives
I see them every so often but a lot less than usual.
who wants to kill us? i don't understand.
It happened on the 25th or 24th I lost a day
At this rate we'll all end up foreverially delitized
I'm not feeling the deja vu but I believe their is something dark going on.
Yeah, HL3 is coming.
>lol, jk
The term "Reality" now has a vague meaning
I need to take pills to sleep into the afternoon
i recently started replaying hl2 wtf
Mass hysteria. You only think you feel something because one guy started freaking out.
What if they always tease HL3 coming out because HL3 is gonna be our reality in a few months....
We must warn the free man
One of us must travel to the LHC and give him a crowbar
cern they wish to tear this universe apart and summon the Antichrist and think he will run the world by being a fucking supreme gentle men and help the world in a good way, atleast according to theory thats what cerns agenda is. But who knows they still want to tear the universe apart for (((research))) even though they know they can kill us all within 1-5 minutes maybe less.
The beast has come in to your world
your brain needs to naturally adjust to the change.
if you take pills you won't feel the shift and once the shift is done you will have small flashbacks
do we trust Israel user? do they not want us to take the pills?
Jews are waiting for their own messiah too. He will emerge in Israel and you will bow down to him you shitty israeli faggot. Meschiah will come and he is the beast whole Israel will celebrate him
No clue. its on my list of "to play" when im not making webpages.
Sure shill waterver you say.
>do we trust Israel user
I had a bizarre nightmare (the first nightmare I've had since I was a kid) about falling into a hole in my yard where an alligator lived and being shot out of it like a cannon. I also experienced deja vu for no reason like three times while I was browsing the web. Weird shit.
Does anyone have a chair I can borrrow? This one keeps pinching my ass now
this makes you think. but doesnt that make pills redpill alert notifications?
What about THC? the first i felt i was sober the second i was stoned. I could more easily feel the ripple the second time.
Odd that they would name him "freeman"