HOH: xmas
Veto: jason
Nominations: mark/matt
previously on /bb/
HOH: xmas
Veto: jason
Nominations: mark/matt
previously on /bb/
Other urls found in this thread:
nth for panda
jason grooming alex's toes
I feel bored. I normally talking about BB19 all day when it is on but we all know what will happen...what do we talk about now? Bored with the Paul rat stuff, xmas being stupid/high, won't be getting anymore Mark pics, panda stuff played, and Cody PTSD DC sniper is gone. wat do now?
a couple of us have been watching eps of bb14 together but other than that i have no fucking clue
this season blows, i literally hate everyone left in the house besides marky
This but panda does things to my dick that no one else could.
>Wait for finale night
>Let the threads die afterwords
>Revive the threads of OTTiff happens
th-thanks grodner
best tits in the game
based picklesposter
xmas raping jason
comfy panda
/ourgirl/ is just so perfect
i thought this faggot got banned
user I...
these people sure do talk about cody an awful lot still. he must have really made them panic. I watched earlier and they were all making fun of how fast he walks around the house. the guy isn't even there to defend himself and they still trash on him. this really is a cast of bullies this year.
Just spending more time with /ourgirl/ I'll have more shitposting time if she's evicted.
ravens getting fingerbanged again
raven and matt fucking
Why is she so perfect.
>4 cams on raven moaning
Haha Cody and Jess are the bullies user. Didn't you see Raven crying? Cody is literally Hitler. If the game wasn't rigged for Cody, he would have been thrown out the first week.
I had hopes for Cody but he is socially autistic
>you'll never come down to your kitchen and see this
Fuck this gay earth
Literally just a less attractive version of Pao Pao.
I find her way more attractive than Pao Pao.
dude stop
I will miss you Marky. Goodnight sweet prince
Why would you have hopes for such a despicable person? He pushed xmas off of the balcony to break her foot, he tore Raven's pacemaker out and replaced Matt's cum with his own, he made Kevin cry, he wore blackface and threw bananas at Ramsus and Dom, he constantly insults Josh's family, and worst of all he wouldn't suck Paul's dick to become a Paulfriend. He is truly a terrible person and you should feel nothing but enmity for him.
Because fuck paul
Paul is holding this season together. He was an incredible player last season and he has vastly improved this season. Did you know he played this game before? Anyways, he has done one thing we haven't seen in a long time on Big Brother: he has eliminated alliances. Not one single formal alliance has formed this season. There is one simple reason for this: friendship. With Paul's friendship, you know you're safe. There is no reason to hold on to silly meaningless alliances that have nothing behind them but a name. Friendship is backed by something and that something is Paul. The houseguests need Paul; the houseguests who have Paul on their side are safe. Anyone who chooses to backstab Paul and go against friendship is not safe. This creates a general group of Paulfriends and the outsiders. Paul has such a good social game that the group of Paulfriends greatly surpasses the group of the outsiders. They're unstoppable no matter what Mark or Kevin try, they're going home and Paul is going to win this game. Paulfriends are loyal above all else because they are nothing without friendship. Paul is the source of friendship so without Paul in the house the Paulfriends crumble. But the Paulfriends always have Paul's back and therefore Paul will never fall. Paul can be up on the block against anyone else in the house and he would stay without having to campaign. That's how loyal Paulfriends are. It is quite the social feat for Paul to gain their loyalty to the point that they'll gladly go home over Paul. How can you honestly sit there and say this season is shit when you are literally seeing the greatest Big Brother player of all time running this house? Paul is truly a master of Big Brother.
>Paul is truly a master of Big Brother.
anyone can be a master of a game if they get a month of safety from elimination
Is this fresh pasta?
jason ripped off pandas toenail LMAO
I'm sorry anons. Thanks for the (you)s but those two posts of mine were bait. There is really nothing left to do in /bb/ now that the Paulfriends have won and and the Paulfoes have been voted out excluding marky although he's leaving this week.
you cant mist us
the darkest hour is just before the dawn, user. But heres a freshly made webm for you.
final 5 in the kitchen
so how does the no napping rule work? do they get forced awake at a certain time?
Y'all... come on... from the SECOND Paul walked back into that house, everything was set up to benefit him. From him having to "pick his favorites" - an enormous power which lead to the entire house begging for his approval - to that ridiculous 4 weeks of safety. If these vets are SO good at what they do, then why do they need auto-immunity for the first quarter of the game????
Why are all of Paul's Diary Rooms super over-the-top and scripted - and never like we are actually hearing a genuine thought?
Why are a majority of the high-level producers ex-WWF producers who were responsible for writing & crafting the fake drama that we see on pro wrestling?
See a pattern? I've been working out in LA for a few years now & have had the opportunity to work with many ex-BB editors. While there are many aspects to the show that are as genuine as you can get, production's heavy hand in attempting to shape the outcome - to an extent - is not one of them.
Regardless of how far Paul makes it - even if he wins or not - it's not fair that ONE individual is given weeks & weeks of advantages - even getting to be cast for back-to-back seasons - just because they are still unemployed, living at home with parents in the SFV & haven't found a real job yet.
Bottom line, if Paul were a newbie this season, most of his behavior would have ACTUALLY resulted in consequences, namely, being evicted. I hate when the entire POINT of this show - playing a game where you are held accountable for your management of personal / social relationships in the house - is totally thrown out the window so some fun-sized wannabe-douche bro can recite more flat one-liners for Rich Meehan.
Truly our guy
He's too pure for this world, user
Alex's tits are looking great tonight
Not as good as these ;)
All of you, come on. from the second Paul walked back into that house, everything was set up to benefit him. From him having to pick his favorites— an enormous power which lead to the entire house begging for his approval— to that ridiculous 4 weeks of safety. If these vets are so good at what they do, then why do they need auto-immunity for the first quarter of the game?
Why are all of Paul's diary rooms super over the top and scripted and never like we are actually hearing a genuine thought?
Why are a majority of the high level producers ex WWF(World Wildlife Fund) producers who were responsible for writing and crafting the fake drama that we see on pro wrestling?
Do you see a pattern? I've been working out in LA(Los Angeles) for a few years now and have had the opportunity to work with many ex BB(Big Brother) editors. While there are many aspects to the show that are as genuine as you can get, production's heavy hand in attempting to shape the outcome— to an extent— is not one of them.
Regardless of how far Paul makes it— even if he wins or not— it is not fair that one individual is given weeks and weeks of advantages— even getting to be cast for back to back seasons— just because they are still unemployed and living at home with parents in the SFV(San Fernando Valley) and haven't found a real job yet.
Bottom line, if Paul were a newbie this season, most of his behavior would have actually resulted in consequences: namely he would be evicted. I hate when the entire point of this show— playing a game where you are held accountable for your management of personal / social relationships in the house— is totally thrown out the window so some fun sized wannabe douche friend can recite more flat one liners for Rich Meehan.
ftfy(fixed that for you). The way you type is annoying. You should try structuring a sentence to emphasize the words you want to emphasize instead of merely capitalizing all of the letters in them.
using vets for anything other than all stars is retarded and needs to stop
I think I might be able to rig AFP for /ourgirl/
CBS doesn't tally votes
>implying CBS won't hand it to whoever they feel deserves it
This is good pasta
What a fucking weirdo
I've stopped keeping up entirely these past few days and it seems many others have as well? I mean yeah the casting was bad this year but it was also just a very unfortunate eviction order too since the Paulfriends swept every HOH after the Ramses eviction. Worst season in ten years, much worse than 16. Hopefully 20 is solid.
Dude this shit isn't even funny. We all know you aren't cranking it to this barely passable tranny. Go find something else to do already.
yea, season 16 i mostly dropped feeds towards the end like usual, when theres 4-5 hg's left
there's 9 hg's left lol
Ded show
I need Kevin reaction images guys. Help me :)
Also what does afp win if anything?
Go away
Listen here retard suck my toes.
Lida looking damn good
Too bad she's an ultra SJW who think's Jess is a Nazi
Lol Brent's amazing
They're doing zings now, his for Paul was
"Paul you tried to trigger another houseguests PTSD, well us fans at home have 4 initials for you: G T F O"
LMAO and for Raven he said something like "Raven your mom has a message for you from home... 'YOURE BLOWING OUR COVER'"
haha yeah paul is still #1 in our books, wish I could grow a beard as full as his. I heard that he has a killer jawline under that ladykiller facial hair as well! We should attach a rocker guitar to a drone and drop it into the backyard for paul to shred on since he isn't a rockstar poser like the other losers.
Lida is the type of girl who's a feminist for the social brownie points and thinks every republican is a Nazi
is this reddit?
Yes, this is.
tl;dr rachel reilly
long fish this morning
For as much as people bitching about how bad this season is, ratings sure are high. For episode 26 here are the ratings for the past couple seasons:
>S16E26: 6.60m (2.3/8 for 14-49)
>S17E26: 6.48m (2.0/7 for 14-49)
>S18E26: 5.91m (1.8/7 for 14-49)
>S19E26: 6.42m (1.8/7 for 14-49)
So yes the show may be "boring" but people are still watching it. It may free fall once Mark and Kevin are gone since they are the last of the lovable characters, but knowing CBS they will just do massive edits to make others look good. You can already see the damage control they are doing with the edits already. Also production having to act like a parent to the paul fags and tell them to stop bullying/no black face so they can at least try to edit them all in a good light is pretty sad.
The big drop would be after this week. the non-feed normies are still tuning in to see if Mark can make it. and the producers are aware and afraid of the drop, they brought back derrick and now they're bringing back James and Caleb.
>Remember these guys? They were fun right?
>P-Please guys, K-Keep watching
Still doing worse than last year. Expect every new archetype this season produced to be filtered in future casting cycles and everyone from this season to be blacklisted. This season has been an optic disaster and Leslie Moonves is probably not too happy with what Allison Grodner has put together this year.
xmas has her boot off
>From 2.3 to 1.8
Kek. No wonder they loved S16
page not found
what did i do wrong?
well. S16E26 was live eviction with jury battleback
S19E26 is just a regular Sunday episode
S19E24 (DE) was 6.5/2.1
Much ratings
Don't mean shit nerds
Is Mark that popular?
No one is popular.
hes kinda the last interesting person in the house
he fought, cried and was with jody.
hes the heart of the season
he's the only non paulfag in the house so yeah
Imagine not thinking this season is rigged?
>Christmas will never sit on my face
Host Julie's favorite winner got me thinking. Any time you see a "best winners" list, Hayden is sort of snubbed. Heck, EW just updated their winner rankings, and putting aside the nonsense that is Derrick over Dan (which immediately invalidates that list), Hayden is in 10th place behind the likes of Jordan Lloyd. Even amongst the fanbase, any time the great winners are mentioned it is "Will/Dan/Derrick."
But let's look at Hayden's accomplishments:
>Formed and maintained the most successful and dominate alliance in BB history;
>Had complete and uninterrupted control over the house throughout the game;
>No one ever knew his alliance even existed;
>Despite the alliance revealing itself to Britney, and walking her through every move, the jury was in no way embittered.
I think Hayden gets written off because he is one of three in the Brigade. But Hayden was very much the driving force of that alliance and played one of the most flawless strategic and social games in BB history. Honestly, I rank Hayden above Derrick. Hayden exercised the level of control Derrick did, but against a smarter cast and without the benefit of the Battle of the Block, which made it impossible for any minority alliance to gain any traction.
Why no love for Hayden, the most underrated BB winner ever?