good riddance
He died with his twitter account.
Flamboyant fag that's "the voice of the alt-right" skyrockets on April fools. You cucks bought him so much nigger dick the only thing sad is he won't get aids from it.
Really makes you think...
Kikes like him are the cause of destruction in the west. All you "redpilled" faggots eventually become goys for another charming kike like this.
has he done anything relevant since his twitter went down? his silence exposes how one-dimensional his game was
He pussed out of the Sweden rally apparently.
that's why i said 'relevant'
he fell off hard
>twitter is gone
>becomes irrelevant in a blink of an eye
I'm sure he never planned to go, only safe white spaces where he could put on his act so idiots would donate to his "scholarship program" aka his checking account.
Hope he's been lurking to see how quickly we forgot him.
I live close to where the nazis had their pride parade. Literally nothing happened, lmao
He is a faggot anyway
The kike deserved it.
He hung around his made up persona for too long. He should have been making strides to go past the reactionary homo immune to criticism gimmick whilst he still had everyone's attention. Now everyones lost interest he's still trying to milk it
he deserves worse than a deleted twitter.
He deserves to not be allowed to take part in the political process. Homosexuality represents deeper problems.
Well he still writes articles for Breitbart.
I don't get the hate for Milo. He's doing a great job debunking feminist myths and Clinton, and yet people here cry about "muh gay kike".
He's doing a hundred times the job that pol endorses yet recieves massive insults.
Pol really has a problem with strategic planning on long-term. Memes are short term. Milo, Trump and Breitbart is long-term.
Memes alone won't win the election. Don't be a stupid cunt and gather allies instead of rejecting anyone who doesn't fit muh aryan heritage.
This desu
He wolf in sheep clothesed a lot of the dummies who thought he was sincere. Still think he's entertaining enough. He's not an icon no more though like he wanted
Sure, let's bypass Milo's whole arguments and media influence because "muh gay is le bad".
You know that attitude May cost the election. Open up to people who have the same ideals, and convert those who can be. Fuck the others.
Milo is objectively our ally.
Trump winning the primaries was in Sup Forums's interest. Trump long-term isn't part of the plan. Breitbart isn't part of the plan either, they are just parasites.
Its why we arent winning
Why do you think he isn't sincere ?
Fuck that captcha with retail store entrances
>record corrected
I wonder who could be behind these posts
i actually kinda feel bad for milo when i see his articles on BB get far less views and comments. i see the guy as an ally regardless of his shenanigans but he really does need twitterfags to keep his "brand" afloat. it's fine with me if he just goes back to writing articles that piss off normies tho.
He was being carried around on a fucking throne he was masturbating his ego half and half with actually being against the PC culture. Not sure what he's going to do without his twitter outlet, but he seemed pretty disingenuous, and his debate tactic of making the other guy uncomfortable got stale with the quickness.
Good. Milo was only ever going to be a useful idiot for the alt-right.
Would you deny the works of Norman Finkielstein about the Holocaust business because "muh jew"?
Sometimes you have to accept that it's in your Best interest to team up with people who share your values.
if you see this black cock sucking faggot as an ally you need to fuck off back to rebbit
which of these recent articles had any substance? the gay march through a muslim ghetto in sweden could have at least been fun
lol he's an opportunist that latched onto a so-called movement and declared himself its "leader" for financial gain. it's that typical jewry that we loathe that makes us hate him.
do you know how many cuckservatives are in the world? They can be converted to our cause if we purge the degenerates from it.
And there are a lot more cuckservatives than there are right-leaning sodomites.
I would much rather have people that strike fear into faggots on our side. Being against homosexuality is one of the last stands of white identity and it shows you haven't been completely dragged into degeneracy like milo has
So it's the fault of his Dick-sucking fanbase ? Like every leader on different sales, people will attract powerful levels of attention from multiple backgrounds. That's how you recognize leaders.
This. He was only semi-relevant for attacking that one ape.
Trump co-opted Breitbart, so they called that dog off of him.
I will admit, Milo has been irritating me more and more a of late, and that's coming from someone who has been a fan since gamer gate, listens to his podcast, and at one point was planning to go to one of his speeches next month.
Much like Mike Cernovich, he far out states his impact and popularity.
Rekt kid
Next we need to purge Molyneux and raise Brother Nathanael back to his rightful position as our designated spokesperson.
are you the OP of the thread about what brought us to such a xenophobic, bigoted site like this?
I thought yous said you were just a regular guy.
You ask a lot of questions.
Just tell us what channel/publication to watch, dont be a faggot.
i disagree. i do think he latched on to these various movements and may be disingenuous at times but he's given Sup Forums and the alt-right a fair shake and exposed it to thousands, potentially millions of kikebart visitors. I don't care that the dude is gay or a 1-trick-ony, any 'journalist' that gives us a fair shake is alright in my book.
if sunlight is the best disinfectant as he says and yet more and more people worldwide are being drawn in by the sort of ideas you see here, due in no small part to exposure from alternative media outlets, we're doing pretty well. you faggots can fuck off with your cool kids club, i don't want millions of sand nigger slimes settled here over the next handful of years. Every little bit helps.
Trump is literaly the first long-term plan of the board that could change the face of America, let alone the world.
This is the time to shine. Purge whoever the fuck you want once you've won, not before. This is politics 101.
Reminder that shills use divide and conquer to weaken you, they tell you your allies are your enemies and you retards fall for it every time because muh jew.
You faggots are no better than stormfags.
Brother Nat is willing to call out the jew and isn't an (((atheist))). Also Molyneux has hippie ron paul morals.
there are bigger dangers than molyneux. Like Gavin (I made vice) mcinnes, sargon of acuck, tl;dr, and any other "anti sjw (((classical liberals))) who think modern feminism is bad but it had a good goal"
suicide watch
He never claimed to be our leader.
youre fucking retarded and this is why they dont let commonwealthers have independence
you can't be trusted, your governments cave in every 5 months, theres a revolving door on the PM office or something its a total shit show.
Rather have redditors here than aussies to be quite honest fampai, regardless of whether theyre commie cucks or not
Moly's been the most annoying of them. He needs to be brought to heel.
>Trump long-term isn't part of the plan.
huh? we got four years worth of plans who the fuck are you fooling?
good, fuck this faggot
Stormfront is a lot more tolerable than Sup Forums because stormfront actually believes in preserving the white race and not "tfw no redpilled trap gf"
Even though stormfront people are dumb, they don't have a sick obsession with trannies, gays, and other degeneracy
>le bad
oh for fucks sake
assimilate you dick
this is like wearing a burkini in southern france when you faggots post the 'le' here
SF are web 1.0 white niggers at this point. Useful idiots, but their whole game is outdated and they are an embarrassment altogether at this point.
Moly could barely maintain his composure trying to talk with Scott Adams, he'd go on huge rants where you could tell Scott was just waiting to chime in and say he was all wrong, and then when he did Moly would awkwardly try to not look totally shut down
Good, he's a nasty cunt who makes fun of people at the gym.
Still surprised he found an audience. His surname threw me off I kept thinking he was that moderately successful dev, and instead it's some poor man's Bill Burr
I've been on this shithole for about 6 years and usualy lurk interesting topics, but Since a bit of media attention makes this board crazy with ego delusion, I'm beginning to think there is no greater goal at a time this board could actually matter on an important scale
>didn't walk through the ghetto
>pulled out of debating little Benji
We can throw court cases easy enough, but we don't have the capability to take down planes like Sup Forums yet.
The burkini is a consequence of mass immigration. Focusing on it instead of immigration policies is part of the plan.
Don't fall for easy baits, there will always be some to hide the greater evil.
He's said the debate's on the table, I highly doubt it's true though. Shapiro should call him out on his bullshit.
the burkini is most certainly a distraction
as long as you can get people to talk about nonissues, no real progress is ever made
We should be doing more airstrikes. Russia's Defense Minister seems like a good enough guy. I guess the slimes figured out what we were doing when /gs/ erased their goatfucker camps.
Shapiro would fucking wreck this faggots ass
>Brother Nathanael
The only jew who is actually based as fuck. We need him to post here.
The problem with Milo isn't that he's a degenerate faggot Kike.
It's because he tried to co-opt us like he co-opted GamerGate.
the hero we deserve
That soup doesn't look nearly as good as Dutch split pea sout m8..
I remember reading about him singing Christian songs in the street to people (there's a vid on youtube). I messaged him to ask him if he wanted to make a song with me but I doubt he'll message back. Probably thinks I'm trolling or going to stitch him up.
Probably thinks you're fucking with him.
Yet he shares your values and mine, and his voice and media actually matter.
Leaders don't have to be perfect, they need to gather different people into the same ideal. For that alone, Milo is miles ahead from the retarded inbread short-term vision part of this board.
What converted him anyway?
Self hatred
Faggot is not so dangerous now.
Pretty much this. I would be fine with him if he wasn't blatantly trying to position himself as our figurehead to corral us under some kind of coherent movement that he sets the rules for that sanitises us for the normies in the process.
I doubt we've seen the last of him.
I'm counting on it.
>I don't get the hate for Milo
He's an SJW who pretends to be pro gamergate
>pic related: someone """"harassing"""" him
Leaders have to be trustworthy, and this fucker sold BBC shirts to white women.
Fuck off.
He's not an SJW and he's on our side, but that doesn't mean he's our ally exactly.
He has his own agenda.
>What converted him anyway?
I'll let him explain to you.
I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt for a while, and, unlike most on Sup Forums, I don't care much about what gays do with each other. However, it's very apparent that milo has always been one to leap at an opportunity to make money of a niche group of people. Gamergate, white privileged men, muh alt right, etc. I gave him the benefit of the doubt so much. But seeing that sausage picture in Facebook, that really turned me off. He isn't funny anymore. He isn't progressing with his work anymore. He's writing for breitbart, but all his articles sound the same. He's becoming as relevant as cernovich. And cernovich basically paid his way into relevancy. Nothing cernovich has done has been of value. At least milo's exchanged words with feminists on a national stage and has torn their asses up. Seriously the man used to be tame, and when he was posher, he was much better. Now he's just a try hard. He'll always have his loyal fans. But anyone who always kept him at an arms reach were probably annoyed by that photo.
Can you just let this fucking faggot fade into obscurity?
This. I've listened to his podcast and he doesn't even understand Sup Forums. He probably just has his interns regurgitate the content of popular threads to him. He just appeared and declared himself leader of the Internet.
>He's not an SJW and he's on our side
But he is, he is exactly the same as an SJW, except he found a way to get attention by being counter culture
He was a SJW, anti-gamers and anti-trolling until gamergate, when he suddenly became pro-trolling, pro-gamers and anti-SJW
Got to enjoy his just desserts first
>He's exactly the same as an SJW
He's not. At best you could say that he shares some ideological bases with them, but so does that entire side of the spectrum. If he's an SJW then so are libertarians.
Your reasoning is as shaky as those that like to claim that Sup Forums and SJWs are the same.
So then what is Sup Forums?
Thank fuck
Reminder that anyone who markets themselves as a figurehead or leader of the "alt-right" is either and idiot or a shill. We have no leaders.
Tell me more about how long-term planning worked out for anonymous and gamergate.
Board of peace not tied up with their pointless embarrassing shit. When you get a top-down view of SF it is apparent they should've disappeared a long time ago much like SomethingAwful past its prime.
New media shouldn't be coming from people who can be traced off of their pretentious forum accounts. Most of them look mong anyway; no love lost.
Infinitely more relevant than stormfront.
They're on the same level as a modern kkk meeting or a knitting forum at this point.
>If he's an SJW then so are libertarians.
Libertarians are proto-SJWs though. Read up on their idol Ayn Rand (also a Jew btw) calling for the repeal of all discrimination against homosexuals.
If the state does not set the standard on what is moral and right, then we degenerate into faggotry.
Sup Forums is actually, genuinely funny and full of younger, more savvy people. SF is just an online version of the KKK. Old angry men who are broadly irrelevant. That's why they're trying to attach themselves to us.
Plus the fact that Sup Forumss mod team aren't money grubbing cunts who want to attract people to this site. If anything they want the opposite.