What movies do SJW's actually like?
What movies do SJW's actually like?
Agenda Pushing
Marvel capeshit, hypocritical shit like 50 shades of grey
Alex Hipster Dyke Jones
>I posted it again! did I do good TD?
12 years a slave. White people watch it then go home and choke themselves
just go look at rotten tomatoes ratings
Anything childish, star wars is god to them that's why they use it for analogies in every political conversation.
Whatever gets a high score in RT.
Probably not many. I'm firmly of the belief that the vast majority of an SJW's exposure to the entertainment media that they like bitching about comes from screencaps/gifs/YouTube clips and biased descriptions posted on tumblr or rants in a YouTube video. The exact reasons why catering to them isn't good business.
12 years a slave was actually good tho, SJWs would prefer pleb shit like Black Panther
Why the fuck should i care what some snowflake likes?
Tranny cuckfantasies #38 probably
The left uses HP and SW, while the true Patriots use MGS.
What a shame
they watch marvel capeshit but don't like it because the lead role is always a white male. they watch and then rant about the lack of diversity while looking at photos of chris evans or sebastian stan and getting wet. they are fucking hypocrites.
And I'm not supposed to be attracted to glorious beautiful Nippon women?
Ghostbusters3, dark tower, got, anything that keeps the white man down. Especially if it's bad because then they can blame the patriarchy again. Biased reviewers, retarded trump voters, that's why I'm so ashamed of being white.
Freaks and Geeks (at least the ones I've met)
Scott Pilgrim?
I feel like that's when they started dying their hair.
Wonder Woman
The Force Awakens
Ghostbusters reboot
Harry Potter
It seems like they spend most of their time watching television
What a thrill
Which ever ones promote and further their petty political goals and fellate their silly egos.
Why he is wearing a kipa?
jesus christ what a disgusting bitch
fuck off cuck
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Disney movies
The same shit women in general have always watched. The problem with the internet is men now see the sort of shit women have always rambled on about when it comes to moves and pop culture. The shit you see on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter reminds me of the sort of shit in the past you'd only see in women's magazines. But now we're all exposed to it.
anything they can use as an identifier to replace their hollow husk of value
When are most of you going to grow up and realize that you feed into identity politics by complaining about SJWs on the internet? Is it hard to just leave it alone?
t. SJW
This. Why oh why won't you all just lie down and take it in the ass, dry?
Leaving it alone is how it got this bad. Dumb moderate liberals and their "they may be a little off but they mean well" attitude is literally going to make everything go to hell.
Are you actually a SJW?
What are you doing here?
>nobodies complaining on twitter
>is equal to ass fucking
Anything written by Joss Whedon
Star Wars
Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Rick and Morty
Steven Universe
I have unironically been severely turned off by all of these shows/films because of it, and refuse to give them a chance (where I haven't watched them when I was younger). I want to give them a shot, but I can't. If I want to discuss them, I will find myself amongst the most repugnant people.
>Leaving it alone is how it got this bad
It literally isn't that bad, that's the fucking point. Outside of your own manufactured rage over literal whos on twitter and tumblr, nobody cares. I have never even met a SJW in my entire life. Perhaps (and I know this will asspain you) you are just overtly sensitive?
The yass queen slay kinda ones.
>Joss Whedon
Dollhouse is the most redpilled show ever stfu
Yeah, it's not like they're forming mobs, roaming the streets, beating random people that trigger them, and destroying statues for fun.... o wait
So now you are just conflating all SJWs who post about mansplaining on twitter as ANTIFA faggots who vandalize statues?
Well shit, then by that same dumb logic, all Trumpfags are Nazis. Makes the same amount of sense.
>I have never even met a SJW in my entire life.
I live and work in a city infested with them. They make up the majority of our city council, and are pushing their agenda every week without fail.
SJWs dindu muffin, dose statooz were rayciss
stay triggered, pansy ass snowflake
>anyone I even remotely disagree with, is an SJW
>they are pushing an agenda!! REEE!
Sounds like you are the problem but indulge me, what's this "agenda" then, that's going on in your high school?
This mother fucker sees an SJW everytime he looks in the mirror, and it looks like this
Right, except the right denounces their crazies. The left makes excuses for theirs and does stochastic terrorism.
This post could either be from San Fransisco USA or Melbourne, Australia
Are you just having an argument in your head? You realize I never said that, right?
You people are just as triggered as them and you have less self-awareness.
Read up on Cultural Marxism if you're too stupid to read through the lines, fucktard
Are you? AntiFA are SJWs retard. And deal with your own Cognitive Dissonance before focusing on anyone else's self awareness
>Right, except the right denounces their crazies.
Except they rarely do. Or at least, not as often as they probably should. Why the President needs to be poked and prodded into saying Nazis are violent, is beyond me.
>The left makes excuses for theirs and does stochastic terrorism.
Stop making shit up. Where do you even see that? Almost everyone, including Republicans, have condemned ANTIFA violence, even Bernie. So you're just making shit up to invent arguments in your head.
god I wish that were me
or canada or scandanavia
There are no crazies on the left... It's just the left
Literally nothing
They only take fulfillment in tearing things down to lift their own spirits
>Read up on Cultural Marxism
I'm not really dumb enough to fall for 70 year old Nazi propaganda, thanks.
>Are you? AntiFA are SJWs retard.
So basically, "SJW" has no real meaning and you get to just apply it to any extreme group whenever you fucking want to? How are violent anarchists in the same group as safespace kids who get triggered by bad words?
In your own words, how are they the fucking same?
Why is it mostly white people who are cucked beyond reason?
>Why the President needs to be poked and prodded into saying Nazis are violent, is beyond me.
The president said BOTH SIDES were violent right away. You are a liar.
I am sick of you and I am done with this conversation if you won't be truthful.
oh oh, i know this...!
........."Harry Potter"
did i get it?
Who were the Nazis? The old woman with an American Flag who was ambushed and thrown to the ground? Fucktard conformist rolling in literal shit that masquerades as MSM
Probably nu Star Wars since it seems especially engineered for them.
I don't think they actually watch any oscarbait with high RT scores like Moonlight or Detroit.
>The president said BOTH SIDES were violent right away.
Which sort of takes away how one side was literally neo-Nazis and ran over a dozen people, killing one. Doesn't it? It cheapens the death at the hands of a politically charged white nationalist who attended the Unite the Right rally.
ANTIFA have been violent in the past, sure. They weren't violent that day. Permit or no, they weren't violent.
Because you're not really a cuck if you're getting concrete things out of all the bitching. Whereas white people are just in it for the social validation.
Yes, because feminism, lgbtqa, blm, antifa, ADL, are propaganda... Holyfuck your IQ is room temperature
So basically you're an SJW faggot and you should kill yourself? K thnx bye Felicia
>muh whatabouts
Can you try to stay on topic? Cultural Marxism is literal propaganda. I know this makes you angry, since Sup Forums has hammered into your brain that this is some sort of well-known fact...it's not. It's a Nazi meme, it exists to be propaganda.
The sooner you figure that out, the easier it will be to grow the fuck up. There is no actual thing as Cultural Marxism that is happening.
Not him but they appear to be all heavily indoctrinated lefties who are happy to deny free speech, use violence and constantly contradict science and themselves.
One person being murdered isn't even a presidential matter, it's a judicial one. Be grateful he even bothered to mention it at all.
Antifa have bashed skulls in and literally fractured a skull with a bike lock. If he had died in hospital, would you be impartial then? Good thing they saved him.
Antifa were indeed violent that day, and it doesn't matter about THAT DAY. They are constantly violent and destructive.
The only reason I can think of that you are deflecting like this is that you are sympathetic to them.
That's what you get when you attack another mans property. Maybe your dad should have stool around longer after knocking up your whore mother to teach you that
It was political terrorism of people who have in the past, rallied in his name. The least he can do is condemn them by their names.
civilised people are always cucks
they unironically love David Lynch
Tl;dr hang yourself
>ANTIFA do violence, that means we can't focus on the violent white nationalists
this is a whatabout, bud.
>Antifa were indeed violent that day
Except they weren't, that day.
>The only reason I can think of that you are deflecting like this is that you are sympathetic to them.
Nice strawman, Mr. witch hunt.
It was an act of Self Defense that ended in Vehicular Manslaughter due to Antifa terrorist and BLM Rent-A-Thugs smashing a citizens private vehicle with clubs and bats
>How are violent anarchists in the same group as safespace kids who get triggered by bad words?
They're not necessarily. But the anarchists are typically safespace kids who get triggered by bad words and respond with piss balloons and baseball bats instead of just tattling and eating away the pain. Not to mention, the nonviolent safespace kids who still believe in "democratic socialism" instead of anarcho communism will still cape for the violent ancoms at the end up the day.
>That's what you get when you attack another mans property.
this meme again? They only attacked the car AFTER he plowed it into the crowd...
Stop defending him.
People who complain about SJWs on sites that are overwhelmingly non-SJW are essentially ignoring it to the only people who actually need convincing.
That's the one thing that makes anti-SJW posters fall into the exact same trap SJWs do. Tricking themselves into thinking that an ever increasingly insular "team" making up their own words that only have meaning to them, and primarily trying to signal that they think the "right" way about things to their peers, and patting themselves on the back for winning some kind of "culture war" that amounts to leaving angry or belligerent comments on the internet that very coincidentally is exactly what they were doing before the whole SJW fuckfest erupted, somehow amounts to righteous, meaningful, or anything like that.
Any idiot can say "dude, both sides are equally bad!"... but in this case it actually happens to be both sides are shit. And the only real losers are the normal people standing right next SJWs, Nazis, extremists, what have you just because they're more annoyed by the extremists on the other side.
Doesn't matter about that day or not, they have been very violent, even on that day. Saying 'nuh uh' doesn't change the facts. They came there to be violent and they were.
No, Antifa AND WNs can do violence, therefore focus on BOTH of them, like the President did.
>Nice strawman, Mr. witch hunt.
Then you tell me, in your own words, why you have this double standard?
>It was an act of Self Defense
except it wasn't. Stop being retarded.
Star Wars (Only TFA and R1 though)
Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Orange is the New Black
Where'd this peaceful protest get bats and shit, tho?
>the people defending themselves from armed thugs are at fault, not the attackers
This is cuckoldry, son
>hurrrr durrrrr I'm retarded
We get it, Cletus
We've already determined you're an SJW faggot which is why you're PMSing itt, shove a tampon in your bleeding gash
>Except they weren't, that day.
Yes, they were.
I'm sick of faggots left and right insisting that their people were 100% peaceful and only acted in self defense when shit got scrappy. Bull. Shit. It's a bold faced lie and everything you say is worthless now. Gj dude
Except that was proven wrong, fucktard
>durrrr why is this vehicle frantically speeding away after we started attacking it?
>f-fucking Nazis ;_;
>No, Antifa AND WNs can do violence, therefore focus on BOTH of them, like the President did.
One side is filled with dumb teenagers counter-protesting literal Nazis, the other has Nazis and a kill count and you want to "whatabout" them all and pretend they were all ANTIFA?
>Then you tell me, in your own words, why you have this double standard?
You don't know what a double standard is, faggot. That's not an example of one. Both extreme ends of the political spectrum are violent and bad, the counter-protesters on that day were literally NOT all ANTIFA members.
You are arguing that counter-protesting actual Nazis is somehow a bad thing that is an equivalent to Nazis screeching about "fuck you faggots" for 4 hours.
>Any idiot can say "dude, both sides are equally bad!"... but in this case it actually happens to be both sides are shit.
>if i allude to the fact that this phrase is just fence sitting nonsense maybe people will unironically accept it!
>Smack a bull with a stick
>It gores you
Protip: Do not instigate a fight with a 3,500~ pound killing machine while armed only with a stick. You will lose.
This video proves it wasn't self-defense. When are you going to let this meme die? We have at least three separate video sources, you can see him rev up the car and drive down the road into the crowd unprovoked.
Get a fucking brain.
>They weren't violent that day. Permit or no, they weren't violent.
Huh, that's a pretty confident assertion to make about a group that prides itself on being badass enough to turn "the battle of ideas" into street brawls.
Good to know you were there and saw everything that was happening everywhere the whole time! Give me a break, it was a chaotic clusterfuck and you're talking out of your ass.
Interesting you should go for this angle, since a lot of people that day were just regular right wingers and not Nazis :^)
>You are arguing that counter-protesting actual Nazis
I am arguing not to bash people with bike locks and burn down limos. :^)
Your mind is so overwhelmed with propaganda it's fun to watch.
>rev up
Yeah, that tends to happen when your vehicles is surrounded and your property assaulted by an angry mob. Video evidence shows the mob were aggressive instigators and the motorist acted in Defense of his Safety
They should probably show that video instead of this one then.
Protip: they didn't instigate the fight with the driver. You kids just desperately want this to be true in order to push this autistic dindu nuffin narrative every time one of your far right faggots flips a shit and kills people.
Remember the guy who shot up that pizzeria because of PizzaGate memes and your go-to defense was that it was a psy-op mission?