How's my chart?
How's my chart?
I'm not too sure what the left or right represents, but I think Hitler would be more left, and trump a little less authoritarian.
Adolf is slightly left wing.
He's socially conservative, but not economically.
... Basically the graph needs a third dimension
You do know green doesn't actually exist, right?
> Jesus spoke against hatred and bigotry
> Leftist
> Hitler put fags under guillotinnes, Trump puts them in campaign staff
> Trump more right than Hitler
Cuck detected.
Hence Jesus Christ being there
There is no left/right in Socialism or Communism. Democracy has left/right political parties, Socialism only has 1 ruling party.
Here's mine
trump is way too far up.
founding fathers are too high up and to the left.
mao isn't high enough.
rand is too far right and down.
jesus is too far left.
yeah, this is pretty much total dog shit. get a clue, moron.
Right-left in the political compass refers to economics. Hitler is MUCH more socialist than Trump, who is much more capitalist, though still less than half of the way over.
Authoritarian-libertarian largely refers to how powerful the government is.
You do know when it means right wing it means economically,
Trump works based on democratic laws, Stalin/Hitler/Mao worked based on Communistic laws and those laws aren't the same as democratic freedom liberal laws. You either have Socialism or you have democracy. Talking about it economically well umm, of course since it's not democracy.
Ok. And the point being, Trump works with corporations a lot more than Hitler did, and Hitler worked a lot more with corporations than Stalin did.
As far as authoritarianism, Trump is more authoritarian than Ron Paul, but Trump still has the perfect legal option to completely destroy protesters' future -- Obummer made it a federal crime to protest someone under the protection of the SS, but Trump chooses to not prosecute. Meanwhile, Hitler went far beyond even the letter of the law, while Trump's motto is "we're a nation of laws" and "we're going to enforce the law."
That was my point
This is likely a dumb question, but if a leader basically had a super defensive military and near zero-immigration laws to protect the freedoms of the people in the nation from conflicting cultures, would they be considered more authoritarian or libertarian?
The power of government is directly linked to economical views. Powerful government = high taxes = socialism. Small, minimalistic government = low taxes = libertarianism. The left and right spectrum refers to societal issues. Also, it depends on the country. In Poland, ,,liberal" can mean nothing else but ,,economic conservative", in US it means a social leftie.
It's not a question what you call companies, but rather if you elect bosses, fire bosses and own companies as people, which was the case in Socialism. Democracy works totally different, where workers can be fired by boss and boss decides this without any consulting with other workers, you also don't get educated at workplace, since you go to universities before you start working, this is not the case during Socialism, where you first got any job you wanted and then they send you to education. Democracy and Socialism are two very different systems.
>Murrikah Yeezzus
would like to set the record straight,
those were his teachings 2,000yrs ago.
>B' 4 yall cucked things Up
now you just get murdered by islam, showing compassion to non-christians
>Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
>The One who comes from above is above all. The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth. The One who comes from heaven is above all.
>Dude weed degenerate earth loving hippy
Nobody is on the Libertarian Left, because it doesn't exist.
Ever play NationStates? Pic related is how the political map is set up, which would a better setup.
No that's wrong. You can be economically right yet authoritarian, just like Pinochet.
Basically it means you promote economic freedom and enforce it with an iron fist and all government institutions (the military) are behind it.
You do realise that ,,enforcing freedom" sounds a bit off. The basic assumption of capitalism is that entrepreneurs enjoy maximum liberty without regulations and restraints imposed by the government. How would you reconcile that with strong, authoritarian government?
This is bait right?
it does, its just the chart is stupid and puts "libertarian" as the opposite of authoritarian