Trump's health?

>astonishingly excellent

Who knew a meme-presidential candidate had a meme doctor?

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone zoom in on the degrees

>that desktop


>that cup
What the fuck Bornstein.


Shit this the Bornstein universe?

Link related

>The doctor stood by his assessment of the reality TV star’s wellness.
>His health is excellent, particularly his mental health,” he said.
>He also defended the claim that Trump would be the healthiest president in history.
>“I like that sentence to be quite honest with you, and all the rest of them are either sick or dead,” he said.

kek, Bornstein's got bants

Is that a Mandela effect reference?

Look at that bitch setup.

He probably has enough money to get himself a monster pc and he decides to work on that local store cashier rig.

anyone remember Mandala? its not mandela right?

How many chrome shortcuts does he need?

>0. He needs Firefox instead

>That monitor

Windows XP. Ha!

Holy shit! For a second I thought that the guy on the picture above his head is Assange.

I need to take my Brain Force(TM).

Getty. Noice.

>Asked how he could justify the hyperbole, Bornstein said, "I like that sentence to be quite honest with you and all the rest of them are either sick or dead.

Fucking lol

Didn't that doctor letter get released sometime last year? Why is it news again?

How long do they think a doctor is suppose to take writing a letter?

Look at that desk...
And wtf is going on with the keyboard ?
Is this guy a real doctor ?
How much does he get paid ?

the difference is Hillary gets triggered into having a seizure every 5 minutes whilst Trump has the stamina of a bull

you can see this on TV not by your weak attempt at memeing a fake problematic issue with Trump's health that has no evidence to support it

I think he's actually Donald Trump in disguise.

Nah u don't get it bro, trump bribed this doctor 6 months ago in preparation for julian assange's leaks about hillary clinton's health

just watch cnn bro trust me

>My patient is healthy, man....

Trump is in genuinely great shape for a 70 year old. He could easily pass as a 55-60 year old.

It's more than just his toupee. The way he walks, talks and moves has more energy in it than most 70 year olds are capable of. I'm guessing he never smoked, played a lot of golf, and took many sun vacations.

It's weird because he's obviously not /fit/ in any understood sense of the word. I don't think he works out or jogs at all. Maybe he just never ate junk food, never got too stressed. I don't know. But most 70 year olds are well into hobbling, and pausing to catch their breath by that stage.


He looks like he manufactures LSD for a living.

Because Hillary's camp is doing everything it possibly can to deflect from her own failing health.

What I'd like to see is a medical exam given to both by a non-partisan doctor.

It'll never happen because let's face it, Hillary and Bill both look like death warmed over.

Trump walked to his rally in CA. Not a long walk by any means. But, If the same thing happened to Hillary, you'd see Fatty McBlack doctor and 3 secret service guys carrying her into the venue,

Why are the pictures all tilted ?
Why is there a book and a coffee maker on his table ?
Why is the mug there ?
What is up with the Zerox machine from the early 2000's ?
Why is he still using XP.
Why does he have multiple shortcuts for Chrome.

The only modern thing in this picture is his chair.

I just don't understand this picture.

One of them is fake (or more accurately outdated)

>Donald Trump's long-time doctor, Harold N. Bornstein, has been calling himself a Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology, but a new report late Thursday indicates Trump's physician has not been a member of that group for more than 20 years yet still uses the title.

>"The letters after the Trump doctor's name — there's his name. It says, M.D. for medical doctor and then it says, FACG, which stands for fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology," Maddow said.

>"So we called them, and they said, 'yeah, that's right.' They said, quote, 'Dr. Bornstein joined the ACG in 1981. He was a fellow. When his membership lapsed in 1995.' He hasn't been affiliated with the ACG since that year. Given that, we asked if that means he should stop identifying himself the way he does, putting FACG after his name. They told us this: 'People who are no longer members of the organization would be expected to stop using FACG or any other reference to membership in the organization as they are no longer members.'"

Maybe he has a Trump University degree as well

Meant Boot.
Strange as heck.

>Maybe he has a Trump University degree as well
Or maybe you're just kind of desperate :(

>I'm guessing he never smoked, played a lot of golf, and took many sun vacations
You see, when most people retire, they don't do anything. They may go on a few vacations over the years, but most of them just end up being couch potatoes, and their brains start rotting away from being inactive.

Trump was never like that. This guy runs a business, he's always thinking, he's always talking to people, always seeing the world. If you ever come across a 70 year old that is almost like Trump, you'll guess easily that he is very active with his life.

This is stooping pretty low even for CTR, attacking a Jewish medical professional whose ancestors suffered in the Holocaust.

What's in the reflection ?

Actually yeah, a proper monitor would at least give him more space to place more chrome shortcuts

Well that and he refuses to smoke and drink alcohol because his brother died of alcoholism.

Here is what he said about it:
I've never had drugs. I've never had a cigarette and I don't drink coffee. I have other problems, I guess! I had an older brother named Fred, who was a great guy, a handsome guy - the most handsome guy that you've ever seen. He had everything going: he loved flying airplanes, he was a professional pilot. Somewhere along the line, I think he was in college, he started drinking. It got worse and worse. He also smoked a lot."

"He was about 10 years older and he would tell me, 'Don't ever smoke, don't ever drink.' I say that to my kids now - no drinking, no drugs, no alcohol. So far my kids have been following my lead. I had this great brother who had everything going but he became an alcoholic. Ultimately, he died. It was amazing genes that he lasted as long as he did. He was a very severe alcoholic (but) he was an amazing guy."

>TFW Trump doesnt want drugs to come over the border and young people ending up getting addicted and have their life shortened because that is similar to what happened to his brother.

What would be the point? He probably spend 5 minutes a day on his computer.
Back in the 90s, I was coding on a screen smaller than my dick and it didn't bother me.

>It's weird because he's obviously not /fit/ in any understood sense of the word. I don't think he works out or jogs at all. Maybe he just never ate junk food, never got too stressed. I don't know. But most 70 year olds are well into hobbling, and pausing to catch their breath by that stage.
That's because those 70 year olds do sports that ruin their joints, then eat low calorie rabbit food to make sure the body cannot regenerate from said sports.

Yes, i'm saying your sports mentality is laughable bullshit.

Half that time is probably the computer booting up

Wtf I hat doctors now.

>not surrounding yourself with memes

its like you want to be a normie
