Why are the creators for this show at comicons and other panels talking about how this trek is about battling misogyny?

Why are the creators for this show at comicons and other panels talking about how this trek is about battling misogyny?

That doesnt sell me on watching STD which is a sad day as a trek fan but I could care less about their soapbox politics of the current year when its a show set hundreds of years in the future.

You know how they say sex sells? Politics sell too.

Since (((they))) have whipped everyone up into a political fervor, people identify more with their political beliefs than they have in the previous decades. Therefore, if audiences know that a show will cater to their particular beliefs and isolate them from opposing viewpoints, they will be more likely to watch it. This is simply appealing to leftist sensibilities to make their product more marketable to that demographic, nothing more.

>why is star trek pushing this equality meme wahhhh

have you kids really only seen jj trek?

>You know how they say sex sells? Politics sell too.
does it sell cuz who buys it? Most people watch entertainment as an escape though.

>if audiences know that a show will cater to their particular beliefs and isolate them from opposing viewpoints, they will be more likely to watch it.
then why didnt that work for my movie which was all about empowering women?

>Most people watch entertainment as an escape though

Right. So convincing the customer that they will be escaping into a world that shares their values would be beneficial to the marketer.

Because marketing can only go so far. There comes a point where your movie is such a piece of hot garbage that nothing can save it.

to be fair, Star Trek ALWAYS was based on societal and current themes and ideas being woven into a space/sci-fi opera

It's very Shakespearean and just because the current issues it is tackling don't resonate with you doesn't mean that it's not doing what the show always did.

>Because marketing can only go so far. There comes a point where your movie is such a piece of hot garbage that nothing can save it.
empowering women who deserve equality is not garbage you fucking hate nazi

>to be fair, Star Trek ALWAYS was based on societal and current themes and ideas being woven into a space/sci-fi opera
STD literally copy pastes them, while in past series they were just used as themes this whole show uses it as their premise. If you were a trek fan you would know the difference.

These. You retarded Sup Forums queers have never even seen Star Trek before if you think contemporary cultural influences weren't always a major part of the show.

>I could care less
burger education everyone

>empowering women who deserve equality
Yeah, I can't wait until women are removed from the Olympics because they can't hope to compete in the new unisex games.

as a proud feminist who is a man, I will be proud to watch STD with my wifes son while she goes to the club.

battling misogyny and gender equality is just the current fadbuzzwords in hollywood maybe as a reaction to what trump said during last year's campaign and his election victory.

the creators are idiot brainlets. the very first pilot of star trek had a strong female ex-o who argued with the captain (at a focus group at the time the female ex-o scandalized the women with comments like "the nerve of that woman!" and "how dare she!"). and we have captain janeway.

Star Trek has always been progressively themed and if this bothers you find something else to watch. Aside from the orange's "speeches" of course.

I love all the trannies and fags kissing muslims preaching allah on screen in TOS because Roddenberry was all about how in the Federation gender and other racial groups dont share equality and religion is the cornerstone of their society.

>Star Trek has always been progressively themed
And they used to understand there's a limit to how much people can take. For their sake, I hope they get enough women to replace all the male fans they're going to lose and that they're as willing to purchase merchandise. I doubt it.

Reminder that TOS tackled interacial couples and TNG had an ep on transgenderism.

progressive in the fact that it promoted white western humanism above all other philosophical outlooks and literally stereotyped every other major racial group as an alien species? whether you want to admit it or not star trek has always been a show built on the principle of the white man's burden

now fuck off back to your got general you limp wristed nigger

>For their sake, I hope they get enough women to replace all the male fans
women only watched Trek or other nerd shit to get with the men who do, without the men there wont be any interest for women.

Reminder that the savage and uncivilised klingons were meant to be japs in TOS and niggers in TNG

really makes you think huh

>Reminder that TOS tackled interacial couples
TOS didnt tackle anything, they were forced to do that in that episode because their under control.

if star trek is a show that has always appealed to progressives, why do they all prefer capeshit, YA fantasy garbage and star wars to star trek? is the show too subtle for them?

everything coming out of STD literally makes it sound like it will be the most pathetically pandering series ever with no subtly at all.

Plus it literally looks like the nutrek films rather than the original universe.

who are the jews of space who race bait everyone and steal all their money like here? when is that tackled in the show if its so progressive?

Of course the Sup Forumscksuckers infesting this board are defending this garbage. Wouldn't have expected anything different

>everything coming out of STD literally makes it sound like it will be the most pathetically pandering series ever with no subtly at all.
This seems to be the biggest flaw, its not about being a commentary when its literally just the real thing in space, noone gives a shit then, its not creative and is just pandering which pisses everyone off and pleases noone.

Not to mention the shitty over use of CGI and lensflare and everything else in this JJ disaster is not going to help anyone want to watch without vomiting either.

they're saying that to try to appeal to female audience. the trailer is obviously aimed at them with all the angsty muh feelings talk and that sappy teengirl song.

kek, honestly when people bring up the fact that star trek has the first interracial kiss or an episode about trannies as justification for the pandering this series will produce, it's blatantly clear they have only seen the psuedo-capeshit reboot series. Star Trek has literally always been a series to stereotype racial groups and cultures and promote the supremacy of white western europeans

>Who are the Ferengi?

but the ferengi dont take over media and undermine governments like jews do who run banks and everything here.

Dont ferengi just like money? cuz jews like to spread lies and confusion hence why everyone calls jews sneaky and subversive.

>take over media and undermine governments like jews do who run banks and everything here

it terrifies me how altfakenewsmakers casually say lies.

most news is fake news since its made by jews, they dont care about reality just their own personal agenda.

I did not know Fox News was run by Jews.

I didn't even realize...

initials are appropriate though.

Star Trek and Science Fiction are always about current events. It's the point of science fiction: to create hypothetical scenarios in order to explore humanity and our world.

Star Trek - of ALL things - is about pursuing a lefty agenda. They live in a post capitalist multicultural society and is famed for pushing progressive themes.

>I did not know Fox News was run by Jews.
yea it is newfag, shows how brainwashed you are to not know that, try joining us in reality someday.

so that is why the original had a white male lead that constantly fucked one big breasted alien after another. plus forcing all the women to wear skirts

let´s face it if the original star wars came out today it would be called sexist and racists by sjws

>plus forcing all the women to wear skirts
what women or any federation officer did the captain tell how to dress?