>The most handsome character
Prove me wrong
The most handsome character
Other urls found in this thread:
My dick agrees
Be nice to the true hero who defeated the Mad King and saved millions of lives compared to Ned Stark that was too busy chopping the head off an innocent night's watchman who was trying to save himself from a white walker
Literally Prince Charming
I think women prefer men with two hands
>a challenger appears
I would go gay for him
I think most would
only in season 1
Hey he still looks great with shorter hair
joffrey and gendry are more handsome
looked a lot better with the longer hair desu, actually looks pretty shitty now
also pic is missing the best look where he had long hair and beard
So we can agree that
are /ourguys/
is this the biggest hooknose in hollywood because its off the chain
>looks better with shorter hair
They were so great together during season 3
Gendry is a reddit tier meme
>thinks beard obscuring part of handsome face makes him more handsome
imbecile. the only time a beard makes a guy more attractive is if the guy has an ugly face and he grows a beard to obscure his ugly face.
reddit (You)
hes a manlet shaming asshole
Stannis was literally /ourking/ right up to his death
Longer hair makes a man more feminine not more handsome, you filthy trans.
Gotta believe he's still alive
you know very well thats not true. s1 jaime >joff>short haired jaime>jon snow = daario=ramsay. this is the objective ranking based ONLY on looks
you know very well that shorter hair is much better looking than long hair. that is the objective truth.
But Ramsay looks like shit.
This actor needs his own action adventure flick
What if he dyed his more more blonde while it's short?
his more more? is that euphemism for crotch hair?
... I meant if he dyed his short hair more blonde cos it's missing his season 1 bright blonde touch.
Seriously I read my post before posting it and could have sworn I had the word "hair" in there
Is this really a surprise that he was supposed to be based on this archetype?
a new challenger appears
i prefer blond but not if hair color very different from eyebrow color. it's jarring distracting if you have deepblack eyebrows and neonwhite hair.
how do i get a haircut like on the second one
honestly live action shrek with dinklage as fuckwad WHEN
By growing hair long and then using gel and hairspray? Also the young Sean Bean look
Show it to your barber in your barbershop, wagie
by having won in the genetic lottery
who would play Shrek? Amy Schumer?
He got to play with Elizabeth Nipplefactory's tits.
Not same user but would blackish brownish hair work with that style?
this is what autists believe
Yes, speaking of which I have same color as Nicolaj, thinking I'll give this haircut a try. Depends on your face shape rather than hair color.
>"For Westero's Jaimie?"
>"No... for you."
The weird thing is that despite his amazingly good looks, he is very likeable.
that hairstyle only works if you are really handsome and have the right head shape, regardless of hair color. the usual fa/tv/irgin will look ridiculous with that haircut
>tfw was glad to be born white but I have big nostrils
I really like Guy Pearce's look in the Time Machine
Did you seriously reply to me before I had my morning coffee?
>morning coffee?
>not having tea instead
Coffee is known to make you depressed and raise your stress levels
>"It wasn't the Lord of Light that gave me this face. It was you. Storming into the room of The Mad King too early."
Thanks for the tip, I just drank my coffee and ate my pizza. I'll start a new by tommorow.
itt: obesecowfemales and campgaydragqueenfakegirls discussing hairstyle
move aside
Watch the fight scene with with this song playing:
I am 140lbs, thanks for asking
t. manly straight male who wonders why he has never had sex
what kind of tea? the lipton tea bag kind?
oh right, forgot /ourchad/. s1 jaime looks better than him tho. s1 jaime > joffrey=dickon=short haired jaime>night king>>>>the rest
>Game of Thrones spin off set 2,000 years into future where Brosnan plays a secret agent who must track down Jaimie's golden hand that holds a vital piece to unlocking some mysterious equipment whilst Sean Bean plays some great x1,000 grand child of Ned Stark
>he is too insecure to discuss hairstyles, probably has a shitty looking buzzcut/or balding
I want to be his sister..
>denies being obesecowfemale
>does not deny being campgaydragqueenfakegirl
thanks for admitting
oh. i see. y'all fakegirls then?
t. fakegirl
Delilah detected.
>femmegay fluttering over hairstyles
>filthy trans calling others delilah
the ironing
user, user, user, look what happens when you dont pay attention to your hairstyle you end up looking as bad as robb
robb is a handsome man, you lesbian donkey.
He stopped being /ourking/ the moment D&D butchered his character and had him burn his own daughter. In the books he is still /ourking/ tho.
He didn't burn his daughter, that was dream.
this. d&d fucked stanis up because they cant understand the character and had to make him a bad guy, since they dont understand honor, duty and bravery, like most numales.
lol nigger
>another american """white""" guy
top kek
>honor, duty & bravery
sorry mang, I like Stannis but he killed his brother with a blood magic like a pussy, ain't much a honorable deed
I am not a nigger. I am European. So explain to me how I have big nostrils?
bit of nigger genes, someone in your family was a coalburner
>bit of nigger genes
is this a concern? A lot of people on Sup Forums aren't white so I guess I shouldn't worry
one of your female ancestors visited a zoo and seduced a monkey
Sup Forums are inbred non-whites people roleplaying as aryans, sorry to break it for you
You should enjoy this video I just made
He's a big guy
>nation of inbreds
>literally gave away your empire
>swamped by disgusting asiatic and african mutts
>fucking americans have more correct accents to match Shakespeare than the average retard-speak Brit
>native women, the ones even having children not by a 5'8" Mohamed, are all seeking Danish sperm donors, only on the increase with Jamie
What is the point of being British?
>he killed his brother with a blood magic like a pussy, ain't much a honorable deed
I admit I'm an edgelord for not caring how dishonorably faggot kings are taken out. If anything that's a point in Stannis' favor.
jorah and gendry are both shit
lol this he's such a bland generic white male lead
Oberyn was far more charismatic
He should have kept the beard look.
Beard fits with his transformation. He's a man now and not some boy wonder, typically westerosi sport beards you utter fool.