>Harry, did I ever tell you about time-turners? They are magical devices that allow the user to travel back in time. As you and your friends discovered when you saved Buckbeak, this incredible power can even prevent someone from being killed! Although the Ministry had a whole closet full of time-turners, we never used them to stop Voldemort. We could have saved thousands of peoples lives, your parents among them, but it's simply too dangerous. Time-turners must only be used in the rare case that a little girl wants to take extra classes one semester. And only if they are good friends.
Harry, did I ever tell you about time-turners? They are magical devices that allow the user to travel back in time...
Other urls found in this thread:
>his incredible power can even prevent someone from being killed
They literally can't.
How do you know time turners weren't a recent invention?
>they're capable of saving the life of intelligent magical species but not anything which could be a main character in these books for the sake of drama
is that really canon? because it's retarded
The cursed child changes that. It's a very bad play but still canon
Time Turners don't allow someone to change the past, they simply allow someone to revisit events which they otherwise may have missed. In Hermione's case she didn't change the past by using the time turner to attend extra classes she simply attended classes which were going to happen with or without her attending and which her attendance made no difference to.
No, anything you do with a time turner has already been done by you, with a time turned, in the past, as far as the third book is concerned, it creates a stable time loop.
then they never would have seen buckbeak die
They didn't see it die, they heard the axe and thought it died then.
>black Hermione is canon
>her not being able to identify a Polyjuice Potion is canon
Fuck no.
didnt they see the adults behaving as if the killing had really taken place
No. After that they went into the forest since Scabbers broke free from Ron's grip. Remember that all they heard was the axe falling and hitting something. What was later revealed via the time turner was that the headsman had simply struck a pumpkin out of anger for being robbed of his prisoner.
Dumbledore knew of the wacky Voldemort shit was going on, so as a precaution to protect Harry, he put one of the most powerful magical items in the hands of one of the most trusted students, under the guise of letting her take extra classes.
>use time turner
>go back in time and kill myself
The past has changed. JK Rowling is a brainlet
Still doesn't work as once the time turner runs out you'd just be teleported back to the present before you went back in time to kill past you.
Some retards seem to think Harry should use a time turner to save his parents. Retards don't realize that he'd completely leave his own timeline forever and still have to live out all those years in the past.
Time turners are best used in very small increments.
Did none of you people read the books, or watch the movies?
Harry saves his own fucking life after going back in time.
So he would leave his shitty live and go back to being a kid with his real parents? Sounds good to me
Yes but that was part of the overarching timeline. There's this idea that Harry going back in time put him into a different timeline but it didn't. For the duration of the time in which he was in the past he was only doing what was supposed to happen the entire time. He didn't actually change anything, he simply fulfilled what was supposed to happen.
Someone should have used a time turner to prevent the creation of the one of dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>theres this idea
Great idea but that's not what happens in the movie or books. He changes the past.
He fulfilled something that would've been impossible if he hadn't changed the past.
He couldn't even do that though, time turners don't work in that way.
They create stable time loops, harrys parents definitely died, so he can't go back and change that.
Buckbeak was always saved, the events had always transpired that way, he'd never died, they just went back and went through the motions which had already occurred.
This shit isn't hard c'mon Sup Forums
She said it was canon, but it shouldn't be because she's a fucking hack. Cursed Child contradicts the theory of time in the entire Prisoner of Azkaban. They both can't exist in the same universe.
Look, you guys are overthinking it.
Time travel is incredibly difficult to write and unless you are extremely intelligent you end up creating paradoxes or plot holes where the person could have used time travel to overcome whatever the plot is throwing at them.
The reason she stopped putting them in the books was because she realized the problems inherent with including them in her story too late, and point blank she was not smart enough to be able to write stories that included a device that lets you travel in time.
>Time travelers change the past
>We only see the timeline in the way they changed it
>This means you can't change the past
You seems like a special brand of stupid.
He doesn't change the past because he never dies. If he died, there would be no Harry able to travel back in time.
Nothing was changed in the timeline. Harry saved Harry's life from the dementors, which then allowed Harry to travel back in time and save Harry's life. It's a stable time loop that can't be interrupted or changed.
>I am retarded and don't know about stable time loops
Yes, I'm quoting you.
Why do you guys assume you know how time or time-turners work? Maybe sometimes they create closed loops and sometimes they break everything. Why is this so hard to believe?
Nah man you're just a brainlet who can't comprehend timelines.
Unless it's been an altering timeloop, due to constant changes.
>Harry dies to dementors
>time travel
>someone saves Harry's life
>Harry can now be part of the time travel group
>Harry can now save himself
>This creates a stable loop
>This means the past can and has been changed.
The fact that people from the future travel back in time and affect events means time travel can change the past, regardless.
That guy made MacArthur Park a hit, never forget
>>Harry dies to dementors
Your argument falls apart from the very start as this never happens in the first place. Harry going back in time to save himself was apart of the macro timeline all along.
>universe with magic
>time is linear
It is a story for kids OP. It's mostly about the atmosphere and mystery, not so much about logic and reason.
Pic related, text-based piece of chinese pornography actually does a better job of building a believable magical world than HP ever does.
But if they did either of those things, how would anyone know?
That wasn't my pic
>what are time loop initiation events
You don't even have a grasp on the basic principles of Stable Time Loop Time Travel Theory baka
you were right the first time
>text-based piece of chinese pornography actually does a better job of building a believable magical world than HP ever does
>inject your semen into a ghost to refill its magical power
Harry can't die to dementors if someone was going to save him in the first place. The time travel in the Harry Potter universe, is not like most time travel theories, at least not common in media. It's difficult to understand for most people in these HP threads.
It doesn't operate on different time lines. There is only one, consistent time line in Harry Potter. It's not like Back to the Future, where time travel will alter events and create a new timeline. In Harry Potter, these "altered events" have already occurred and will always occur. Harry will always save Harry because it has occurred. Nothing will change that.
Let me put it this way. Say your home was invaded in the night, and a man came and killed your spouse. This occurs in the original timeline. In Back to the Future, you could travel back in time, and stop the murder from taking place. That means that timeline has been altered, and your wife would live on in the alternate timeline.
In Harry Potter, you would have already stopped the murder from taking place, so the murder never occurs. There is no original timeline or altered timeline; There is only one timeline. So in your first ever experience of the event, you would witness yourself stopping the murder, or if it happens out of your knowledge, you would never know a murder was going to take place. This is why changing the past is impossible. If you see your wife being murdered, you can know for sure that going back in time won't change anything, because you can assume that if you go back in time, your attempt would be unsuccessful. On the other side, if you see your double enter your house and stop the murder from taking place, you know that you must time travel at some point in the future to carry out your double's actions.
This is pretty much as best as I can explain it. Wiki might have some extra info for you. en.wikipedia.org
You can only time travel and act out what has already occurred.
Well, in between the fucking it makes sense.
Mages using cars and planes, practicing magic in their own basements instead of having a huge castle that somehow no muggle ever found, that sort of stuff.
The whole thing gets stupid at the very beginning, when a magic school never predicted that some students might want to take part in all the possible lessons and created a schedule impossible to follow.
Then, instead of fixing the fucking schedule or providing miss Granger a private lessons, the principal gives a 13yold a super forbidden time machine, which is later used to save an animal unsuited for work with kids, which was brought by a highly incompetent teacher.
Basically Harry Potter is not a very deep or well constructed book and It's fucking silly to seriously discuss the worldbuilding.
you retard try and understand what a stable closed time loop is
All that work to prove that you indeed don't understand loop initiation events.
Citing wikipedia, even.
Well done.
>unless you are extremely intelligent
oh yeah understanding how a time loop works is ofcourse some fukken metaphysical quantum maths and takes 150+ iq to understand and also quite possibly you'll go at least partly insane like absolute majority of top tier mathematicians in academia do, right? right? wrong.
A lot of things doesn't make much sense but funnily enough, the semen thing isn't one of them.
But yeah, probably still more consistent than HP universe
>time travel can change the past
then this is simply semantical game, you play with words, aight, but the gist is the same, past doesnt change because it's a part of a ROPE which now has a LOOP on it.
get the fuck outta here with that surface level understanding of loops fag
Traveling back in time is itself a paradox.
Get It already that a stable time loop is merely one of the possible end results.
Time travel doesn't exist dumbasses it's a fantasy concept
It can adhere to any rules the author set up.
No way
Welcome back
I'm willing to concede that the observable past is not able to be altered whenever a stable loop is in place, sure.
itt people without an understanding of causality
he didn't say make sense he said "believable"
well explained
sure showed how smart you are
Because the only canon use of time turners we see is that Hermione uses it to take extra classes and to provide aid from a distance.
It's pretty obviously not creating a new timeline since the first time we see the events Hermione and Harry are there interfering without being seen. Harry sees the patronus then knows he can cast it because he's already done it.
Long story short they just created a time loop within a certain frame of time that they could interact with. It's not a new timeline. Although it would still be very dangerous and stupid to fuck around with it any more than a few hours.
I just don't understand why they went back the very first time. was it just so they could save buckbeak or something
Sirius through Buckbeak. Remember that they flew to the tower where Sirius was being held with Buckbeak's help. In a more meta sense though they also saved themselves in the process.
>Because the only canon use of time turners we see is that Hermione uses it to take extra classes and to provide aid from a distance.
this is the big part that, for me, just makes the entire thing absolutely awful writing. a character is using this very powerful artifact with time altering consequences to take extra classes. She could be up to all sorts of terrible shit with that. it could be stolen from her and suddenly one of the slytherin lads is running around doing whatever he wants. it's just a terrible idea and much better plot devices could have been used.
It's almost like the rules of magic in this series are completely random
and ridiculous and made up as the story went along solely to serve the plot, and any inconsistencies brought up by fans are explained with lazy copouts like Da Rule book. It's almost as if this series was written by a hack cunt author.
ok but what about in the first timeline if harry never got hit in the head with that pebble wouldn't they have just been caught by dumbledore and shit, so it would have been a whole bunch of different events wouldn't it?
The time turner was given to her by McGonnegal who trusted Hermione to only use it for the purposes of taking extra classes. McGonnegal knew Hermione had great potential and so saw no harm in it and obviously stressed the need to be careful with it to her. Besides the time turner doesn't alter time it simply allows one to travel back in time.
user there is no first timeline there's only one timeline so Harry was always going to be hit in the head with that pebble.
And she didn't use it only for other classes she used it when they needed to save buckbeak, so clearly even she isn't totally 100% trustworthy.
>every position but one is pointless.
>only two people playing are worthwhile to their team.
Agreed. She stopped using it thereafter precisely because of her desire to no longer travel back in time like that. It's one thing to use time travel to learn more and quite another to time travel under stress to save your hypogriff friend and one of your best friend's godfather.
>t. thinks that getting the snitch equals an automatic win.
Hp universe has a linear non branching time line
It's full of paradoxes
>time travel
Not. Even. Once. It's basically how to shit up your entire worldbuilding 101
>game is played millions of times
>a handful of times the seeker hasn't automatically won the game
I didn't cite it, just wrote my understanding and linked for more information if that guy needed it.
What was wrong with what I said?
>Someone should have used a time turner to prevent the creation of the one of dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises.
The Seeker is an important player but they're only as useful as their team allows them to be. Catching the snitch gives the team that caught it 150 points and ends the game but unless that 150 points is going to put their team over the other team's score then it's in the seeker's interest not to catch the snitch and to prevent the other seeker from catching it long enough for their own team to try and gain enough points to make their own seeker catching the snitch a win. So catching the snitch is imperative for both teams early game but once the scores start to deviate highly from one another it's only in the interests of one team that the snitch be caught. That doesn't mean the rest of the team is useless it just means that their job is to set up the seeker to catch the snitch. That's like saying the defense and midfield players in football are useless because they don't score themselves.
Why didn't this numpty just tell Harry he was a horcrux from the start?
but there had to have been a time when they hadn't yet gone back
Okay think of it like this. There's only one timeline but there are multiple Harry's on it each existing within their own present sphere of time. Upon travelling back in time, each Harry interacts with and is saved by the one who is further up on the timeline and then saves the Harry who is further back once he reaches the same point. It's like a neverending conveyor belt of the same outcome every time. As for the original Harry going back in time and saving himself, which is what I assume your gripe is, the original timeline isn't so much one that started at point A and conceived itself from there; instead it was conceived in its entirety with each Harry in the timeline being conceived out of nothingness along their own place in the timeline.
>they couldn't have used the time turners to fight Voldemort, it's too dangerous to mess with time travel!
>they literally give one to an 13 year old girl so she can take more classes
because he wanted him to have a good, normal life, spent under the stairs with an abusive family for eleven years
No but movies still get it wrong any time time travel in involved
Or just have killed the little shit?
He would have to go anyway.
that opening was pretty good
Didnt they work like in primer? If so youd just be dead and the future people could even find your (slightly older than normal) corpse.
So what if I'm having a wank, and then all of a sudden myself walks into the room and starts giving me head. I'm really horny at this time so I just roll with it.
I blow my load down the throat of my future self, and then satisfied, button my pants up as my future self hands me a time turner, winks, then leaves the room. Then it dawns on me, I'm going to have to use the time turner to go back in time and give myself head.
Was it rape?
so? as soon as they had one invented why did nobody just say fuck it and go back to assassinate voldemort age 5 or something? or kill his mother? it makes no sense
because killing young volde to prevent the war isnt as smart as you think
for all you know killing volde might just give some other weird kid the chance to grow up to be an even worse kind of dark wizard, resulting in more deaths, its unpredictable
changing the past like that is a serious coin flip, it could end up better but just as easily could end up worse.
thats why they are only used for small things as the smaller the thing the less likely of a huge fuck up,
so basically time is already laid out and their is no free will
>Atlas Shrugged
>God Tier
>Brave New World and Catch-22
>Low Tier
>Huck Finn
>shit tier
>A fucking Kanye book
Jesus fuck I hope this is some troll image.
Brave New World proves itself more topical with each passing day, and Catch-22 is a masterful achievement in structure if nothing else.
Atlas Shrugged is one of the most overrated books of all time. And this is not a political thing. I mean the book itself is written like shit. Clearly Rand had too much freedom, all the evil characters are hideous with names like Mouch while the good characters are all beautiful paragons, the prose is so flowery it is at times unreadable, and the book goes on way too fucking long and everything that happens is just too convenient. Hell, Rand doesn't even know what the fuck a motor is, as John Galt's miracle "engine" is actually a generator.
The Fountainhead is a far superior book, leaner with better developed and interesting characters, snappier dialogue, tighter editing, better delivery of its message, and economy of word. Atlas Shrugged is a 2000 page turd.
>when a magic school never predicted that some students might want to take part in all the possible lessons and created a schedule impossible to follow.
That's literally just the same as any college in the world.
based dullest franchiseposter
Oh look another OP that is wrong. A shitposter who can't even understand harry potter. You can't change anything and Buckbeak never dies. See the novikov self consistency principle. Nuke this board already.