>tfw they're going to fuck up the MGS movie
>It's gonna be 90% action and have a meme actor as snake
Tfw they're going to fuck up the MGS movie
What the fuck is a meme actor?
someone that Sup Forums hates and OP doesn't want to seem like an even bigger fag
mads mikkelsen
>we will never have a mgs movie about memes, finding love on the battlefield, video games essentially being vr training for war and child soldiers using nanomachine
>MGS movie
>cast a bunch of hotshot actors like Kurt Russel, Emma Stone
>get Kojima for creative input
>Blomkamp or Villeneuve to direct
>someone competent to write
>everything lines up
>everyone is excited for the film
>everyone goes to the film
>Zac Efron takes over ten minutes into the film
>film is a romcom about Raiden's relationship with Rose played by Emma Stone
>raiden gets cucked by jetstream sam, roy campbell, and finally snake, only to become Jack the Ripper and kills himself
I relate to raiden too much
>90% action game
>it's gonna be bad as a 90% action movie
Unless Kojima directs it, it'll be a pile of shit,
>90% action game
more like 90% cutscene game
And it will be shit if they do typical hollywood action directing with 90 cuts per second. They will never capture this magic on film
>sneaking around as slowly and as quietly as possible is action
Kurt Russel is too old, even for big boss
liquid ocelot was best ocelot.
>inb4 they cast a guy who doesnt have the same ass as Snake
that would be 50 times better than what we will get
the director is a huge anti drumpf blowhard with an undeserved ego and zero originality or talent
there is literally no way this won't be raw fucking sewage bargain bin trash
>casting emma stone
I remember when /r9k/ made these.
pepe is a normie meme now
also known as facebook frog
THIS is your director lads
>Averages 6/10 reviews
>Is a normie 'awesome bro' hipster nerd
>Will have quips every 5 seconds
>Fassbender will be snake
>Will be filled with 'awesome CGI'
>Will have 'awesome soundtrack'
>mads will be ocelot
>Jlaw will be meryl
>James mcavoy will be vamp
>Nicholas hoult as otacon
>Ian mckellen will be the end
>Sam Jackson will be darpa chief
>Ryan Reynolds as Raiden
>All with have respective quips referring to their most popular films cause 'I got that reference I'm such a nerd'
>Kojima will have little input cause konami and he doesn't care anymore
>Will have 10 cuts a second for action scenes
>Will sneak for only 5 minutes the entire film
>Nerd culture will shit all over this series further as we will hear for the next 10 years 'MGS is favourite game, I'm such a nerd, I grew up with them'
Kojima got out at the right time.
>Ryan Reynolds as Raiden
>Slashes his way into the room
>CGI backflips and bouncing off walls
>Freeze frame
>"You're probably wondering how I got here? My bitch of a girlfriend thought I forgot what day it is. But I don't need to worry about that, I AM LIGHTNING"
>CGI action intensifies as he continues his flips and slicing guards in half whilst shooting lightning everywhere
>Ballroom Blitz playing in the background
mads mikkelsen is the opposite of a meme actor
>tfw Snake is black
mads mikkelsen is the most meme actor of the last 3 years. he sells movies while only having 3 minutes of screen time. going mainstream really ruined him. fuck that guy
Who the fuck would make an image like this? Why, just why?
fuck off back to R E D D I T you stupid newfaggot
>Rogue One
>Doctor Strange
>Rihanna: Bitch Better Have My Money
>also in a reddit tv show for 3 years
keep living in denial
>implying MGS has some superb storytelling and plot
It's just typical parody of action flick starring Kurt Russel, it doesn't deserve to be adapted into nothing else but 90% action
So has there actually been a MGS movie announced or is Sup Forums just pre emptively meming?
How are they going to do Psycho Mantis?
It's coming.
This is the director. The script is coming, and at E3 him and Kojima sat on stage wanking each other off
You like Bane, don't you?
not just that
it also has tons of cringe worthy dialogue, melodramatic moments, shitty humor even by Nip standard
It's a video game movie, it's destined to be shit and always has been
>Played by Idris Elba
>If you are in those 4DX seats he sprays you with water and makes you smell his farts while the chair shakes violently
>He will name the cinema chain you're in if you're in a normal screen
Who cares? Kojima is a hack and hasn't written anything worthwhile in his entire memelord existence.
Lurk moar stupid tripfag.
>Psycho Mantis scene
>credits start to roll
>theater employees are instructed to turn the lights on
>people start walking out
>movie resumes as normal
>How are they going to do Psycho Mantis?
make him deadpool
>Heh... Metal Gear?! Nanomachines?! That's impossible!
>Heh you're pretty good
>Such lust for revenge! Played us like a damn fiddle!
Don't forget
>Raiden, you've got to go stick your dick into a node so that I know your blood type.
Reddit approved actor
Just a black screen for 10 seconds. and a very small "hideo" in the top left corner. What are some ways to break the forth wall in a movie?
It's going to be R-rated as well. I'm expecting something like Deadpool
They wouldn't have the balls to even try that
>Psycho Mantis scene
>screening room gets stormed by soldiers with guns
>people shit their pants
>haha it's just a part of the plan kid
A stringy white male walks in and starts firing blanks with an assault rifle at the audience.
>Sam L Jackson as DARPA chief
>Has his 5 minute monologue backstory
>Snake "Metal gear?"
>Heart attack intensifies
>"Say metal gear again, I dare you mother fuck--ugh"
At best they'll do a "film burns" or "signal not found" transition.
he takes off his gas mask and underneath its kojima and he gives a 2 minute monologue then the movie resumes as if nothing happened