>average white british child
Average white british child
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I read an article about this earlier.
Whites like him and his parents deserve worse than any of the Muslim muds. Feed them to dogs.
>Just another day at school
To British for me
Kill the traitor before you kill the enemy.
Fukken what?
>killing mudslime
What's the problem?
He's living the dream.
>white British
Is there any other kind?
Looks like Jorge's mom finally let him be hardcore.
He looks like he comes from a fucking chav family. He just has that slightly inbred look about him. The shitty parents should be executed.
Well the next time some "innocent kids" get bombed you can always show this, along with the other video they did.
Why do the kid always wear that same camo uniform? Did they get a good deal on kid sized muslim camo dresses?
yes tanned europeans are popular right now
No al-Americi yet?
That looks like Walsall. It's terrible in Walsall
What are you guys even doing over there, don't grammar schools have sports teams? No chants for the "football" team?
What about middle school or high school?
White cucks fucking each other while Arabs dominate and breed our white women.
Just the way it should be
Looking at his blank stare, he's probably on drugs. And brainwash.
the dream is to run over 84 french people
Why are people down voting that video? "I don't like the message, shoot the messenger."
All the mass executions, and burnings, and beheadings, and Emperors Children-tier execution orgies and THIS is what triggers people.
Oh they used some white kid this time.
Fucking really? That's what it takes? Literally guys getting run over alive by tank treads and 12 year olds getting their heads sawn off and it's flick over to the Kardashians. But get some Brit-sprout in the shot and it's "Stop the Presses!", "Must see TV". Suddenly now people are interested.
Literally the Eminem of Isis.
He didn't pull the trigger. He pussied out. Look closely.
Really encourages neural activation
Yes, we are really racist over here. Does that surprise you?
baby boomers
He's pale but those features ain't white. Coal burning confirmed.
>t. Abu Abdallah Al-Britani
Which one? They all look British to me.
I'd have no problem chopping their limbs off and then knocking out their teeth with a hammer t b h
>Already said it many times over
They are raising their child soldiers to kill your kids on the playground and to be innocent looking and shoot you on the streets.
Eating kebab isn't worth this price.
Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for these kids lives and the lives they'll take.
I didn't know Joe Rogan had been captured by ISIS
The difference is one of them is one of us.
I don't care how many royal African bloodlines are killed in a day so long as no white people die.
ISIS Has to stop watching Code Geass over and over again ?
Bolton iirc lad
>Up until this moment Sup Forums has loved muslims and in particular ISIS
Really faggot?
savoury czech memes i see
They're cute desu
would do nice things
If only the Krauts won a world war
looks like an african-like nose or some shit
Looks like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
>people are STILL surrendering
What's the problem here? It literally translates to "God is great".
Exactly m8 !
Also if you kill your ennemies they win !
These faggots arent even trying to hide that amerifats are suplying them with gear
fake and gay
Americans supply kid sized BDU's?
Imagine walking down the street and suddenly hearing the chants of Allah's child soldiers from around the corner. Reminds me of the Hussites.
Inshallah brother, Brexit now and let us kick out those kuffar Polish bastards from the prophet's republic!
>why does no one care when mudslimes behave like mudslimes but it is suddenly news when an European does it
sincerely encouraged me to consider
>Grammar schools.
Very few exist
>Sports teams
Don't really have chants
lmao @ how casually he says that
anyway, get him locked up
>Kill the traitor before you kill the enemy.
So kill all the SJWs/ Feminists/ Antifa/ Corrupt Politicians and any other beta fuck that voted in the shitskins?
I like the way you think
London has a Mudslime mayor so I'm not surprised.
That's what Codreanu taught us.
You should read his book "For my legionaries" it's amazing.
Wow, what a fucking coincidence that this just happens to go viral after Nigel appeared at the American Donald Trump rally
I wonder how much Obama paid this family to get their son to appear in this isis propaganda bullshit
I love the internet
I will save the link to my MUST READ/WATCH folder
holy fuck man. how has no one in that area snapped and gone full brevik?
yea i wouldnt be surprised if he was Slavic
Pig nose
At least this kid has the bollocks to do what he believes in. Hes wrong and hes a little cunt but when there is one white dude over there and one white dude murdering it puts the western whites to shame when there are 100's of millions over here and not 1 killing.
yeah I was think slav tier face
Kid has a nigger nose
D aily
I sis
P ropaganda
nigger albino maybe
They are all pakistannis in Bolton now. It's a dying old northern industrial town with little hope. The police are under funded and beyond jaded. The only thing real Brits can do is leave where decent people and commerce is possible. This results in unemplyable council estate scum and pakis being left in the ex-industrial wasteland with only crime as the hope of anything beyond a minimum wage job.
This is a complete turn around from the south where the unemployable cannot afford housing and thus cerating areas of great divide.
This is England.
To be honest, none of those kids except for the tall dark one look like they even want to be there. Its fucking sad that ISIS has to threaten their own goddamn people to act in propaganda videos like this.
Was it worth it, winning WW2?
Europe is done... It's over and out! game over man!
We lost
eternally triggered..
Slovenia. more like
hasnt contributed to the worldia
Hi my name is...
My name is...
My name ... jigga jigga
Al Britaini
Looks more like a mick to me
Krauts import Muslims.
So how did he get there? Was he kidnapped, ran away, mother a kebab burner?
uh huh. /hc/, /d/, and Sup Forums posts belong in /hc/, /d/, and Sup Forums threads
i went to a school that was all white these are muslim schools you dont see this in church of england schools
He'd rather be on the winning side, bong.
You don't even protect your children, then act all upset when they defect; you let muslims in by the thousands who don't want to assimilate or even learn your language, and somehow this kid is shocking to you.
>abu abdullah al-britani
I feel like this will finally motivate mothers to denounce islam, seeing as they're children are now vulnerable to being converted
>Getting an education in an Islamic Republic
Young vipers are worse than adult vipers.