How many of you Brits own guns? (Also, those in other countries where gun ownership is not an automatic right.)
>How should you go about getting one?
>What should you get?
>How/where can you practise?
How many of you Brits own guns? (Also, those in other countries where gun ownership is not an automatic right.)
>How should you go about getting one?
>What should you get?
>How/where can you practise?
Other urls found in this thread:
i have a 22. live which is pretty much the only gun worth getting in the UK..
The trouble is in this country is not getting guns its going somewhere to shoot them.. theres only 3 ranges which accepted higher calibres near me and by *near i mean 2hrs each way.
-Get a firearms licence, say your joining xxx club on the for to say why you want a gun. club usually makes you be a tempory member for 4-6 months before they give you membership, once you get that then get the guns lockers and shit, get the police check at your house, now you can purchase guns freely.
if your into shotguns these are easier to shoot, theres clubs everywhere, also takes no time to own a shotgun.
Jesus. Sounds like it would be easier to just emigrate.
wheres a good state to move to
You don't need a firearms license for a CO2 pistol of .175 cal, that's all I'm gonna say. I'm a paki BTW.
shotguns and lee enfields n shit
why is that
>91% white
>56,000 sq miles
>87% white
>50,000 sq miles
How can England even compete?
2 shotguns.
>other britcunts owning guns
sounds far-fetched, like when people on Sup Forums say they have children -- post proofs lads
England is 87% white british. It's like 5% other white, so that's whiter than Iowa.
A state isn't a country, and your whole country i s less than 60%.
Americans are mostly materialist scum as well.
fully-semi automatic tactical bolt action spoon launcher 47
Yes, we can have guns but it's made so difficult that it isn't really worth to get one if you aren't a hunter or sports shooter.
When you apply for a gun license you are considered a potential spree killer etc.
You can never truly own private firearms as you have to practice with someone else's gun two years before you can buy your "own" firearms.You also have to be a member of some clubs even after this. Otherwise you will never get a license.
All guns are technically owned by the government. Funny thing is that in June an assault rifle stolen from the border guard was used to kill a police officer and critically injure another one.
2 shot guns browning under and over 12 bore.
but we live on a 2000 acre farm, the guns are locked away and we have licences for them
I also have a 4/10 and no3, very old.
Nice try Liam.
My state is bigger than all of England m8. You could even move to a whiter state than Iowa is. It's like every single state is it's own white country.
All that land...all that FREEDOM.. tell me, you can almost taste it can't you?
I own a high capacity assault staple gun (just got my license after I passed the non negotiable 4 year training course)
>accepting those jewish wikipedia statistics
holy shit americucks are DELUDED.
americans are materialistic, racemixed nonspiritual degenerate untermensch.
I sometimes love British threads
>actually there's 5% other white
>no here's what it actually says
>t-those statistics are jewish lies!
Jesus m8 you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
Come home, white man.
untermensch detected
I think you are fooling yourself with your own stats mate.
The USA includes North Africans and Arabs in it's definition of 'white' - let alone all those half-breeds who consider themselves white.
I don't want to start yank-bashing but don't try and tell us a load of bollocks either.
>pot calling the kettle black
>untermensch detected
>look at flag
wew lad
How did a UK firearms treat turn into % of whites in the US debate again???
Yes, my state is quite well known for having so many arabs and north africans.
Dunno, just sitting back and enjoying the bantz
Some brit sperged out again and got absolutely BTFO.
Because a Yank decided to make a post
The English are Germanic, and are the masterrace.
>US has the only majority muslim city in the Western World
Fuck it. Just going to buy a pissing air rifle.
Pakman knows.
Dearborn? They're less than 50% there. Also 98,000 people is hardly a city.
Besides, like I've said my state is bigger than your whole country and Dearborn is like two or four Englands away from me.
>How many of you Brits own guns?
legally about 700,000 apparently
higher than it has been for some time
illegally i'm sure bodgan who hangs around the betting shop could fix you up
get a crossbow instead
>my state is bigger than your whole country
"muh muh muh state england is small country muh"
except you don't have history, an actual religion (cucksianity doesn't count) and you're materialist degenerates
There might be a muslim mayor in our capital. (america has a nigger woman in theirs)
but in addition to this their capital city has Muslim holidays . . .. we don't have those in Britain and I don't think they do in Europe either.
No. Hamtramck.
And your shitty stats falsify how many mussies are in Dearborn - like I said before, you count Arabs and North Africans as white.
This is the gun I own.
It's pretty easy if you live in the countryside like me. Join a gun club and request a license, tell the police you shoot for fun or you can just say that you have a rabbit problem
Done. Have to be 14 and over
americans are KEKS
>getting this triggered
Listen man I know you have to be terribly jealous of my 91% white state that's bigger than your entire country but you're just grasping at straws now.
>christianity isn't a religion
Come on m8
Weird, never heard of that. Seeing as 22,000 people live there, there's probably a neighborhood in Brussels or Rotherham that has more muzzies in it kek
Also the wiki on Dearborn breaks down how many muslims there are in the city, which is still less than half.
someone needs to fix that image. americans do not have fucking tea kettles on our desks, or that other little thing either.
It's actually classed as a city - not a neighbourhood.
damn this americuck is triggered.
>average british woman
Yeah we got a real caliphate going on over here.
it's strange that all those muslims decided that hamtramck would be a good place for them. even the name is haram. they'll probably rename it to chickentramck or something i guess
>average American woman
Own a .22 air rifle.
Used to fire proper rifles when I was in the ATC.
But there's no time for that now.
how many americans have been murdered by muslims in, say, the past 15 years?
Why have you cunts forgotten the 1689 Bill of Rights. Which is what the 2nd ammendment is based on (americans chimping out because they thought their rights of englishmen were being abused).
1400 over 16 years big deal.
Try 35,000 nigger on white rapes EVERY year.
quintessentially British
No we haven't forgotten.
As others have pointed out, it's not difficult to get a gun here if you want one - we just don't need to be armed to the teeth to go and buy a pint of milk.
>ITT: Whites attacking other whites
around 25,000 rapes per year in England and Wales from non-whites. Although that's only when they actually report the race of the perpetrator.
Florida is pretty lax, but full of rednecks and spics. But I can pretty much get anything here.
Maine is good if you're cool with the cold. 113 average IQ in that state.
Anywhere in the Midwest.
You are on full damage control and you are embarrassing yourself.
If it was that easy to move to the US I would have gotten up and left already.
funny, 20 years ago there were probably only about 1% muslims in the uk as well
better get used to it paco, those people breed like flies
in 20 years, headlines like this will alternate with ones about mexican cartel massacres
nice butt plug attachment
>hurr damage control
Listen, 25,000 rapes from non whites in your small country is huge in comparison to 35,000 in gigantic America. That's almost sweden-tier.
How would you know if the 91% statistic doesn't reflect that?
>25,000 rapes from non whites in your small country
That's because it's not true . .. .TOTAL sexual assaults come to that figure but it's nothing to do with non-whites.
In addition a pat on the bum is considered 'sexual assault.
Please stop making things up.
oh look, i can find pictures like that too
now show us some pictures from schools in detroit or baltimore
>this damage control
1/21 children are white.
How promising.
Move to Northern Ireland, you can legal have a firearm for the purpose of self defense there.
i like how the muslim infections in that picture look like pacman ghosts
worst paramilitary nicknames ever
Reminder that America considers these Whiteâ„¢
Not an argument
Nice posed picture.
If you fired an RPG there, they would all be toast.
For crime statistics so it doesn't look so completely awful when you see niggers committing almost all the crime.
Also they're changing this now.
>It's illegal to own even a basic shotgun in the UK if you have ever suffered from depression or taken anti-depressants
What the fug. I took sertraline to help with my concentration - now I'm forbidden from hunting and my family has to just accept being raped by home invaders.
I'm not sure that's entirely true.
The family doctor is required to give an assessment of the applicant, obviously if they are suicidal then they will not recommend approval.
So how hard is it to get one of these in bongland?
That's OK I suppose.
Do you know the rules about hoarding ammunition by any chance? Is there a limit?
What's wrong with Finland?
It just requires a FAC.
Details are online.
The local Police will issue a cap on ammo depending on what you have but as far as I am aware you can increase it (like cheaper bulk purchase etc.) - I'm not totally sure on this though.
Firegun license is too much work here. You have to keep it all the time in a safe mounted in your house, police can come anytime a year for a check and if it isn't there you'll have a problem. You also have to get a license every other year and you may only carry the gun concealed in a bag where you couldn't use it anywhere near fast to the shooting range and back. It's really way easier and cheaper to get a gun illegaly over here.
I have a 270 rifle with suppressor. I use it to kill seals when they interact with my salmon farm. All legal
Did you have to do a training course mate, like you do for deer and shit (clean kill).
I'm guessing you are in Scotland.
Are you Brits at all able to acquire antique guns of your military heritage such as Martini Henery or Sniders? If so, what about Lee Enfeilds?
>How should you go about getting one?
>What should you get?
2+1 shotgun
>How/where can you practise?
Your own land or someone else's land with their permission provided it's more than 10m from a main road.#
I would recommend everyone get at least this. Getting a firearms licence is a pain in a growing number of constituencies since it's "may issue". Shotgun certificates are still "shall issue".
Not gonna lie. I want one of those too. Just can't support it because gun grabbers will try to make everyone own just that.
And it's quite common too.
Funnily enough we can also collect old pistols and shit like ww2 Lugers but they come under a section 8 licence (no ammo, no firing, and 'de-acticated')
Yeah I actually like it a lot too.
I even really like these NY/CA legal ar15s but I would never admit that in real life.
Yeah, it sucks. We take in all of fucking third world and give them welfare and shit, but make it difficult for Europeans who provide actual human capital to come in. But the Democrats need they're voting base.
Yes - had to do a week long course up in Shetland to get my marksmans ticket to shoot seals. Theyre a heavily protected species. Fuck knows why as they are a plague which decimate wild fish stocks and breed like hell.
I've failed you grammar god!
That's a shame that they would ruin a piece of history that way.